I don't think the man looks THAT bad in the jacket either. I think the name on the label inside of the jacket really generates the negative opinions. Most peoeple wouldn't have a problem with it if the jacket was say YSL or Gucci, ect. but they do because we are biased toward the Dior Homme aesthetic. (Not that I do not feel a bit of that myself ) Dior Homme has been merketed through the use of young, thin, and lanky boys. This man is most certainly not lanky, nor young (but I know many on this thread are not young boys either). I am not trying to judge on one's age, I am just saying that it seems age plays a role in the Dior Homme "look," as well as weight, hair, ect. I completely agree with tricotineacetat that the line is RTW, and the company has to produce items for most body types. It is rather like women's fashion, the clothes certainly look better on 6'0, 110 lbs. girls, but not everyone has that body.