
im tired of the diva-offs between rachel and mercedes. i mean they've competed against each other like 4 times already. we get it.

i still havent seen the entire first two episodes, i just watch the performances
^ i agree a little bit
i do love me some classic Brittany lines though :rofl:

they start and stop too many story lines and such, and they repeat things a lot like diva-offs.. its getting old, especially since its on its third season
if it wasnt for the fans and ratings, this show wouldnt last as long as it has if it was based on the plots, etc
Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Next Week's 'A'-Plus Glee (Plus Ep 5′s Big Rachel-Kurt News)!


Tired of Glee hijacking 75 percent of Ask Ausiello week in and week out? Or are you peeved that it’s not 100 percent? Well, I figured out how to make everyone happy… at least this week.

Feast your eyes on this, a special edition of AA that focuses exclusively on Glee — or more specifically, on next week’s standout episode, “Asian F,” of which I have seen (and adored). But how about we start off with a massive spoiler about an episode a little further down the road…

Question: It definitely seems like Episode 5 will have a few Finchel scenes. Is there anything you could tell us about that? —Sussi
Ausiello: That’s the understatement of the decade, Sussi. While next week’s “Asian F” showcases Mercedes and Mike like never before, the Nov. 8 episode puts Rachel and Kurt — and their respective relationships with Finn and Blaine — front and center. In a big, big way. How big we talking? Well, according to a Glee insider, Episode 5 finds the Wicked BFFs both losing their virginity. Appropriately, the title of the ep is “The First Time.”

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: John Stamos’ Dr. Carl gets not one but two shout-outs!

Question: Can you elaborate on your tweet about Finn having to choose between Rachel and Kurt in “Asian F”? —Paulina
Ausiello: Let’s just say that Rachel makes a controversial decision in the episode that pits her squarely against Kurt — much to Finn’s dismay.

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: Will shows Emma his special box!

Question: To me it looks like Mercedes is the big selfish Diva. She’s admitted to never rehearsing, doesn’t want to learn to dance, and yet she still wants the spotlight. Do they touch on this in “Asian F” or do they go straight to slamming Rachel, even though she actually works really hard to earn the solos and roles she gets? —Sarah
Ausiello: Mercedes’ diva-tude is more than addressed. In fact, her antics are the catalyst for one of the episode’s big musical numbers. (Hint: Think Dreamgirls.)

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: BreadstiX delivers!

Question: Can you elaborate on the “light PDA” Kurt/Blaine share in “Asian F”? —Car
Ausiello: There’s body contact, but no kissing.

Random “Asian F” Scoobit: Someone wants to cancel The Rachel Berry Show.

Question: Is there trouble ahead for Kurt and Blaine? —MeMe
Ausiello: I think I answered that question earlier this week.

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: There’s a Mike Chang scene that is very reminiscent of Billy Elliott.

Question: After “Asian F,” are Mike and Tina still a couple? —Lacey
Ausiello: Yes. There’s a very romantic, moving Mike-Tina scene that’s set in the dance hall… but there’s a catch.

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: The episode flashes back numerous times to a female character’s childhood.

Question: Will Quinn and Puck find any resolution with their daughter and Shelby? Puck was so cute with Beth this week! —Kathleen
Ausiello: Quinn and Puck are on the backburner in this episode, but the Quinn/Puck/Shelby/Beth imbroglio will heat up later this season.

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: Jimmy Fallon gets a shout-out!

Question: Any word on if Brittany and Santana will finally become an official couple? —Craig
Ausiello: No word, but I can tell you that there are two cute/funny Brittana scenes (one bitchy, the other celebratory) next week. Personally, I’m ecstatic that these two are back to being BFFs with occasional bennies. All of that relationship sturm und drang last season was sucking the fun out of them. There, I said it.

Random “Asian F” Scoopbit: The episode ends with a twist involving Shelby.

Question: During the episode’s climactic “Fix You” musical number, do we get shots of the glee kids? —Enviado
Ausiello: Yes, but the focus is on Will and Emma. Speaking of which, Will finally “meets the parents,” and is slightly disturbed to learn that they are (prepare to LOL) ginger supremacists!
i think the only reason I noticed this is because i have been listening to this song for the past 2 days on repeat but that during "You Can't Stop The Beat" only the original glee members were "featured" in the song. Rachel, Finn, Tina, Artie, Kurt, and Mercedes.

They weren't kidding when they said they wanted to focus on the main cast
apparently theres going to be trouble in kurt/blaines rship - i cant find the article but there will be another warbler hence drama for everyone who thinks this rship was too perfect ;)
was this episode ssupposed to be the one that sets the tone for the rest of the season?
if so, i missed the message :lol:
^ thank you!

all the glee kids tweeted that this was the best episode Glee has ever produced in all three seasons and when it finished I was like " uh seriously"?
Whoa I have so many different thoughts about ''Asian F'' I don't think I can get them all out just yet. It started off all light but turned heavy.

I'm torn over the Rachel vs Mercedes drama. I can see both sides. Yeah Rachel is a brat but she wants to be a star and works hard. Mercedes on the otherhand doesn't want to work for it so even though she has the voice why should we get behind her.

Best part for me - Brittany kicked butt with ''Run the World'' and Mike Chang's mom was cool.
Worst part - Will ruining ''Fix You'' :angry: and I hate Quinn's hair.

S4E03 - Pot O' Gold promo

november? season 3 hasn't even started and the are having a break already! :O

at least they are going to do 2 songs I love really much; Last Friday Night and Candyman :)
^^^ What does Quinn say to Puck in min 0:22??? I cant seem to catch the line lol and seems thats gonna be a good episode!!!!!

and about last night's I kinda enjoyed it, not the best but I liked it, That scene of kurt giving roses to blaine GOD DAMN I melted hahahaha
I was right about 'It's All Over' being a trainwreck, not even a Dreamgirls fantasy could save that. Thought the storyline with Mike Chang was long overdue and I really loved his version of 'Cool', as I've said I'm somewhat picky when it comes to WSS but that was beautifully done.

That preview is interesting, never mind Quinn, what was going on with Shelby and Puck.

Just by-the-by, I really long for them to write Spring Awakening into this in some way, either by using a few of the songs (maybe not Totally F**ked!) or at the season having Rachel score the lead in a touring/regional production. If it were opposite Jesse that would be even funnier.
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so 3 episodes in and its already on break?
seriously ?

i guess its going to go back to airing 3 and taking a break for 4 :rolleyes:
this is when i start losing interest again
Great for Mike to have his moment on the spotlight :)
They sang more songs than usual, didn´t they? someone complained that Will ruined Fix You but as a Coldplay hater gotta say I enjoyed it lol
i think they took a break because they only just finished filming episode 5. i guess they are taking it slow this year.

and i still havent seen any episodes yet :lol: oh well

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