Do you prefer dressing for summer or winter?

Winter winter winter!

I love layering up and getting the coat out, and I think everyone looks much prettier when they're cold!!
Winter! I love layering and all cold weather accessories--tights, cardigans, coats, jackets, scarves, gloves, hats, etc.

I finally got to wear my cardicoat the other day and it pretty much made my week! Plus I can't wait to dig out my UGGS. :)
I like AW since you can make an outfit more interesting by using more layers. But sometimes it gets too cold, and then I really long for summer and bare legs.
Definitely summer
At winter you have to spend half an hour before you go out to put on sweaters and scarfs and jackets and an extra pair of socks and this and that:lol:
At summer you can just wear something pretty and not worry about being cold.
I love spring dressing....I love pretty dresses, no tights and heels and maybe a blazer on top...
It's never really THAT cold in winter for me to wear coats and scarves etc but I do agree that winter outfits are much more stylish and fitted. I was traveling last Christmas through eastern Europe and I found myself wearing mostly the same outfits as I hadn't prepared for such coldness!!! Where you live is definitely an influence!

In saying that, I much prefer the summer - more girly, floaty and fun!
Def summer...I hate winter and we have at least 6 months on winter where I live :ninja: I know I should move to Australia or whatnot...
Winter gets very cold where I live -as in, somedays all you can do is put of a feather jacket, hat and strong boots. There isn't too much room for style when you could freeze to dead if you didn't wear the right clothes.

So I'll go with SUMMER.
Winter is more fun and has more options. You get to wear pretty fabrics and layer up. The numerous holiday parties give you a chance to dress up and look awesome.

During the summer, I stick to whatever is flowy and can keep me coolest, which even then can back fire if it's super hot. You get tempted to just walk around with a bikini on.
I had a discussion about this with my boyfriend, who's from Finland and has lived there all his life. Coming from a tropical country, I can't fathom the idea that people actually like dressing up for the winter. For me, when I wake up in the morning and my room is cold and it's still pitch black outside and the sidewalks are frozen and slippery, my first thoughts are to get into something comfy and warm that won't get me killed outside. I can't wear flats or basically any other shoe that isn't some variation of a hiking boot for fear I'll fall on my bum the second I step out, and that basically limits my fashion choices to looking either like a lumberjack or a hippie grad student (no offense to either :D). I do however appreciate the options in terms of layering and playing around with thick textures, problem is I'm never in the mood to do that when the cold wind will be chapping my face out there :p

Summer, well, when it's really hot and stuffy I tend to have the same attitude(only that I'm more experienced in that field!). I suppose I'm hands down all for spring and fall, seeing as you can experiment with textures AND wear basically any kind of shoe you want. But if I had to pick, I guess summer would be I was telling my boyfriend, it HAS to be more annoying to dress up for the snow than to dress up for the sun :D :blush:
Packing for a trip when it's cold is definatly harder compared to when it's warm. Mainly because all those layers need more space in my suitcase. For summer I just throw in some short and shirt and done.
summer. it doesn't get too warm where i'm from, and i love being able to just throw on some dress, jacket and my docs. there's nothing better than not having to care whether you're dressed warm enough or have to put on another layer. and as i'm literally always cold i have to do that a lot ._.
I live in Arizona so I'm tired of not being able to dress for winter. :(

I definitely enjoy fall/winter better anyway.....I'm always buying jackets and coats even if I only get to wear them 3 or 4 times a year! I definitely love the fall/winter look better than summer and spring. To me, it's so much easier to be really dressy and creative with winter and fall, because there are SOOOO many accessories you can tack on to your outfit. Not only can you do jackets, coats, sweaters, cardigans, but you got pants and skirts with tights/nylons/etc. as an option.....then an array of tops. You can wear so many different kinds of boots. Then there's accessory stuff like gloves scarves, beanies, everything! Tell me summer and spring clothes have so much variety? You can't! Because they definitely do not! You can definitely have more fun dressing for winter and fall, I think. Many more combinations you can use.

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