holy unethical
16 March 2005
THE Roman Catholic church in France has won a court injunction to ban Marithe et Francois Girbaud's ad which is based on Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper painting. The image, which depicts a female version of the fresco including a female Christ figure and two apostles embracing a bare-chested man in jeans, was ruled by the judge to be "a gratuitous and aggressive act of intrusion of people's innermost beliefs". Banned by the Italian authorities last month, the ad includes a dove and a chalice which, they said, recalls the foundations of the faith and could therefore offend. "When you trivialise the founding acts of a religion, when you touch on sacred things, you create an unbearable moral violence which is a danger to our children," said lawyer Thierry Massis. "Tomorrow, Christ on the cross will be selling socks." The designers, however, are appealing on the grounds that the image was based on a painting and inspired by Dan Brown's bestseller, The Da Vinci Code. "The work is a photograph based on a painting, not a bible," their lawyer, Bernard Cahen, told the BBC. "There is nothing in it that is offensive to the Catholic religion. It is a way of showing the place of women in society today, which is a reflection of our changing values." (March 16 2005, AM)