DIY fashion ideas

Just a little update.. I finished the first shoe and I just couldn't resist a couple more studs... so I studded another shoe. It's really old and beat up, so this is like a second life!




My "Rollerlad" is really heavy now! Like three times its initial weight! Now I'll give my fingers a day's rest and tomorrow I'll stud the other shoe and I'll post the result, and maybe some modeling pictures! Stay tuned!
Wow I'm so inspired by everyone! I'm a college student and I really want make some few pieces. Does anyone have any sewing machine suggestions I can get thats inexpensive but gets the job done?
^They look great, I thought about doing it awhile back... maybe I will, on second thought. I've been going stud crazy lately.
i'm not entirely sure this belongs here but...

i have a polo shirt that is kinda lavender in color. what color would be good to dye it to? navy? a proper, deep purple? i don't want it black.
i been thinking about a true navy, since the lavender in the fabric might shine through and give it a slight purple sheen... but i've never overdyed lavender before :lol:
Hi people!
I'm here to ask you a favour: i want a book clutch similar to Olympia Le-Tan book clutch, so I ask you if someone of you know how to do it, please tell me; i will apreciate it so much! :blush:

I leave a photo:

Thanks in advance!!! :flower:
Just a little update.. I finished the first shoe and I just couldn't resist a couple more studs... so I studded another shoe. It's really old and beat up, so this is like a second life!

My "Rollerlad" is really heavy now! Like three times its initial weight! Now I'll give my fingers a day's rest and tomorrow I'll stud the other shoe and I'll post the result, and maybe some modeling pictures! Stay tuned!

OH MY GOD! THOSE ARE TOTALLY AMAZING!! :wub: great job! :flower:
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the spiked shoes look cool but... are they comfortable? i believe you'd feel the studs when you wear the shoes, no?
Hi people!
I'm here to ask you a favour: i want a book clutch similar to Olympia Le-Tan book clutch, so I ask you if someone of you know how to do it, please tell me; i will apreciate it so much! :blush:

I leave a photo:

Thanks in advance!!! :flower:

I have been wanting to do one of these for a while too. I think I'm gonna take a crack at it, so I'll let you know how it goes.


I think the hardest part will actually be the clasp.

Andrea.RL, don't quote pictures or the mods will get ferocious!
the one on the right is cool. :smile:
(oops, sorry I didnt even realize I did.... :s)


*not exactly ferocious...nothing to be afraid of!...
just don't do it again!

I have been wanting to do one of these for a while too. I think I'm gonna take a crack at it, so I'll let you know how it goes.

I think the hardest part will actually be the clasp.

Andrea.RL, don't quote pictures or the mods will get ferocious!

Interesting... the hardest part may be reproducing the book cover but as per the box raw material I know in the home section places like TJ Maxx and Marshall have jewelry/storage boxes that look exactly like those in your pics
i'm not entirely sure this belongs here but...

i have a polo shirt that is kinda lavender in color. what color would be good to dye it to? navy? a proper, deep purple? i don't want it black.
we have a whole thread about dying...
i'll see if i can find a link for you...
Thank's guys!

I've just finished the second shoe and wore them around the house for a while.
I wouldn't describe them as "not comfortable"... but they're definitely heavy, and I can feel the screw heads on some parts. I'll need to take them out on a field trip to see if they actually hurt my feet, and if they do I'll just cover the inside in suede and I'm good! That might not be necessary since I can't wear shoes without socks and that's kind of a protection, but you never know!

Here are two extremely crappy iPhone pics of me wearing the shoes. Sorry about my alien legs.. weeeeird angle! Aaand the socks :blush:(in my defence, I was wearing high tops today, so I'm allowed to wear light grey - not white as they appear - socks since they don't show.. :innocent:). Tomorrow I'll have someone take a couple decent pics and I'll post them. B)



I'm sorry, I keep on forgeting to credit pics.. so, unless stated otherwise, all pictures are by me!
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Wow, well done HPrince.

If I saw you past down the road in these, I would totally think they were the real thing!!! Congratulations bcs they look fantastic!!! :flower:
^^ :smile: Obrigado eu-pt!!

Unfortunately this weekend was not meant to be... A friend's dog had to be put down due to age and I went to have dinner with her and a couple of friends to try and cheer her up. Something extremely casual, so no Rollerlads for me! We ended up staying at her place for the night and the weekend was over.
Next weekend I'll be out snowboarding, so unless I screw a few more studs, this time on the soles, I won't be wearing them either because I don't feel like sliding on anything other than my board!
Honestly I don't know when exactly am I going to wear the shoes, but when I do I'll post the pictures here.

Moving on... I think I might have gone a little bit overboard with the spikes thing.. I'm spiking everything that crosses my path! Luckily there are only a few left now, but that's because I already made some victims! Excess of spikes and Burberry Prorsum's inspiration produced these:

- This shirt was worn one single time... almost a year ago! And I didn't know if or when I would wear it again... Now I can't wait!


- This was a plain black knit jacket with interesting details... It had potential but lacked a little je ne sais quoi. Perfect for warm spring days and chilly summer nights.


- Finally this navy trench coat I got almost two years ago and worn a lot on the first year, but only once last Autumn... Revamped! (as in "vampirized", because the spikes are shaped like vampires' teeth... lol nonsense!)



That's all... for spikes!

While I was high on "DIYing", my poor Vespa's keychain caught my eye. I must confess I tried to "spike it", but it didn't look good... So I turned to my long time love for.. bolts!
I love it that Prada does a reinterpretation of their somewhat iconic keychains (they did it with the bears, the robots...), and I didn't have the opportunity (read: "money") to get the 2010 skull, that was a bionic version of my 2009 pirate skull, and I don't like the 2011 "royal" skull at all... So I "DIYed" mine!



All pictures by me.

This was it before... I was really over the black pearl! But now I feel like I renewed my love for at least another year!

pradaskullkeychain.jpg via

Aaaaaand... that's it! I'm going to chain myself to a pole, have someone hide the spikes away from view and then check in for DIY rehab!

But before I do that, tell me what you think... honestly! Is this too much?? ^^'
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