Clothing/Footwear You Love But Cannot Wear...

super high heels. I can do 4inch ones but anything higher is a painful death...
I also second the drop waisted dresses. They look awful on my figure. I also wish I could wear ankle boots but I always look like some kind of stump when I do.
Kimono top/dresses. Ever since I saw a gorgeous one on Rory/Alexis Bledel on one episode of Gilmore Girls, I've wanted one, but they just don't look good on me.
skinny jeans :blush: I allways think people look
Jeans. How I miss jeans! My waist is freakishly big compared to the rest of my body after having a baby (over a year ago!). The rest of me is a 4 or 6, but my waist is like a 10 or 12....just doesn't work. So sad.
i love high waisted shorts but they just fit me awkwardly. and i love it when kate moss wears wellington boots with shorts. it looks great on her but not on me since i'm much shorter
Mustard yellow. I think it's such a lovely color, but with my pasty-pale skin it makes me look awful, and does a disservice to such a great color. The only time I wish I had skin like J.Lo or Jessica Alba...
everything girly and femminine. i like them sumtimes, but there's NO WAY i can wear that. other than i have an extremely broad shoulder,plus it just didnt go with my personality.

and no matter how much i love prints and colours, i wont wear 80% of it. it just..
i dunno, i seriously do not feel comfortable in it.
some more stuff i like on others but are not for me...

peter pan collars
khaki pants
combat boots
mary janes- these go with the peter pan collars
motorcycle jacket - just cannot find the right one
anything really oversized (just overwhelms me and swallows me up)
Ballerinas. :cry: Tried them all, they're all too tight and they all give me blisters even when they're supposed to be broken in. I actually can't find any flat shoes that won't give me blisters. And added bonus: I'm in between sizes! :woot:
Shoe shopping nightmare. :ninja:
Long coats or trench and huge warm jacket. Layering outfit in general.
Flats, I'm tall but I just can't stand being averagely tall (if that makes sense) I always love towering above the crowd.
puffy shoulders...
my narrow shoulders make them droop...
and then it looks like the sleeve is deflated and sad...


ruffled shoulders work much better though...:p
puffy shoulders...
my narrow shoulders make them droop...
and then it looks like the sleeve is deflated and sad...


ruffled shoulders work much better though...:p

i actually found a sweater with really puffy sleeves that works on me!

I'd love to wear shorts, but my legs are very skinny and I don't like the shape of my knees. It's too bad because during the summer months, they are extremely comfortable.
I love all things high-waisted, but I'd never wear them because I worry that they make my boobs look like they grow out of my stomach :blush:
Blazers, I only wear long coats as I'm self conscious about my upper-thigh area.

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