Elton John Calls for Boycott of Dolce & Gabbana

yup totally touchy subject and most of it does not matter whatsoever, I've gone back and forth with people going on about 'but traditionally it's a woman and a man and they complement each other for this and this other reason', well yeah they do but thankfully when it comes to upbringing it DOES take any combination of adults to bring up fairly decent human beings, sometimes no combination and just one parent. And simultaneously a traditional pair can bring up some really f*cked up pieces of work. I was raised by two women, one my grandmother, one my mother, until recently had never lived with a man, was it a tragic upbringing? hell no, I had the happiest childhood and for the record, love men, sometimes too much :lol:.. other people are raised by two women that are a couple, others by their uncle, others by their siblings, one parent alone, hell some kids are raised by other kids (16 & pregnant anyone? :lol:)... big deal, and yes there are different gender traits, that's not even a question and gender equality debates should never go there, it's a waste, but it's not a contest and sometimes you have something and sometimes you don't.

What people fear is the social backlash... what is that poor child going to face in school, among friends, at parties, among colleagues. Well guess what, children have to respond to questions beyond their comprehension at an early age such as where is your dad, why is your mom a certain color, why is your mom x size, are you poor? are you rich?, or sometimes they're just 'informed' (e.g. 'your brother is in a wheel chair' 'you have two dads'). Happens ALL THE TIME. It's everyday life. And yes a kid may feel overwhelmed and ideally shouldn't face that but better toughen up sooner than later because surprise, that's life up until your last day, people questioning you about nonsense and teasing should the opportunity arise or if you just let them.

Stefano is an dumba*s, so much money and opportunities to meet interesting people and learn from them and hear their input over the years, and.. no effect. I will give credit where credit is due, because just like Giampaolo Sgura manages to project accurately through his work his one-dimensional and small amount of cell brains, so does Stefano, no wonder they work a lot together...
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Disgusting comments. Due to falling extremely ill as a teenager I will only ever be able to conceive through IVF and my baby will be as natural as anyone else's. Their opinions are as outdated as their collections.
Obviously this is a very touchy subject...
I see something similar to Galliano's downfall happening to them

Why so? I personally don't agree with their statements especially with regards to IVF children being artificial. While the process of conception is artificial, at the end of the day, it leads to a human being with a brain, a conscience and a physical body being born and that's nature. As long as that child is loved by its parents, that's what ultimately matters. And with regards to gay adoption, there are straight people who make terrible parents. However, they do have a right to their opinion, and in my opinion, they hold a view that may seem archaic to some but perfectly ok to others; and no, these other people are not necessarily bigots, hate mongers, religious zealots or closed minded people. The world is big enough to have several people with conflicting views on issues which they feel are subjective.

Comparing this to John Galliano's rant is quite dishonest if you ask me as they did not incite hatred or death to a certain group of people. That's comparing apples with oranges. If they had gone out with placards actively protesting for IVF to be banned and stopping gay adoption, then that could be viewed as inciting hatred or stifling freedom, but even that is also debatable. They were asked a question, and provided an honest answer that didn't betray their own consciences to simply fit into the narrative of what is socially acceptable.

Two months ago, most of the world stood together in defence of freedom of speech and to an extent, the freedom to offend. Je Suis Charlie anyone? Why is this very selective in our supposedly liberal surroundings nowadays? As Voltaire famously said "I disagree with your opinion but I will defend to the death your right to say it". I can understand being offended by this and expressing dissatisfaction and a counter argument to their opinions, but to actively go out and protest a boycott of their business, which could lead to many normal people loosing their jobs screams some sort of reverse bigotry that is often over looked.
It's not bigotry. Just as you think the comparison to JG is apples to orange, this reaction is nothing compared to the Charlie massacre. Not even close. D&G made comments that I am sure they knew would not be met well. The response is not aimed at censorship, like it was in the Charlie case. It is a reaction to what they said. They are still free to express their opinions. Those people who were killed at the Charlie office are no longer here to do so.

With opinions, there will be reactions. People's reactions to their comments isn't bigotry...
I will not condemn Dolce & Gabbana for their opinion because it is their opinion and a right of theirs. BUT, what I condone is how they negligibly practiced their freedom that resulted to offending tons of families who have been through IVF. I get it, they are artists and thoroughly practice "artistic freedom", but that does not include being tactless, insensitive, and ignorant. We all have opposing views on each and every social issue there is in this world and no one is stopping them to give out their view on the IVF. To say that they are against IVF and all the practices and ideas related to it is acceptable, BUT to call out that the products of IVF are "synthetic" is just crossing the line. The latter is more on being disgusting than being opinionated. They might have meant something else, but that's why we should all think before we speak. Heck, don't these guys have a PR Team? For a company that's just as big, shouldn't someone be handling their press statements and assure that their statements are filtered in the most politically correct manner and in the best way that reflects the mission and vision of the brand?

These children that they call "synthetic" are so much better than them right now even at an early age because they will not grow up to be as ignorant and insensitive as them.

To Sir Elton John, I do not want you to not speak up and voice out your disappointment, but my only advice is for you, like everyone else, should just keep quiet. Do not give this brand the publicity it desperately seeks.

It's also so funny how the F/W '15 collection of Dolce & Gabbana utilized children and had their drawings as prints. Lol. Talk about publicity.
It's also so funny how the F/W '15 collection of Dolce & Gabbana utilized children and had their drawings as prints. Lol. Talk about publicity.

They only used 100% natural non-synthetic children in their show. :lol:
^ Yeah I know, but people can talk about how they patronized children in their collection but failed to recognize the equality of each and every child out there
^ Yeah I know, but people can talk about how they patronized children in their collection but failed to recognize the equality of each and every child out there

I believe GivenchyHomme was being facetious. ^_^
I will not condemn Dolce & Gabbana for their opinion because it is their opinion and a right of theirs. BUT, what I condone is how they negligibly practiced their freedom that resulted to offending tons of families who have been through IVF. I get it, they are artists and thoroughly practice "artistic freedom", but that does not include being tactless, insensitive, and ignorant. We all have opposing views on each and every social issue there is in this world and no one is stopping them to give out their view on the IVF. To say that they are against IVF and all the practices and ideas related to it is acceptable, BUT to call out that the products of IVF are "synthetic" is just crossing the line. The latter is more on being disgusting than being opinionated. They might have meant something else, but that's why we should all think before we speak. Heck, don't these guys have a PR Team? For a company that's just as big, shouldn't someone be handling their press statements and assure that their statements are filtered in the most politically correct manner and in the best way that reflects the mission and vision of the brand?

These children that they call "synthetic" are so much better than them right now even at an early age because they will not grow up to be as ignorant and insensitive as them.

To Sir Elton John, I do not want you to not speak up and voice out your disappointment, but my only advice is for you, like everyone else, should just keep quiet. Do not give this brand the publicity it desperately seeks.

It's also so funny how the F/W '15 collection of Dolce & Gabbana utilized children and had their drawings as prints. Lol. Talk about publicity.

Wise words. They failed here: they thought about making an anti-gay marriage children comment (Italy and most Mediterranean countries are still incredibly homophobic) but ended up touching something way more vast that is IVF. Because even nowadays IVF is used, mostly, by straight couples/traditional families that can't have their own children "naturally". So they were not only insulting gay couples but also EVERY children born through IVF. And that's just as stupid as it gets.

Catholic ignorance. :angry:
It's not bigotry. Just as you think the comparison to JG is apples to orange, this reaction is nothing compared to the Charlie massacre. Not even close. D&G made comments that I am sure they knew would not be met well. The response is not aimed at censorship, like it was in the Charlie case. It is a reaction to what they said. They are still free to express their opinions. Those people who were killed at the Charlie office are no longer here to do so.

With opinions, there will be reactions. People's reactions to their comments isn't bigotry...
off topic but what happened in Paris has a lot to do with how tolerant we have become these day, letting people who have different culture, mentality and view on this world come and live in the country. They not only don't respect the laws and rules of the country they are living in, but they are also trying to dictate their rules.
As for Dolce&Gabbana, I will state an unpopular opinion. I think it was extremely rude and offensive what they said about kids and no matter what they will try to say now, people got their message, and you have to be really stupid to think it is will just go away as if nothing has happened. However, their views on traditional family should be something that is accepted.
I find the comparison with J.Galliano to be emm:lol:. This guy was in a mentally and psychologically messy state and drunk. I will never get why people were so offended by a sick then person. Here D&G are completely sober and yet allow themselves to say something this offensive, clearly understanding people will be furious
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Dolce, Gabbana Hit Back at Elton John
MILAN — Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana’s views on “traditional families” continued to generate a social media backlash Monday, as well as headlines in Italy and internationally.

Sir Elton John’s angry and offended comments on Sunday and his call for a boycott of the Dolce & Gabbana brand quickly spread, drawing a slew of followers including Sharon Stone, Courtney Love, Ricky Martin and Martina Navratilova.

“Sending love to Elton David Zachary Elijah & all the beautiful IVF babies,” tweeted Victoria Beckham, in support of John, his husband David Furnish, and their two children Zachary and Elijah.

Donatella Versace, a longstanding friend of John’s, said, “Respecting the opinion of others, I believe sexuality does not define a person, it is their integrity, loyalty and the love they can give.”

The designer concluded that “whoever is able to offer true love to a child should have the possibility to give it, be it by adoption, or IVF. I know many children born this way and they are happy children because they are wanted and loved.”
The designers’ comments on what they view as “traditional families,” comprising a father and a mother—were made last week in an interview to “Panorama.” Dolce had said that he was “not convinced” by children he called “of chemistry, synthetic. Uteri for rent, seeds chosen from a catalogue.”

“We firmly believe in democracy and the fundamental principle of freedom of expression that upholds it,” Gabbana said on Instagram on Monday. “We talked about our way of seeing reality, but it was never our intention to judge other people’s choices. We do believe in freedom and love.”

In an interview in Monday’s Corriere della Sera, Gabbana claimed “Domenico simply expressed his opinion on assisted reproduction. Others choose differently? They are free to do so. But we demand the same respect.”

Gabbana noted he “did not expect” John’s comments on Instagam, from someone, he said, “I believed—and I underscore believed—to be intelligent. How can that be? You preach tolerance and then you attack? Only because someone else thinks differently from you? […] He is ignorant in the sense that he ignores that there are ways of thinking different from his and that are equally deserving of respect.”

On Instagram, Gabbana had labeled John as a “fascist,” launching a #boycotteltonjohn campaign. However, on Corriere, the designer downplayed the boycott, blaming “a group of gay activists in bad faith […]” for creating an online campaign. “We are not boycotting anyone and never will.”

Asked if he believed John’s boycott will have any effect on sales, Gabbana responded: “Maybe we will lose some Elton John fan, maybe we will gain some moms, who knows…,” hinting at the brand’s fall show—an ode to the Italian “Mamma.”
I think the backlash is coming mostly because of their comments regarding IVF and not same sex families. A lot of people would agree with them regarding the same sex marriage issue, but a lot of people would greatly disagree about the IVF comments. When they called IVF children synthetic it sounded like they meant that's these children are not truly human or that they're Frankenstein - esque. It sounded similar to a racist comment. It's the IVF comment that angered most people, the same sex marriage comments mostly just angered the fashion community (at least that's how it seems to me)
They've always have been very stupid and immature. I remember :
1)They removed advertising from a magazine due to a bad review of their restaurant
2)They Have been investigated for tax evasion
3)Stefano many times posted racist and classist pics on instagram

Now this...Personally i'm very mad because in Italy there aren't "gay role models". Basicly we are one of few countries that don't have any gay-rights law. So they could help the lbgt movement or just SHUT UP! we are FULL of anti-gay politicians and we don't need more!
Those guys are dumb, ignorant and as we have witness for the past few years - repetitive,boring and untalented. Every baby is a miracle and them calling any kid, no matter how or to whom they were born, such offencive way is just beyond my understanding.
I am happy that Elton John decided to stood up for his children and every other IVF kid and kudos to all those celebs who are showing their support to him.
This topic is not about freedom of speech. It's about insulting completely innocent children who are just as precious as every so-called "traditional way born" children.
I am honestly glad that Elton John has spoken up about this and that many celebrities have supported him. Of course everybody has the right to speak their mind but you have to expect that people are going to react. Words are a powerful weapon and we should be careful about how and where we use them.
This topic is not about freedom of speech. It's about insulting completely innocent children who are just as precious as every so-called "traditional way born" children.
Exactly. I actually think it's completely offensive that he's using the Je Suis Charlie thing to get around it. Let's not get into that debate but that was a massacre, back to reality, you sell dresses and perfumes and some people are campaigning against it, boo hoo... time to get out and get some perspective.

Also the worst interpretation of freedom of speech (and so common among the "I'm just being honest" "no offense but.." types) is thinking it is abuse of speech, and full liberty to be offensive. Your rights end where the next person's begin and freedom of speech is not just laying around shouting whatever, it is hard work too, and it's about respect for others, that's a free society, being and letting others be too.

I say if you're going to be offensive, own it like a bada*s, go hard or go home. :lol:
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I've heard in the past they were VERY racist, and it took Linda and Christy to almost stop working for them to allow Naomi to walk in their shows/star in campaigns. Wasn't there also come controversy about their Spring 2015 line?
^I know, it's so stupid when people say "it's just my/their opinion, they have a right to one." No sh**! No one is saying they should be jailed or have their right to speak publicly taken away! People are simply disagreeing with what they say and boycotting their brand, but somehow that equals stifling free speech :rolleye:

https://instagram.com/stefanogabbana You can watch the D&G brand self-destruct in real time. It's like a building on fire.

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