Encouraging Hair Growth - How to's and Products

I'm trying to grow my hair to my waist (it's already right below my bra strap now) and also growing out my straight bangs.

I have read up a lot over the years of vitamins to help grow your hair.
I have tried MSM and do feel it helped a little.
now I just take a daily vitamin, brewer's yeast (not sure whether this is helping at all) and have started diatomaceous earth 3 days ago. I read about DE on the longhaircommunity forums and people were getting great results (not just hair, also health benefits).
It's of course to soon to tell (and I also don't measure my hair like some people do + at my length it's not always easy to tell whether hair is growing) but I am excited that it might make my hair grow faster.

People have reported that DE also makes them sleep deeper and I have noticed this myself + extra energy.
What does DE stand for? I googled DE, but didn't find anything.
Oh I also wanted to know if anyone had tried or heard of Argan oil for hair growth? I'm going on holiday to Marrakech in June and was reading that you can get the oil really cheap there, and it's very sought after for beauty etc all over the world but kinda pricey, so figured I best stock up if it's really good? :flower:
I'm gonna start using cocount oil again once a week and get back on track with my supplements (sea kelp, a-z, fish oil, b vitamins) and let you know how it goes. Might try experimenting with oil mixtures too, maybe throw in some olive/jojoba/castor/whatever is closeby ha ^_^
I'm trying to grow my hair to my waist (it's already right below my bra strap now) and also growing out my straight bangs.

I have read up a lot over the years of vitamins to help grow your hair.
I have tried MSM and do feel it helped a little.
now I just take a daily vitamin, brewer's yeast (not sure whether this is helping at all) and have started diatomaceous earth 3 days ago. I read about DE on the longhaircommunity forums and people were getting great results (not just hair, also health benefits).
It's of course to soon to tell (and I also don't measure my hair like some people do + at my length it's not always easy to tell whether hair is growing) but I am excited that it might make my hair grow faster.

People have reported that DE also makes them sleep deeper and I have noticed this myself + extra energy.

What's diatomaceous earth, and where can you buy it?
What does DE stand for? I googled DE, but didn't find anything.

DE is diatomaceous earth. It's this white, very light powder full of silica. It's a natural sedimentary rock or sth. More info here: http://www.earthworkshealth.com/How-Diatomaceous-Earth-Works.php

What's diatomaceous earth, and where can you buy it?

I buy mine at a local store where you can buy all sorts of materials/ingredients for making cosmetics (DE is often used in skin and haircare products, also by commercial companies).
You can also buy online, just search for food grade DE (I hear Perma-Guard is a good brand. I don't know. Mine was just a bag and from a German brand, don't remember the name).

Just make sure it is food grade, because another kind of DE is also used for pool filters and is very harsh ad toxic!

DE is also used to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol and for digestion problems and parasite removal in humans and animals. On top of that it is beneficial for skin, hair, nails...
There is also some sort of detox when you start taking DE, but I haven't really noticed it too much. I notice better digestion and deeper sleep though, which is common and a nice benefit.
Castor oil. Jus massage it into ur scalp, leave it on for an hour and wash it out.
atleast 3 times a week.
Coconut oil is one of the few oils that's able to penetrate the hair. Growth? I don't exactly know. It does strengthen the hair which should help fight against damage or breakage. Coconut oil is great for dry or itchy scalp.

I didn't notice anything different with castor oil although I did like how it made my hair feel.

I recently took the biotin plunge along with a multivitamin. I feel like I need the boost.
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^ i think it also depends from hair to hair. like coconut oil is great.. keeps ur hair soft but gives u dandruff tendencies :S
atleast thats why i left it.
mustard oil is supposed to be great but i just cant stand the smell! ukhhhh..
I just bought diatomaceous earth in Food Grade by morethanalive.com a pound is like $4 plus shipping so its around $10. I cant wait to try it not just for my hair growth but for my digestion. I just hope during this detox I dont have any parasites lol because i do NOT want to see anything like that coming out of my body anywhere and if I do I just hope its tiny enough to where I cant see it. I hear DE for humans benefits your skin, hair, nails, lowers your cholesterol, is good for your teeth and gums, and cleans your colon. So I will definitely update once I get this stuff.
^ does it also encourage hair growth on other parts of your body, let's say legs, arms etc...?
:S i dont think i'll take it then...im enough hairy on my own :(
^Yes if you take it then it is possible you may get an increase in hair growth in other places like down there, legs, mustache everything. I've read several girls that had this experience. I dont mind it I just have to shave more often hehe. But I will update in a couple of weeks or so. So far the powder itself is tasteless, very fine and soft like silk exactly like flour.
oh gosh.. I'd rather not indulge in that. il stick to castor oil :smile:
Can anyone tell me a good heat protectant to use? I have dry hair and it breaks really bad if I don't use a heat protectant before I use a flat iron, but all the products I've tried make my hair extremely oily...Has anyone used a good one?
i hardly straighten my hair anymore (mainly b/c where i live its so humid, it goes curly again! :() but when i do i use loreal's studio straight heat protection cream. the one in the pink bottle.
smells nice. doesnt make my hair greasy.
I use kerastase ciment thermique. It smells lovely and leaves hair nice and soft and smooth.
I've just started using Philip Kingsley's Preen Cream on the ends of my hair and it's amazing! I don't think it particularly encourages hair growth but it keeps the ends really nice and soft. Usually my ends go all scraggly about a week after I get my hair cut but they're in much better condition now. I just some on damp hair after I've applied all my other products and leave it do dry naturally. You can also use it on the rest of your hair and it basically does what it says on the tin - preens it! I think it was developed with the idea of birds preening their feathers... I'm not too sure. :huh:
Woah, I've really rambled on here! :lol:
I was taking prenatals and my hair grew alot, it was also very shiny and thick. Now I am taking biotin. I will keep you updated to see if it works.

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