Dressing to Beat the Heat

ive got loads of these vintage cotton dreses which rouch around the top and are baggy wioth various vinatge prints .. great as they are light and airy and dont cling

linnin and cottons and other nateral materials are a must

baggy loose cltohing is a must nothing to tight or clingy

headscarfs and headbands to keep hair out of face

minimal jewlry it just annoying in the heat sticks to you

shorts or romper suit things ive being wearing loads as its looser and cooler

the biggest advice i can give to looking nice in the summer is wear skin coloured underwear not white if your wearing light colours or white clothes its not nice to see big vpl or bra straps etc.. doesnt look as nice.
ugh...even worse than the heat is humidity...anyone around the east coast of the US knows wot i'm talkin about...its terrible...makes u sweat like a crazy man..

anyway, to beat it i usually opt for shorts (nice pair of flat fronts usually), and a light colored t-shirt

i've recently discovered PIMA and its wonderful...so light and keeps you so comfortable...

oh...and anti-perspirant...YOU HAVE TO!!!

and of course, my aviators. all that sun...keep it out of my eyes!
I live in Arizona so I definitely have to beat the heat! Jeans are so uncomfortable when it's hot out, so I usually stick to floaty skirts and dresses and sometimes shorts. Definitely only one layer. If a shirt requires a tank underneath it, I don't wear that shirt! I do like to wear a lot of necklaces and bracelets, even though they sometimes feel uncomfortable in the heat.

Oh -- and my long hair is usually up. Even if I start the day wearing it down, it ends up in a ponytail by mid-afternoon!
SiennaInLondon said:
Hate summer dressing nowadays. Really so boring.

Yea I agree...I love it when the weather gets not too hot and not too cool...fall and spring kind of weather...so much more easy to work with! ur not naked, and ur not under a million layers!
in singapore, the temperature is 28-31 degrees all year round. in the winter month, we get the same temp, but with lots of monsoon rains.
so, i wear shorts most of the time, and cotton is a great fabric to beat the humidity here.. also lots of cotton dresses, shirt dresses, wrap dresses.
I really really hate weather like this! I mostly wear dress and very very simple clothes! I do still wear heels most of the time! (but I can't wait for cooler weather to start wearing my new clothes for fall)
there is only so much that one can wear in hot weather, i dress simple, a tee or tank, shorts,jeans, anything to stay cool.
A couple people have mentioned silk but I can't imagine it being that cool. I mean, as a fabric yes, but once you start to sweat I would imagine it would just stick to you and soak through quite easily. Though I have a loose silk skirt from h&m I should try out.
hmm... although i work in an office, its relatively casual, so im lucky...i beat the heat by wearing very loose cotton tops that have structure...gauchos for work instead fo slacks, and i wear flats or some sort of sandal/mule sort of shoe..i cant be bothered with toomuch exertion when im having a heat stroke....
i hate wearing tight jeans in this heat esp during the daay when its really sunny..so i stick to dresses in cotton..long or short with flipflops and head scarfs..thats basically what i wear..and tinted moisturizer with lipgloss and some hoop earings........
baggy loose cotton bottoms..

...only tunics, kaftans, kurtas as tops (im known here for wearing those ;))


...Havaianas in any colour
otherwise only open toe flat C.Louboutins(Planet Beach, Neferina, etc), or my new pocahonta DIoR flats... anything that is comfy and shows the feet

its summer to the max here...
please softie and uniq, you should come over to my place!!!
Light colored and light clothes in general and stay away from jeans as much as possible (which is I'm having a hard time to avoid).
SiennaInLondon said:
Hate summer dressing nowadays. Really so boring.

Extreme temperatures can be really hard to work with. I get bored with my summer wardrobe sometimes because it's the same types of clothes over and over again.
Meg said:
A couple people have mentioned silk but I can't imagine it being that cool. I mean, as a fabric yes, but once you start to sweat I would imagine it would just stick to you and soak through quite easily. Though I have a loose silk skirt from h&m I should try out.

Wearing silk + sweating = :yuk: I can't stand it!

Lots of light coloured, cotton spaghetti strap top and little skirts. (I don't wear shorts, I don't know why myself. I just don't.) Need loads of ventilation.:p
I work in a very conservative business so its suits all the way for me ... which is not a problem at work, because the AC is turned up to the max by the guys wearing ties and that whole kit. Being female, dress code is a little laxer (seeing some of my colleages; it appears to be very lax :rolleyes: ). The problems come going to and from said AC-office. Hence I wear really skimpy tops, spagetti strap or/and lowcut back type. Five metres from office entrace; on comes suit jacket and I look sufficiently formal!

Off-work; short-shorts, dresses, skirts, tiny tops, flowy tops, lots of cotton.
- loose cotton tees
- sunnies
- sunscreen 30+ or higher
- Havaianas or flipflops
It's weird, I picked up this week's issue of Grazie y'day and in it was candid streetstyle shots of 'How to Look Chic in the Heat'. Not the same idea exactly, and by no means did I invent it, but I swear to you, Grazia 'journos' lurk around here. This isn't the first time a very similar item from tfs has appeared a week or two later in their mag.
I now have a government job and have to be pretty covered up, which is fine by me because I'm a tad chubby with large breasts so I don't like showing too much skin anyway. I actually hate summer clothes for the most part. The majority of my wardrobe is intended for autumn and winter. Most of the building that I work in has A/C so I don't get too overheated while at work. I actually have a very hard time dressing for non-work situations since I don't own many pairs of shorts or summer dresses, et cetera.
Meg! Those thieves :zorro::lol:

I'm with the linen/cotton/silk crew in easy going breathable shapes. All natural fibers and nothing else!

Regarding wearing silk and the heat... I find that silk breathes, so it prevents you from sweating so easily! Of course, there are days when it's inevitable so I might avoid it then. But a silk knit is never uncomfortable :unsure:

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