Creme De La Mer

Chika, I merged your thread with our old CDLM one. I see that you only have a few posts to your name, so welcome! :flower:

I would also like to suggest that you use our search feature before you start a new thread; chances are that there already is one, with all sorts of advice and opinions you could benefit from reading!
As somebody mentioned a couple of days back, if it was such a miracle cream, it would cost a lot more than it actually does.

A friend of mine did a course in beauty, and her class was told by the teacher that CDLM used to be really good, and used a very high percentage of the active ingredients in the cream. It got a great reputation at this point. Then it was bought out by Estee Lauder and they changed the formula, making the % of active ingredients much lower, and expanded the range to non-creme items.

This is what my friend told me - not gospel! :p
I have normal skin with a shiny tip of the nose :lol:
the cream makes me greasy looking so I wear it before bed as it is impossible to use at daytime (too thick) but if i put in on just before bed i get spots so i wait an hour or so before i sleep

The matte pump version however is AMAZING! It is light, non greasy and you can use it under makeup or without and no spots!

I prefer la prarie skin caviar to the original creme de la mer
Hi Tott - Thanks for merging the threads. I did search but nothing came up - i thought it was odd!
I wonder how this product works with eczema? Has anyone who might have that sort of a skin problem tried CDLM to get rid of it?
So how do you actually use it? Warm it with your fingers until thin and then pat on your face?
We did a Beauty Brains investigation for one of our readers about whether this product was worth it.

Creme de la Mer will probably give you very nice results. But it won’t give you technically better results than high quality products that are much cheaper. There is absolutely no facial moisturizer that is worth $200. You can find a $20 product like Olay that works just as well...and maybe even better.
I might be too young to Creme de la mer
But the hand cream is definitely the best as far as I concern.
It's kinda rich so I only use it before going on the plane and it doesn't make my skin dry and peely. If my skin is particularly dry, I use a tiny bit at night. Otherwise, I stick to Clinique's mosturizer.
My favourite thing abou Creme Da La Mer is the counters with the fish :D

Im too poor to comment on the products themeselves :rolleyes:
Loupdeloo said:
I ask because I recently came across an ingredients list, and the second ingredient in it is mineral oil. It also contains petroleum and paraffin. I've always understood mineral oil to be terrible for the skin -- it clogs pores, can't be absorbed, causes blackheads, etc. :sick:

This is why I don't put it near my face anymore because it completely clogged my pores. :yuk: I've got normal/combo skin.

I used the rest of the creme and the lotion as a foot cream. :innocent:
I love far. Ive been using it mainly as my eye cream, and on my face here and there......along with my YSL moisturizer.

My YSL moisturizer is about up and Im deciding whether or not to go with La Mer totally or stick to my YSL.
liberty33r1b said:
does it really help against scars?

Not any better than much less expensive products. The only thing that really works for acne scars is a trip to the dermatologist.
^i've been using La Prairie Retuxturizing Booster for almost 2 years now, and i got rid of all my imperfections and have the smoothest skin ever. it's equally expensive, and before i started with the booster i've also tried CDLM,but only shortly, so there wasn't enought time to really see any results. when a friend then recommended La Prairie, i was immediately hooked, and never used CDLM again i must say. so i was just wondering if the creme would have been as good as la prairie, or not......
I think it does, to some extent.

I am addicted to its fragrance. Anyone else?
Has anyone tried the new Moisturizing Gel Cream? I bought some and I really like it but i didnt know if anyone had more experience than I

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