Last night, I buzzed through all 39 pages of this topic.
Love the coinage of the word sexcellent! I'm going to have to take it over the Darcylicious Forum where I'm sure the word will be appreciated there.
Ed is smokin' hot! All the time. Although his personal style makes me feel bipolar. I simply adore his evening wear. He rocks every tux at every event. I also love his photoshoots pictures. But his daytime style is...not so appealing.
It's not that I'm opposed to his rock 'n roll look, but the way he wears it just seems so...homeless person. It's not so much the clothes, but the fit. Everything always looks too short or too tight or too long or something.
Boomer, thank you for sharing your menswear knowledge! I'm a fashionista only in my head (I'm working on turning my jeans/t-shirt geeky girl next door look into a more preppy chic style though.), so I love learning all this new stuff.