Gucci Horsebit Hobo

I don't care if people want to buy fakes but it makes me SOOO mad when people get scammed! it ruins the fun for everyone.
thanks for the tips. i'll be sure to tell my friend. if she gets it and it looks shady i'm sure she'll return it. paying a restocking fee and for shipping isn't that bad compared to losing out on $450 bucks. i know the bag retails for $1290 and there's a 4-6 week waiting period for it right now. i want one myself! thanks again for the help!
It does make you think, especially coming from Ebay. I have seen tons of this model, being sold on Ebay as authentic. It makes me really mad. I emailed a couple sellers who insist their bags are authentic, when i can clearly see that they are SO NOT!. This bag in particular doesnt look authentic to me, judging by the tag hanging on the bag, just never happens with authentic gucci. The leather looks quite hard, compared to the real ones, which have a certain glow to the soft leather, not that cheap shine that i have seen on the majority of the fakes. Also you must remember that when you buy from Ebay, if the seller isnt legimate,as 95% of them arent, you risk parting with a lot of hard earned cash, for something that is passed of as authentic and which will not go the full mile,as fakes will fall apart much quicker than one expects it to. I think the safest thing to do, is continuously look, find a seller that sells the real thing and save up for it. Not unless you arent bothered by the fact that you are paying loads for a fake bag, just so you can look expensive or whatever. Most people that buy those fakes, know the bags are fake, but dont care:heart:
Do they carry both a large hobo and small? I want to get one for my mom for mother's day but only see the large one online.
Our Gucci store had an all-black leather large horsebit hobo when I went in there this weekend. I didn't think they were still making that color.....

And also, over on Lux, someone claimed to have gotten the fushcia (pink) large horsebit like Jessica's at the Boston Gucci store a few months ago. Soooooo....maybe you could call that particular one. :D
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I need some help!!! I plan on buying the Gucci Horsebit Hobo for my mother for mother's day... in a new tan color they have. Does anyone here own it or could tell me a little more about it. My mom loves big bags, but hates when they are too tight under her arm. Would this be tight or easy to put under her shoulder?? Please help me figure this out for my picky mother!! :o
Ok so I just called Gucci on 5th and am having them reserve the LArge Horsebit Hobo in their new tan/camel leather. The rep told me its a beautiful color. Anyone seen it yet? I'll be picking it up tomorrow or Thursday, so hopefully it is perfect :flower:
last I checked, the Gucci boutiques had many of these bags in stock, in both the medium and large sizes. I'm not sure what the new tan color is -- is it the camel from a few seasons ago?
surfermegz said:
I need some help!!! I plan on buying the Gucci Horsebit Hobo for my mother for mother's day... in a new tan color they have. Does anyone here own it or could tell me a little more about it. My mom loves big bags, but hates when they are too tight under her arm. Would this be tight or easy to put under her shoulder?? Please help me figure this out for my picky mother!! :o

It is a shoulder bag, and thats how everyone wears it, so it should be fine under her arm. Unless she has a huge shoulder like a man lol, it should be fine. :D
it fits easily over the shoulder, but it's not that easy getting into the bag while it's on your shoulder (especially with the big size). it probably gets easier as the bag breaks in.
saw this color a couple of weeks ago, when i returned my black one:) the tan is beautiful although the strap,imo, is very wide and not very comfortable over the shoulders. and because of the close fit under the arms and the large size of the bag, i ended up looking like a runningback for the raiders:yuk: this bag is HUGE!!

also,when i bought it, the sa said they only made a few because of the high demand and that it would probably be the last i bought it thinking it would be "special". anyhow, a week later, i called a boutique in california and they said they had two in their wherehouse without a waiting list and that it was a staple in their gucci line...? i should have known, they said the same thing about another bag i bought from them that ended up being added to their regular line. :shock:
Eclecticbagz said:
saw this color a couple of weeks ago, when i returned my black one:) the tan is beautiful although the strap,imo, is very wide and not very comfortable over the shoulders. and because of the close fit under the arms and the large size of the bag, i ended up looking like a runningback for the raiders:yuk: this bag is HUGE!!

also,when i bought it, the sa said they only made a few because of the high demand and that it would probably be the last i bought it thinking it would be "special". anyhow, a week later, i called a boutique in california and they said they had two in their wherehouse without a waiting list and that it was a staple in their gucci line...? i should have known, they said the same thing about another bag i bought from them that ended up being added to their regular line. :shock:

I just sent the bag to my mom, and I hope she likes it. I was worried about the under the arm fit being a bit tight, not because she is huge, but just because it is only a 9 in drop. If she doesn't like it, what other bag from gucci would be comprable? She wants a large leather shoulder bag, hence I figured the LArge hobo would be perfect... I'm nervous she may not love it :blush:
hmm...can't think of any other gucci leather shoulder bag...all the leather bags i saw were either mixed with canvas or satchels. well, hopefully she'll love the hobo and you won't have to look for a replacement:) that was so thoughtful and generous of you to get her this bag!
so hey, did your mom like the bag? it's weird because after being so scarce for so long, they have tons of them. and I saw the new "tan" which is called "praline" and is much darker than the original tan.

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