Gucci F/W 2021.22 Milan

The Balenciaga silhouettes have been endlessly recycled throughout Demna's tenure but they are this collection's strength...however, the Balenciaga logo is even uglier layered with the Gucci monogram and it ruins that cute floral suit.

I agree that this is much less disastrous than Alessandro's usual output, there's actual restraint and some method to the madness. The S&M theme is a neat way of incorporating the horse bit motif and mantains a sense of cohesion from look to look, even if it falls into overkill by the end.

Far from the eight world wonder fashion media is gonna hype this up to be (when it's the opposite of groundbreaking: safe and predictable) ...but I was expecting far worse.
Tom's velvet suits is only noteworthy and eye-catching.
Mood of this show is bad, dull and soulless version of Chanel ss 2005.
Personally I found it quite sickening to see most people on social media hyping up this collection. There wasn’t a look that made me gasp like I did when I saw collections from Ghesquiere or Alber 10+ years ago. Has fashion hit the rock bottom yet? Because the whole climate is just making me sad.
I can't help but already think about how absurdly overpriced these clothes are going to be -- both in stores and in the eventual resell market -- due to their "collector's items" status. How much do we think this coat will retail for? $10,000? 20,000?

Maybe it's cynical that's where my mind goes, but this really isn't anything more than a cashgrab, so...
I adore the Tom Ford references but overall I find that it lampoons both of the designers design dogma.
Extraordinary collection! Never thought Demna and Alessandro's worlds would blend so well! And such a clever move from Kering, the clothes are very appealing and it wasn't a bad idea at all to go back to the trademarks of these two designers and to the heritage of their respective brands. Even the Gucci logo mania didn't bother me much! Sometimes you want minimalism but in times like these fashion must serve as well as an escape of sorts and this was exactly it. Bravo!
call me old fashioned, but both Balenciaga and Gucci has their respective positions and representations in the fashion world and to do this is really hitting the lowest of the low.
I feel they should be honing their craft and do it better, than to collaborate with sticking logos together??

as it is, this instagrammy, streetwear vibe for everything for the last 10 years are bad enough >>> Gucci/ Balenciaga/ Celine/ Dior Homme/ LV men but I can tolerate if its just a little or occasional, but it has gotten to a stage where almost everyone is doing this (maybe except Prada for high fashion brands?)..

and now this.....
Gucci is nowhere near my personal aesthetic but I do appreciate the designs and styling here. Great collection.
it genuinely is the lowest of the low. it's worse than when made in yugoslavia YSL ties could be bought at loehmanns.

call me old fashioned, but both Balenciaga and Gucci has their respective positions and representations in the fashion world and to do this is really hitting the lowest of the low.
I feel they should be honing their craft and do it better, than to collaborate with sticking logos together??

as it is, this instagrammy, streetwear vibe for everything for the last 10 years are bad enough >>> Gucci/ Balenciaga/ Celine/ Dior Homme/ LV men but I can tolerate if its just a little or occasional, but it has gotten to a stage where almost everyone is doing this (maybe except Prada for high fashion brands?)..

and now this.....

Customers don't know what's going on these days. People don't know if they're coming or going, but they do know their jacket says 'GUCCI' on it and It mEanZ uR A bOsS, DrAKe WeaRZ GuCcI - GUCCI AND BALENCIAGA written on it means your a double boss.
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I think I’m a fashion victim because I called the store to pre-order the FW96 look. And it turns out that there’s already a big demand for that suit....

I kinda feel bad for Tom Ford because everytime Michele makes direct references to his time at Gucci, it’s a hit but yet, people doesn’t seem to allow him to reference his own past...

That being said, the collection left me puzzled. I love the energetic presentation and I think for some reason, Michele manages to make his take on nostalgia less desperate than Donatella!

The tailoring from Michele was good and it was the best part of it. I think the pantsuits were very great in their color palette and cut. And the styling was effortless...But coming from someone who has 38 pantsuits, I don’t know if it’s a compliment or if I’m just an easy target.

The Tom Ford references always work well at Gucci. The 96 suits, the 98 shoes and I recognized the 99 lace pants. Tom’s references have been constant from Alessandro and I find it funny that he did not referenced at all anything from Frida...Maybe commercialism?

The Balenciaga part was disappointing. It added some punch to the presentation but was more than poor of a proposition. But it will sell.

It’s a go-branding exercise...Which has nothing to do with design.

Those two brands are holding on to what is already the end of a cycle...
For me....this collection was a major let-down. My fashion sensibility is old-fashion. I love grandpa\granny vintage clothes. I devour old clothes...and nostalgia. It's the type of style that harks back to a time when the world and culture wasn't as aggressive and violent as it is today. I'm not saying that times of the past were just seems that violence and chaos is more amplified in today's world.

I honestly have no idea.....what it was that I was listening to....when I watched the presentation. That.....was music?? I didn't actually hear anyone singing. More like.....talking....and a bunch of psycho babble pieced together with a lot of noise. Oh?? And the profanity?? I guess I'm just not cool. I don't find it necessary to drop the words MF after every quote. I honestly can't believe people actually listen to....and like....any of that audible garbage. Ghetto....gangster.....violence....flaunting wealth....bling-bling. Reflective of the times, I suppose??

The clothing wasn't so great.....and the "music" made it harder for me to even watch.

The suits are too....boring. Although they fit very well....they're just too classic for my personal taste. Very little use of busy patterns. The suits here.... come across as too easy...pedestrian.....and too safe for my personal style. A red velvet suit?? Meh...I think it's boring.

And yeah.....the use of logos and corporate branding = cheap marketing ploy... used to sell and promote tacky junk.
I'm only here for the film's director - Floria Sigismondi. I've been a fan since she directed Blink 182's I Miss You and Christina Aguilera's Fighter videos

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