Balmain - Christophe's turning into a force to be reckoned with.
Balenciaga - What will Ghesquière think of next?
Dior - Who will have the most influence in the design - John or Toledano?
Jil Sander - After spring, I'm ready to see even better.
Marc Jacobs - Will he show two hours late again?
Nina Ricci - It's Olivier, it'll be great.
Prada - Just to see how else Miuccia can make ugly things more hideous.
YSL - How will he follow up his spring show?
Balenciaga - What will Ghesquière think of next?
Dior - Who will have the most influence in the design - John or Toledano?
Jil Sander - After spring, I'm ready to see even better.
Marc Jacobs - Will he show two hours late again?
Nina Ricci - It's Olivier, it'll be great.
Prada - Just to see how else Miuccia can make ugly things more hideous.
YSL - How will he follow up his spring show?