Favorite airport?

john lennon (very tiny airport) or manchester as these are the closest to my home so that means im either leaving to go on holiday or comming home.
TourniquetMX said:
As for my favorite airport? I have to say Frankfurt Main, lots of shopping while you wait for your flight!

really? I actually rank frankfurt as the worst airport I've ever been to. ick...unfriendly, smoky, absolutely no place to sit, odd shopping priorities (want a new tie? brilliant! want to buy some water? tough luck), and it is blasted confusing to navigate...very clausterphobic.

my favourites are edinburgh and gatwick. edinburgh because it's so simple and unfussy...friendly, non-intimidating and very, very quiet which is nice when you're tired and waiting. gatwick because there's enough to do between flights, plenty of places to sit away from the crowds, and it's really small and easy to navigate.
when i landed in rekaviyk my first impression was a cloud of smoke...i remember being a little shocked how so many people were smoking...and then i was whisked off to my next flight too soon...i wouldn't call it my favorite airport necessarily but i would love to take another look at it^_^ ...oh off topic--this thread makes me want to start one about public transport! which i love
another hater for London Heathrow here, but that's probably becasue I'm in it once a week :ninja: it seriously needs an overhaul.

Also hate Amsterdam Schipol :sick: so smoky!

Liked Bilbao airport for a nice, clean design - almost as nice as the Guggenheim! ^_^

I love duty free shopping in airports (even if the prices are higher than normal shops!) for big boxes of chocolates and good champagne deals and new perfume.
london city, because its small, non crowded, non too high security all business people and always free seats in the departure lounge
Probably Munich because I've never had a long lay over there :lol: Which isn't true about Heathrow :ninja:
Tie between Hong Kong International Airport and Zurich International Airport.

because they both have spas that I like to go to :D
the Liberia International Airport in Costa Rica! it's really small, fast, simple, with a low profile and little traffic.
i got too drink beer while waiting too go through customs, no hassle hah! plus there were little geckos and butterflies all over the place :woot:

but for my most hated airports... george bush international in texas
i've never seen so many fat people in my life. it might also have too do with being stuck there for over 24 hours :(
I think there must be a thread on just about anything. :lol: I hate airports. But i love people watching in airports. I like the people who bring their own pillows...and the ones who wear all the stuff they bought on vacation on the airplane...like mickey mouse ears and goofy hats or french braids that they got on some island...:)
tiffany said:
Probably Munich because I've never had a long lay over there :lol: Which isn't true about Heathrow :ninja:

I cannot stand Heathrow. I find it a bit dirty :yuk:
Frankfurt am Main ore JFK, hm oh gosh dont know been at so many airports.
faust said:
Oooh, good thread! I love airports.

My favorite is the one in Copenhagen. Don't remember the name, can one of our Danish members help, please?

Copenhagen Airport in Kastrup also called Kastrup Lufthavn or CPH..incidently it's my favorite airport too :flower: ..the first bit of Denmark to greet me when I lived in London and only visited now and again.
CPH is also one of my favorites. The best of the best though is the airport in Singapore (I also used to live there). The one in Amsterdam is also very nice.

I don't see what you guys see in CDG though. That airport is a nightmare imho. I find it to be completely complicated and the shopping is pure crap. Also Berlin was pretty bad (i think it's called Tegel or something). And Athens I remember being a weird, weird airport. I was 10 and I only remember it being completely greasy and dirty.^_^ :ninja:
Hanne said:
Copenhagen Airport in Kastrup also called Kastrup Lufthavn or CPH..incidently it's my favorite airport too :flower: ..the first bit of Denmark to greet me when I lived in London and only visited now and again.

That's it, thanks :flower:
Mettchen said:
Also Berlin was pretty bad (i think it's called Tegel or something).
:lol: I love Tegel, although I agree it is crap - there's something cosy about it in some weird way :p
faust said:
Oooh, good thread! I love airports.

My favorite is the one in Copenhagen. Don't remember the name, can one of our Danish members help, please?

Same. Mine too! I don't remember the airport's name..the initials are DKK, though..:flower:

Nope Arturo that's the abbreviation for the danish krone our currency :flower: .ops sorry, accidentally pressed edit instead of quote !
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Luna said:
Sounds like Philly airport. ;)

haha i was just gonna say that :lol:

my favorite airport is ICN in s.korea

i hate hate hate jfk /philly /dulles /tokyo's narita...
hk airport is pretty good too i guess..

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