
I miss that show so much :( Currently re-watching it again for about the 100th time.

My favorite episodes are The One Where Everybody Finds Out and The One Where No One's Ready. F'ing hilarious.
^I LOOOOVE those episodes. Easily in my top 5 of all times.
I miss that show so much :( Currently re-watching it again for about the 100th time.

I liked Friends also, and still watch it every now and then, but now I realize I appreciated the show too much due to my crush on Jennifer Aniston :wub: and not so much because I liked the show (although I do, I find Seinfield or Two and a Half Man much funnier).
P.S. I too wanted Joey and Rachel to end up together, I find Ross anyoning :innocent:
^I LOOOOVE those episodes. Easily in my top 5 of all times.
Surprised to see those are popular with so many other people, too. I used to watch Friends with my brother and he never liked the same episodes as me :lol:

I really hate comedies and sitcoms normally. Shows like HIMYM make me smirk every now and then but I find the people kind of boring and the story lines aren't that great. Friends literally makes me laugh out loud several times during an episode ad I totally had a crush on the whole cast :wub: I've never heard anyone say Ross was annoying before, lol.
The only other show that cracks me up is Kudrow's new show, Web Therapy, which is absolutely hilarious.
Shame E4 doesn't show reruns any more. Even if they did edit it horribly. :ninja: Other than Frasier, It's Always Sunny Philadelphia, 30 Rock, Will & Grace and a few others, I never laugh much at sitcoms. Even Frasier doesn't make me laugh out loud much. I just enjoy it for the great writing. The Big Bang Theory is sporadically funny.

How I Met Your Mother is absolutely diabolical. You can tell the writers try so hard to make it happen. It's just never going to happen with me or my friends. Ever. We just sit there in disgust.
How I Met Your Mother is absolutely diabolical. You can tell the writers try so hard to make it happen. It's just never going to happen with me or my friends. Ever. We just sit there in disgust.

Yes! Someone who's on the same page as me on HIMYM.
I seriously do not understand its hype. If I made a list of overrated TV shows, it would probably be #1.

P.S. Lola, I love Will and Grace too. ^_^
*sigh* Remember when TV shows used to be funny?...
^you guys are no alone at all.....i despise that show with a passion too!! it's NOT funny at all. same with big bang crapory...ick. the only sitcom format that i find remotely amusing anymore is not even on network television but on tvland and it's called 'hot in cleveland'. it reminds me of a modern golden girls(ironically with betty white who reminds me of estelle getty here).

lisa kudrow's show 'web therapy' is my favorite too. but it's less sitcom the way those mentioned are. more in the way of kudrow's former show "the comeback" or a curb your enthusiasm. sort of mockumentary comedy.
Friends is my all time favorite tv show ever. I have watched it 98765434678987654567 times and I will watch as three times that number more cuz I cannot get enough.

Just last week, when I said I love the show, some guy (a friend of a friend) told me to ''get a life'' but I don't care. Friends rock my world, always have, always will :heart: :woot:
Oh Lord I'm just waiting for October to come already, it's amazing how much my tv sucks without Friends to watch at 5:00pm.

Favourite Episodes : (in no particular order)
- The One Where Ross Got High
- The One With The Football
- The One With The Rumour
- The One with Chandler and Monica's Wedding
- The One With The Videotape

I quote it daily in my life, but I don't get scolded because most of my friends love it as much as I do.
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Does anybody else think the last three seasons were not that good? I know it won an Emmy for season 8 and it's considered that it recovered after the weak season 7 in season 8, but I don't like it or anything that came after it. I think my problem is that they simply betrayed the characters during those seasons. The most of all, Phoebey. She's my favorite character in seasons 1-7. She's funny, funky, nice, genuine, etc. Then they made her into this condescending, uptight, mean character with a holier than thou attitude. I hated Mike too. Then the whole Rachel/Joey business, for which I will never forgive the writers. I didn't care how they handled Ross/Rachel ending. And finally, I found the whole Monika/Chandler storyline, where they can't have kids, etc to be too heavy handed and just unfair. I hate rewatching any episodes from those last three seasons.
^ I loved Season 8 and was happy they finally got the Emmy. Season 9 went downhill with the whole Rachel and Joey. Thankfully the creators wised up and stopped it at the beginning of Season 10. 10 had some great moments but there were times when you could tell the cast had already checked out. They only agreed to 16 eps rather than 22 which at the time annoyed me but now I understand.

Just last week, when I said I love the show, some guy (a friend of a friend) told me to ''get a life'' but I don't care. Friends rock my world, always have, always will :heart: :woot:

What a dick. I hope you rolled your eyes and told him to get lost. I hate TV snobs. They are worse than Film snobs.

''The One Where Ross Got High'' will always be my favourite. Everything in that ep is flawless and funny.
There's probably a handful of episodes that I genuinely like and enjoy after from Season 8-10. I HATED the Joey/Rachel storyline, it made me dislike their characters so much. I actually didn't mind the "not being able to have kids" storyline, probably because Monica and Chandler are my favourite "Friends" but wasn't CCA going through something similar at the time with her husband as well as quite a few other crew members? I think I heard/read that somewhere.
^Yes, Courteney was going through a similar situation in real life.
I agree with you MyNameIs, later seasons weren't that good
Specially the last one.
And I think the Joey/Rachel story could have been developed better.
I LOVE that part when Ross tells Phoebe
how she's never been in a serious relationship
and she starts crying. And when Phoebe says it to Joey
he's like ''I love my life'' :rofl:

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