well, after seeing these recent pictures of her, I really do think she's pregnant. (and I really want it to be true!!
Of course that right now we won't see a perfect convincing tummy, just a little tiny one (if possible).
06/17/09: She always dresses revealing outfits at Colcci runway shows. This time, they didn't show her pretty flat stomach. And there was plenty of mini-tops in this collection, as always.
plus: she only wore
loose tops.
06/15/09: another loose top at the Pantene event.
06/12 and 06/13: out & about in NY; loose tops.
^and when she's not wearing her loose tops she is hiding her tummy:
all pics from: popsugar.com
An IMG spokeman recently said when asked if Gisele was with child "We have no comment on our clients' personal lives."
She has also stated that she's
not expeting (at SPFW), but we know how the Bradys are..