Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Anna doesen't like women of a particular age unles they are Cate Blanchet, Merryl Streep, a first lady or british, Juliene Moore didn't have a cover in like 15 years Even she won an Oscar.
Any rumores about Harpers Bazaar??
“We might see another cover in the future that is a little more” @2:24
So she pretty much confirmed it then.
I like this series because they always let it slip how they rate a Vogue cover as an achievement.
I watched that and thought the same. But then she showed her second Vogue cover so I didnt know if that was what she was referring too?!So she pretty much confirmed it then.
I like this series because they always let it slip how they rate a Vogue cover as an achievement.
Industry is quite fake when the guys are white, thin/muscular and young, as always. Give me some Ragé Page again![]()
Disney always cast a Hugh Grant look a like. Like, really?! Ha, though Jean is muscular and incredible hot stuff, but well, he's the real dream now.How do you condemn Disney for only casting the typical standard of male attractiveness and proceed to request the most uterrly boring, thin and muscular pretty young man in the same sentence?Though I agree, he would've made an excellent prince to Halle's little mermaid. I guess that an all-black cast would've been a tad too revolutionary for Disney.
Katy Perry doesn't sound like a very exciting cover prospect to me.