Demna Gvasalia - Designer, Creative Director of Gucci

The thing about Frida's shows at least is that she strongly diversified her references and inspirations yet making it very Gucci. I did remember that I was actually CURIOUS what other world she was going to move us to. Fine, it was commercial, it wasn't McQueen m, but it was...something. it wasn't like even with Michele when I specifically knew what to expect and I was more or less right in terms of what I saw.

The camel collection from FW 2010, the YSL inspired looks from the SS 2011 show, the gem coloured Veruschka looks of FW 2011, the Art Deco world of SS 2012, the gothic FW 2012, the architectural SS 2013, the femme fatale of FW 2013,,, so much stuff. And it's rare I can count it all down!
This!! We werent looking to Frida for anything grandeur, she delivered sexy desirable clothes for Women at the end of the day, paired with fabulous fashion campaigns that i to this day prefer more than what we have seen over the past decade at Gucci. (I miss M&Ms excessive retouched campaigns)

This whole idea of her being "boring" and her clothes giving "Zara" is just unnecssary not everyone needs to or can be Karl, Lee, etc etc
Frida’s Gucci especially at the end of her tenure was really tired and dusty. Brand perception that time was bad. Gucci wasn’t really in the fashion conversation. Her clothes while fine felt lost and anachronistic for that time. It’s now that we’re used to mediocrity that we see what Frida did as something great when it was just there that time.
We werent looking to Frida for anything grandeur, she delivered sexy desirable clothes for Women at the end of the day, paired with fabulous fashion campaigns that i to this day prefer more than what we have seen over the past decade at Gucci.
Uh oh… be careful, praising women designers on tFS these days is a provocative move. Godspeed. They just get jobs because of their ovaries and uteruses, dontcha know?
I was never a fan of Frida's Gucci. Not the way I dress, not the way I wanna be dressed. Up or down. But reading some comments/posts here, it seems her work was absolutely horrific or tedious to die. Don't think so. It was just not my thing but I can't say it was bad. Why didn't those losers at Kering hire Pilati by the way ? He is still 'available' or am I really living in some sort of a cave? Would have made some more sense than Demna. Would have brought more fun while keep it hi-class.
Did he get rejected for impersonating Margiela during an audition?
Funny he wants so hard to be Margiela, while Margiela seemed to try hard to hide, Demna carries his face everywhere, almost yelling : "look, look at me, at me, here I am, here I go" and so the ego fest (or feast) goes on forever and a day.
i do not know who that is. are you going to answer the question or?
First of all youre not my mother I do not owe you any kind of response so stop the entitlement.

Secondly; Frida navigated Gucci slowly from glamorous it-girls to trophy yacht wives. Mostly selling to middle aged Russian oligarch divorcees. They installed Alessandro to recalibrate the connection with youth and social media. This is well documented strategy. Frida was serving a constantly diminishing client base, they needed to open this up. They succeeded. What I think about their creative output or Frida in general is irrelevant.
First of all youre not my mother I do not owe you any kind of response so stop the entitlement.
if the idea of responding to someone who you chose to engage with is anathema to you, i'd recommend getting off this forum and growing the f*ck up.
What I think about their creative output or Frida in general is irrelevant.
you're absolutely right here; what you think is irrelevant.
First of all youre not my mother I do not owe you any kind of response so stop the entitlement.

Secondly; Frida navigated Gucci slowly from glamorous it-girls to trophy yacht wives. Mostly selling to middle aged Russian oligarch divorcees. They installed Alessandro to recalibrate the connection with youth and social media. This is well documented strategy. Frida was serving a constantly diminishing client base, they needed to open this up. They succeeded. What I think about their creative output or Frida in general is irrelevant.
Sorry not correct:
Knowing friends from with in the company since frida and Tom time i can recollect that frida´s gucci had problems that it was too middle of the road tacky and the client base where everage consumers buying gucci disco bags and tacky G belts with lots of gg logos sneakers etc and fashion show RTW was commonly associated to ZARA level of design integrity even at that period the big SLG and bags sales where non fashionable everyday housewives. ( friends of mine would constantly easily be able to get anything from gucci as an employee because they always wanted to just sell /get rid of surplus stuff and is was like zara prices with constant staff discounts and private sales etc)

LV had similar moment in asia when it was associated with secretaries with marc jacobs end period and miu miu as well had issues that bags where being bought mainly by everage housewives the one with the bows on the side etc.

the brand had no fashion authority and had power due to its big advertising budget and easy hollywood connection as stars could easily wear it.

alessandro installment was pure luck and was not driven by a pre set plan to connect with youth or social media that cam after as his voice in design was more clearly disney.

he was hired after the test men's show because bizzari wanted to accelerate change, that show and following WRT show had nothing to do with youth or social media, but was about alessandro obsessions being unpacked in front of the world the catholic relics and the granny odd beauty and roman drama and melancholia.

the frida you get to read and hear today on her social media the shady and upset full of envy/vindictive person is the frida that she always was , she didn't even like or supported woman in her own industry she was more of a gay f hag type , every stylist that was female she had a problem with ...

just because she made basic pants that look ok on a woman's body dont make her a great designer or feminist , i think thats the point of most critic on her here or in general besides that she is not a great person to begin with.

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