my admittedly knee jerk reaction, without having seen the bag, is it's fake. nearly all (if not all) the horsebit hobos on eBay are fake and $650 is way too cheap -- I think the bag retails for $4000? even better than pictures of the bag would be information about the auction, if you can get it. the fake gucci hobos are tricky. I would say the things to look out for are whether it has some sort of closure (the real ones have none and the fakes I've seen have some sort of magnetic closure), the quality of the leather (it shouldn't be wrinkly or anything -- it should feel expensive), and be on the lookout for extraneous tags (gucci bags do not have any sort of tag that hangs off the bag). also, serach the handbag forum for this bag and I guarantee you will find pictures of fakes -- this topic has been addressed many times before.