Fendi Spy Bag

yup. i don't think IRL life those flowers will ever stay perky and up unless 1) we rid of gravity or 2) they put pliable wires inside the leather of each petal.
shopping247 said:
yup. i don't think IRL life those flowers will ever stay perky and up unless 1) we rid of gravity or 2) they put pliable wires inside the leather of each petal.

or if they use different leather. the spy leather is too heavy and soft to hold its shape. have you ever seen the bottage veneta jardin bag? i've never seen it IRL and wonder if the same problem exists (a big problem since that bag is like $7k!)
true, different leather would work too. :)

no, i have not seen the BV jardin bag before. do you have a pic (probably posted in BV thread since it may be OT in this one)?
posted by pinklipgloss in the bv thread

wowsa. that is a cool looking bag.... the detailing of this bag is really wonderful! i bet because the flowers are weaved that can the pieces into any shape they want. thanks for the pic lilygirl! :flower:
At Bloomingdales they have the Honey (possibly Cognac) the white and the black spy. Also the Spy Satchel and Hobo in all three colors aswell as the Zucca with tortoise in the Hobo and regular Spy. Also that rainbow Zucca Spy, which was HORRIBLE, so loud.
shopping247 said:
yup. i don't think IRL life those flowers will ever stay perky and up unless 1) we rid of gravity or 2) they put pliable wires inside the leather of each petal.

Thanks for the ebay tip! You're right - the flowers are all squished down! :shock:

To me, it just makes the bag look fussy with strange leather bits hanging off - they look like dried leaves or something. Maybe they should have taken greater care in the detailing of the flowers - perhaps prettier petals, and less flower blossoms?

Have you ever seen the B Bag with the flower-embroidered 'belt straps'? Those flowers are really well done and just... stunning. Reminds me of antique Chinese threadwork.
My dark brown spy just arrived!!! It is GORGEOUS!!! I am dying to take it out for a showing but I am scared to touch it :D I've quickly taken some pics, but the quality isn't very good because a friend is borrowing my camera and I had to use my phone.

Also, I know this has been brought up in this topic numerous times, but I was wondering if someone with a Spy could recommend a product that is available in Australia for the leather? And also what sort of cloth/material is best to polish it with? And how often is best to treat the leather? Thanks! :)


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Whoa, Nelly. You just got the bag, and you're thinking about polishing it. Why?
jbelle said:
Thanks for the ebay tip! You're right - the flowers are all squished down! :shock:

To me, it just makes the bag look fussy with strange leather bits hanging off - they look like dried leaves or something. Maybe they should have taken greater care in the detailing of the flowers - perhaps prettier petals, and less flower blossoms?

Have you ever seen the B Bag with the flower-embroidered 'belt straps'? Those flowers are really well done and just... stunning. Reminds me of antique Chinese threadwork.

Glad you saw some of those photos. Not pretty at all, right? When I returned it to Saks today the SA thought I was crazy to not keep it. I had to point out to him that the flowers were very blah.
reducto said:
My dark brown spy just arrived!!! It is GORGEOUS!!! I am dying to take it out for a showing but I am scared to touch it :D I've quickly taken some pics, but the quality isn't very good because a friend is borrowing my camera and I had to use my phone.

Also, I know this has been brought up in this topic numerous times, but I was wondering if someone with a Spy could recommend a product that is available in Australia for the leather? And also what sort of cloth/material is best to polish it with? And how often is best to treat the leather? Thanks! :)

Congatulations on your new Spy!!! I was waiting patietly for yours to arrive, lol:D! Do you just LOVE it?? Does it smell divine? haha, I get so excited when someone gets a new bag:rolleyes:.

It looks like the large. Have u had a chance to measure it? Is it about 17" across? And sorry can't help u with the leather protector qn. I also wanna find out coz we can't get Applegarde stuff here in Aus. I've heard some ppl mentioning Oroton has a good leather protector but I can't remember where I read that. But u prolly won't need to treat it unless u plan to take her out when it's raining. Enjoy your new bag!!!:flower:
DP_woman said:
Whoa, Nelly. You just got the bag, and you're thinking about polishing it. Why?

I'm not going to polish it right away, but I want to be prepared. I don't want it to go yuck. I would hate to see such a bag that hasn't been taken care of!!

Crazy Cool: Yes! The leather does smell divine!! On my receipt though, the description says "Small Spy Bag Lamb Leather". I think it is the only size they make the normal spy in. The only variations currently available are the satchel and hobo which are smaller. I took a picture of it next to a tissue box like you suggested. Hopefully this gives you a better idea of its size!

I also measured it with a tape measure around the outside - wide 21cm, tall 12cm.

I find it to be a perfect size! Not too big for me, nor small. It fits comfortable on my shoulder also. If I haven't said already... I love it!!:D


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Thanks so much for the comparison pic, Reducto!!! I really appreciate all your help:-) It doesn't seem too big at all now. I'm really getting into these bags like you wouldn't believe! Just a couple of weeks ago, I was determined I didn't like them but these days, hah! Oh no, just what my CC needs, lol! I shall mull it over a few more days and let u know if I cave and get one:-)

Thanks again. And get your camera back from that friend! Your mobile phone camera is not doing this gorgeous bag justice! :-)
Oh forgot to ask, is it a heavy bag? Like is it heavier than say a Chloe Paddington regular satchel?
reducto-congrats on your beautiful spy!:woot: i think i may have overheard gals using the apple garde leather conditioner and spray on it? (anyone please correct me if i'm wrong :( ) i have not used any products on my spy yet either :unsure:

Crazy Cool - you need to take the dive and get one! :clap: i don't have a chloe paddy, but i don't think it is as nearly as heavy as the paddy and the spy may be a bit more roomy too.
I was shopping on Saturday and I saw a lady with the chocolate spy...and it seemed to have the same problems as the cognac does. Maybe not as severe...but it had rub offs in the creases.

I thought it was beautiful but they were there....
My dark brown satchel has lighter coloured areas around the handles but I have to say I like the way it is starting to look. More weathered! and like it has been loved and used well , which it has.
I didn't see the front of the spy...but the sides...in the creases were rubbed off...to a light light cognac color
I have seen the BV Jardin bag IRL at the local BV store - the leather flowers on the bag are not smashed up, squashed or saggy... in fact, the flowers look very "perky" - simply gorgeous actually (if only $$ was no issue).
In referenece to color spotting...my sequin spy has some rub off on the back in one spot ( think it is where it rub against my clothing). Though for the money spent it should not happen, it really odesn't bother me, and in some ways I have come to really like the imperfections in the bag. At first I was going to exchange it, my SA said that it would not be a problem (even now if I wanted to), but I have just learned to like it,,

I have seen some other spys that really have some huge blotching all over the bag, and that just seems insane for the amount of money they sell these bags for.

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