Dressing to Beat the Heat

the most important thing for any summer garment is that it is machine washable...
like MP said- when it's so hot that everything is sticking to you, you really need to be able to wash the stuff (repeatedly) to get it fresh...
dry cleaning just won't do it...

as a result, as Lucy mentioned, a lot of my higher end designer stuff doesn't get a lot of wear during the hottest days...
i save it for evenings and cooler days...

MP- I also agree on the jwlry thing---
I stick to just one bracelet and some small earrings...and small charm necklaces...

baby powder is my friend...^_^
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oh yeah---
and get out of the city at every opportunity...^_^...
We have 37 degrees :doh:(don't know how much it is in Fahrenheit system, but trust me it's HOT). So I look really trashy nowdays: micro shirts and strapless top:blush::D

The other day I decided to wear a maxi skirt :innocent: Ended up holding up my skirts hem :brows:
I wear black t-shirts and jeans; just like during the other seasons. I've lived in the hot and humid climate here in Columbia for so long, I've gotten used to it.
I dress the same all year long basically.:blush: hot is hot is hot in georgia, no matter what youre wearing.
When it gets over 100, I do change the way I dress a bit. I do wear silk in the summer when the occasion calls for it, but I have a good dry cleaner, and I also drive--there isn't really public transportation here. Still, the car can be pretty damn hot when you get in no matter how high you crank the AC--and I have leather seats. I don't layer in extreme heat, I like things to be fairly loose, and cotton is your friend. Extreme heat has a way of pointing out holes in your wardrobe ... I plan to shop tomorrow for some additional heat-friendly things.
I'm always in such a dilemma when it comes to picking the right shoes on a hot day. Today it's going to be 36°C and I'm meeting friends for an early dinner outside in a restaurant at the lake. I know there will be a storm and rain later in the evening so sandals aren't really an option. But wearing Converse sneakers to dinner isn't really nice either. I will probably end up wearing high heeled ankle boots, and take shoe deodorant with me :lol:
It's generally a problem that I live in the mountains and it gets pretty cold early in the morning and late in the evening in summer, I almost always wear long skinny jeans and take my leather jacket with me even when it's way over 30°C throughout the day because it's too cold for shorts when I leave the house :rolleyes:
I find it really hard to dress when its hot... layering is out of the question and having as little as possible on you is a necessity if you dont want to faint from the heat.
I actually dont like summer at all.
At the moment it mainly about dressing to beat the humidity that comes with the heat..
Everything sticks, it's gross. Teflon clothing would be very welcome.
I mostly wear white during those hot days, preferably sleeveless tops, shorts (because I find a skirts that short pretty undecent and inappropriate, every breath of wind can lift it) and leather sandals.
All clothes made of light natural materials of course. I just hate everything from polyester, even more during summer.
That's unfortunately all I can do in desire to look chic. I hate summers in the city because of that.
It's all about light, loose, bright, breathable and comfortable clothing. I mostly wear shorts with loose tops, dresses (occasionally skirts) + flat sandals.
I as well can't stand polyester and other similar fabrics.

I'm guilty of wearing my hair up or braided almost all the time (this is how I make my life more bearable in heat :D). I also don't wear jewelry except pearl earrings, but my sunglasses and I are inseparable.
as a Seattleite I'm bracing myself for the forecasted 90 degree(!!!!) weekend.
the heat is insane, an average of 80 degrees lately which is about 20 degrees warmer than the typical Seattle weather for this time of year. Can you say global warming!? But that's a whole nother kettle of fish!

Anywhoo, I've been looking around for some light colored legging preferably patterned in light, neutral tones i can wear for work AND play to be worn under long shirts /dresses/skirts in a versatile pattern so it goes with the rest of my wardrobe.

Any suggestions or sightings?

I used to own some great Toile de Jouy patterned dresses and shirts but silly me gave them away/ donated them :doh:

Wearing pure white or beige just isn't practical especially now that I work in a deli kitchen.

I'm thinking patterned white, beige but that's a bit tricky when I don't wanna spend loads of money and shop mainly at thrift stores because of my petit frame.
The heat has landed. :ninja:

My summer wardrobe lacks a pair of summer trousers. At the moment it's really too hot to wear anything but shorts but I refuse to go to work in shorts. -_-
I'm not a big fan of linnen so I hope I'll be able to find something with a loose fit and breathable that isn't linnen.
The same is true here ... just yesterday I added to my wishlist "a pair of lightweight summer trousers." I have some cotton cargo-style capris that I would like in a full-length style. I am making do with what I have ... but next year I plan to add some.
"Summer" fashion inspiration: the forever sultry and stylish Anna Magnani shot by Federico Patellani, heating things up in 1945:

[ellastica scan] PS Proper crediting and linking matters: Please link back to this post if you post this elsewhere. Thank you!
I am officially melting. Currently I am on festival, and can get away with almost anything clothing-wise, but I am dreading having to go to work and actually look professional on Monday.
^^ Wearing jeans and two layers on top, one being long sleeved ... The heat sure got beaten :lol:
^^ oh god I hear you! that feeling when you're fresh out of the shower only to start sweating (while still wet), and have to dress up for work, and don't get me started on putting makeup on while sweating. :doh:

I'm guessing that Sofia pic is from the spring or late summer there, Buenos Aires summers are too humid and crazy hot for layers and regular denim.

Anyway I still swear by linen, it feels as gross as anything else but it dries fast and even when it's not dry it doesn't look too unfortunate (I think?). I love MHL's linen shirts, they're so boxy and still feminine and office friendly, the trousers are awesome too. Also the linen lines by Uniqlo and Muji have great pieces (their dresses!- perfect length, color and always pockets) and tend to be affordable and good quality.. I was in Palm Desert at 43 to 45 some weeks ago and linen and thick loose denim kept me in a good mood. :stuart:

I cannot stand all black winter outfits (makes me feel so odious), but black and navy are my favorites when the heat is crazy. I don't know why people always say it's whites and florals, the sun hit you harder? something about dark colors accumulating temperature..well, not if it's loose!

The upside of having to look professional when it's so hot and you will be running across town all day and being in AC deprived places such as a subway station is that by the afternoon, when you get home and feel disgusting.. taking a shower and laying naked with a fan on until the heat goes down and the fake air starts getting mixed with real evening air, putting on clothes will feel like one of the greatest pleasures on earth. :lol:
SC ever the trend-setter in Birkenstocks, pre-tumblr era fashion craze. That gauzey, linen or cheesecloth type fabric on Sofia looks quite versatile and breathable imo. One of my favorite looks of hers. Reminds me of all of those beautiful vaguely ethnic, Cali vibe tops Phoebe Philo sent down the runway for Chloe SS 2004.

During "summer" or hotter months I'm a big fan of lightweight white printed tank tops or even better re-usable breast petals.

I abhor bras no matter the season, so the petals are a godsend and allows me to skip the suffocating padding and wiring, year round actually!

I do love a faded, light-wash textured jean, which is surprisingly breathable during say 70 or 80 degree days but in the 90s the textured, printed light colored skirts or sporty, utilitarian skirts are a must for me.

My long standing fetish for Hawaiian print shirts and dresses surfaces and are readily found at the local thriftstore. They instantly brighten your mood and put you at ease and are great conversation pieces.

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