Christian Bale Arrested for Assaulting Family

Weird. But being an actor makes you no saint. Ledger is an Angel he's never do it.
How odd. He's always looked like he had a serious and private demeanor. Hopefully this all will be cleared up. But until then: Guilty until proven innocent.

"Christian Bale attended a London police station today, on a voluntary basis, in order to assist with an allegation that had been made against him to the police by his mother and sister," the actor's reps said in the statement. "Mr. Bale who denies the allegation, co-operated throughout, gave his account in full of the events in question, and has left the station without any charge being made against him by the police. At this time, there will be no further comment by Mr. Bale."

and TMZ is reporting rumors that the accusations were for *verbal* assault.

There are reports circulating that Christian Bale was arrested for verbal assault, and one of Bale's reps is echoing that.

Who knew, but we called around jolly old England and found there is such a thing as verbal assault, Class 4 and Class 5. Class 4 is more aggravated than 5, with "an intent to cause alarm."

Was Christian's offense mouthing off to mom? We're checking.
all this over a shouting match!? what are they trying to embarrass him or something?
People say horrible things in the heat of the moment, but unless he was threatening to kill them was it necessary to involve the police? I'm pretty sure if the case had been that he had threatened to kill them or the like the police wouldn't have waited till after his movie premiere to question him... Geez i feel bad for him.
Ha, my nan has been going on and on about him since the Dark Knight has been around.
Love Christian Bale though.. wonder what's happened..?
I read this earlier and I find it hard to believe. He doesn't strike me as being the bully type, and besides, I don't think his wife wouldn't put up with it for that long if he were. I'm thinking his mom and sister considered taking a bite at his fame, what with The Dark Knight being released.
This is rather bananas!
It's a bit of a weird thing to do? And for the girls to go to the police?
If it was just a verbal dispute, it´s quite strange that they filed a complaint...I mean who can say that they never had a big steamy dispute with mom and sister? But I think it may have been somehow rougher (threats or physical violence)...otherwise the police shouldn´t mix up...
Found this on ONTD :flower: ^_^

Sources directly connected with the Christian Bale case tell TMZ there was physical contact between Christian and his mom, but it amounted to next to nothing.

We're told Bale pushed his mom out of the way during the altercation. She was not hurt and did not fall down. There's a division of opinion on whether the contact was a "push" or a "brush."

It seems what was hurt most during the confrontation were feelings...nothing more than feelings.

Source: TMZ via ONTD

Oh dear god :rofl:
I can't picture him as a violent person. I mean we all have our moments were we lash out at each other....
Same here, I could just not picture him as someone who would be violent to his mother or women for that matter. That's a pretty strong accusation to make. He comes off as an intelligent person in all his interviews. He is the star of the moment, and I'm sure the media is just eating this story up, and therefore things could easily get blown out of proportion. I will believe this when I hear an official statement stating his guilt, (which has obviously not happened so far!).
Ok so I'm a HUGE Bale fan and have been on IMDB for like the past 3 hours (I'm ashamed to admit) and, as glassangel and several others pointed out, here are the basic facts:

-No physical contact
-In Britain, "assault" is implicitly verbal
-He wasn't "arrested", he went to the police voluntarily
-There is a story that hasnt been released yet from a man who worked at the hotel saying that Bale is the victim here, that his mom and sister showed up drunk, beat at his door until he showed up, made a huge scene, and his mom hit him from behind. Not official, but that is what him and the security guy are saying
-I think it's a huge misunderstanding that has been blown way out of proportion by the media.

That's it. Can you tell I'm a little in love with him? :)
You people know nothing about Christian Bale. Just because you read his interviews and watch his movies does not mean you know what he is not capable or capable of
sometimes I've wondered how the families of the famous cope with their star shining brighter, to me this suggests they sometimes can't.
Christian has been living in the US for so long he probably cussed in American [e.g. the F word] instead of saying bloody hell, sod off, or other English cuss that someone who over heard it thought he was beating the sh!t out of his mother.

just a thought
You people know nothing about Christian Bale. Just because you read his interviews and watch his movies does not mean you know what he is not capable or capable of

That's why we're all speculating in the "Rumor has it" thread.;)

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