Does anybody else think the last three seasons were not that good? I know it won an Emmy for season 8 and it's considered that it recovered after the weak season 7 in season 8, but I don't like it or anything that came after it. I think my problem is that they simply betrayed the characters during those seasons. The most of all, Phoebey. She's my favorite character in seasons 1-7. She's funny, funky, nice, genuine, etc. Then they made her into this condescending, uptight, mean character with a holier than thou attitude. I hated Mike too. Then the whole Rachel/Joey business, for which I will never forgive the writers. I didn't care how they handled Ross/Rachel ending. And finally, I found the whole Monika/Chandler storyline, where they can't have kids, etc to be too heavy handed and just unfair. I hate rewatching any episodes from those last three seasons.