Favorite Scary Movie.....


Feb 13, 2004
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Which is your favorite scary/horror movie that scares you so much that you can barely even watch it.

Mine would have to be Silence of the Lambs..........that Buffalo Bill character scares the s**t outta me!!!!!!! "It puts the lotion on it's skin it does this when it's told."
Mine would have to be 'The Ring', the japanese version of course :flower:
i was absolutely haunted by movies like the exorcist and the polterguiest when they first came out but these days i find the best movies are the ones that don't exactly show you what you should be scared of. i think the "blair witch project" was the best modern day example. while now i can watch it and laugh...i saw it opening weekend when, for the most part, many thought it was actually authentic and i had to sleep with the lights on.
I think "Final Destination" was really scary. It was different from the usual Wes Craven Teen Horror movies because there was no real villain they could escape, just death.

When I first watched "Heavens Burning", one of Russell Crowe Australian movies, I was pretty scared because he gets almost tortured by two bad guys. And since it was a pretty small movie and he wasn't such a big star back then it was actually possible, that his characted got tortured/murdered etc. Poor Russell Baby! I was so relieved when he could escape! :lol:
anyone ever see "Timeline"

that was pretty frightening.

haha on a serious note, Rosemary's Baby and Nightmare on Elm Street

... are just plain terrifying.
28 Days Later scared me out of my mind when I saw it in the theater, but I made other friends rent it when it came out on video and it wasn't scary. Some of them fell asleep and it ruined my rep as the one who knows what videos to rent. :cry:
"It" scared me more than any other movie. "The Shining" and "Salem's Lot" are also pretty frightening. I guess Stephen King knows how to scare me.
i have always been too terrified to see crossroads. i couldnt even handle the trailor. :sick:

but im not afraid of horror. its the other stuff im scared of.

nightmare on elm st. series id the best! i love them esp. 3 dream warriors! ( rockinwithdokken!! or is that 2 ...?? :unsure: ) anyway the first 3 are cool.

ed wood's orgy of the dead is what i have playing on my tele when i have a party or anyone who has a party that i attend! :P
Gremlins when i was 3, Jaws when i was 4, and Alien when i was 7 :(
Originally posted by SCBlondie@Jul 23 2004, 10:05 AM
28 Days Later scared me out of my mind when I saw it in the theater, but I made other friends rent it when it came out on video and it wasn't scary.  Some of them fell asleep and it ruined my rep as the one who knows what videos to rent.  :cry:

are u serious?! I saw the movie on demand at my house and I was terrified. One of my favorite movies.
havent seen a lot of scary movies, its lately actually that they have caught my interest, but recently i saw the new version of "the amityville horror" and i was terrified!
seriously i just wanted to refresh this thread in time for halloween!
"Suspiria" by Dario Argento is probably the most frightening thing I've ever seen. And that's saying alot because I'm really quite immune to horror but that one was masterful.
Certainly "The Ring!" The other scary movie that freaked me out was "Nightmares on Elm. Street."
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