to be honest, i'm pleased with the fact Frida didn't repeat that 'russian-gypsy-rock-star' disaster she once showed. and that's more than enough for me. leaving all the doubts about the purpose of this collection behind, i wonder if the silhouette can get even more ridiculous (to what point can we shorten the mens jacket? at Gucci it looks like apropriating your younger sister school uniform, which really is NOT cool). besides, what Tim Blanks mentioned about the price versus aspiring masses issue, is totally logical. who cares uber-'luxurious' (i beg a pardon) leggins and 'italian quality' and 'craftmanship' and everything Gucci tries to sell, if it's just a rip-off of the rebellious look, that's not even that IN anymore.
but to give Frida kudos, i like that's she keeps trying to have a dialogue with youth. even though the conversation gets THAT freaky.