Hair Emergency - Color, Cut & Product Damages - HELP!

Damaged Hair

I will never again color my hair. I had beautiful, silky, chestnut brown hair that never had any problems. (see avatar)

a year ago, I got curious about hair color and wound up with a disaster. So, I went to a professional and she stripped the color 3 times and reapplied a color that was close to my original. It totally killed my hair (the coloring and then the ensuing stripping of color).

It's a little better now, but the ends are so dry and result in tangles. It makes my hair so difficult to manage. I haven't done a thing to my hair in over a year, and yet it's still dry and damaged. Is it supposed to take this long for it to grow back healthy?

I've used L'oreal anti-frizz serum and it's not working, I've used many conditioners (ranging from the very expensive to grocery store brands). I blowdry my hair on low, keep the nozzle a decent distance from my hair, and dry it every other day, sometimes every 3 days. I let it dry naturally and then blowdry it when it's just barely damp.

Parts of my hair are healthy, but overall it's still damaged. Should I wait longer for it to grow out? Or is there something I'm missing?
Thanks for your help :)
You look lovely hon. You are doing the right thing with your hair. Keep it away from heat and use products with sunscreen. However The only way to make the damaged bits disappear is to cut them off. You need your hair to totally grow out, for a full head of heai it can take over a year. The frizzy ends are just whats left of the damaged coloured hair. I know it sounds harsh but once hair has been fried through colour treatments it aint getting better!

You could go and speak to your stylist who will be able to do a very deep conditioning treatment whcih should help. You will need to have this done every couple of weeks at least.

Have you tried natural / homemade conditioners. Olive oil is really good. Wash your hair then apply warmed olive oil to the damaged parts Pin up your hair and wear a shower cap for about half and hour then rinse with a very mild shampoo (baby shampoo is great.) This is one of the only things that makes my frizz bomb hair manageable.

Let me know how you get on!
Don't wash your hair every day, that will strip the natural oils. Mine is bleached and in great condition b/c of that. I had mine stripped and re colored a couple of years ago, and my stylist gave me Kerastase (the green bottles are for severely damaged hair) and my hair improved drastically.
Double Processed Hair.....and still hate it!!!


I am having a "panic attack" with my hair and was wondering if anyone (espcially a professional) can help!

I just came from a salon and had a "double process" with two times "toners".
I other words, I came in for highlights, had my dark roots lifted to a lighter color using bleach, then, dyed it to a number 8 blonde and bleached some parts again for highlights. Well, highlights fell off - COMPLETELY and the stylist decided to use a toner (twice) to calm the "yellowness". Now my hair looks severly damaged, abnormally fragile and its horrible looking. I hate the way it looks now.

I now have this weired unidentifiable hair color. Almost looks like a bad shade of "strawberry, carroty blonde/light red".

I want to march in the salon first thing and just dye it completey "dark brown".

Question that duable? Considering that my hair has suffered in breakage clumps!!!

PLease, Please, Please someone get back to me!!!!

Please....I'm dying here!
hey dear,
can take a pic of your hair condition and show us?
perhaps it's not as bad as u think!

dying your hair dark brown is a good alternative.. provided you can find henna hairdye, which is more gentle to the hair.

show us a pic to se how bad the condition, if possible!
I agree henna hairdye (natural plant colour) will probably be your best option - it's the only dye I can think of that will actually strenghten your hair - and your hair sounds like it needs that - good luck :flower:
from blond to brunette

i dyed my hair brown today,
before it was blond with highlights in it
but now its brown an you see the blond through it

pleas help me:cry:
Need hair-dying help!

I have stawberry-blone hair. It isn't a very dark red or profound red. I wanted to dye it to something a little Will this alter my natural color? I like my color and I get a lot of comments about, but I am bored with the same color. I don't want to change my color drastically or for a long time. Just for a little change. But, I want to make sure I can grow back out my regular color when I get bored with the darker red.
Why don't you use one of those non-permanant dyes... where it only last like two weeks?
Hair colour ;(

hey guys!
i have a problem. in 3 days i will go to a hairdresser, and i want a new hair color. but i'm really not sure what colour. i have ash-blonde hair (don't like the colour) and i would like my hair to be wheter light-blonde or dark like a warm brown...what is better? i'm really not sure :blink:
My hair was destroyed today/long story/help wanted

I know this post is too long but I'm sobbing, at least my wedding isn't for 9 months.

If you have the time, and you have any advice I would appreciate you reading at least part of this, especially if you are a hair dresser and or can help.

This is what happened, I am losing my mind right now over it.

I am naturally light brown, used to be blonde but around age 12 it went dark so I got highlights, and have continued with lights for the rest of my life. My hair is always the color of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton, in other words really blonde. My hair is quite long, it's almost (or it was) exactly like Heather Locklear's.

I've been going to this hairdresser now for 6 years, she uses the cap and pulls some of my roots through and puts bleach on, that's it, works nice, I've always been happy until today.

I go in, totally unexpecting that I was about to have my life ruined in the blink of an eye (yeh, yeh, OK not my life, just my hair). When I first went in she surprised me and says "want to try something new today?" I say not really, I like the way you always do it but what did you have in mind? She says well instead of the cap, just apply the color with a brush, it will be healthier, I say, no I like the cap, so she begins, then the other girl working there says, who I've since secretly nick named, "Big Mouth Know It All" says to me; "you can still change your mind" so I did. :( I said to my former hairdresser OK I've been coming to you for 6 years, if you think it will be OK, I trust you. So she paints this color on and this is where the trouble sets in; usually it only takes 5 or 10 minutes to lighten my hair, but she left this on for about 20 minutes and I started to notice that it was going orange, so I said, shouldn't it be rinsed off by now? She says, "no it's a new color without peroxide, it takes longer." Now, I KNOW that my hair needs peroxide to get the shade I want so I begin to panick. She only told me she was going to try a new method of applying it, I knew nothing about the "new" color until now. She (my hair dresser) says to Miss Big Mouth know it all, "do you think it should come off now?" Big mouth says, "no it needs another 20 minutes, :shock: I look panick stricken but my hair dresser says, it will neutralize and cut out the orange after it's on longer, go sit over there and don't look in the mirror, it'll be fine, so I do, like the moron that I am.

So she rinses and sure enough it's bright orange, I say "oh no I'm not happy and I don't like it," she says, "oh I wouldn't let you leave like that anyway I can fix it, I'll just bleach it like always," I say, "is that safe, after all that chemical to apply more, I don't want to be bald," she replies "I'll just leave the bleach on for 2 minutes," I say, "but what about the orange, where's that going to go," she says (she knows nothing about hair I found out after all these years) "the bleach will cut it." Guess what happened, brighter orange, I mean brighter, she says, that's OK I'll tone it, again even brighter more orange like orange, so she tones it again and again then she starts to cry and says, "you're my best client and I've ruined your hair and I can't fix it." :cry: :yuk:

So I've been there for 4 hours at this point with her trying to fix it. By the way Big Mouth left for the day, hours ago after dropping her jaw when she saw my hair when it was being rinsed, then said haha just kidding. :angry: I explained to my hair dresser calmly, (didn't cry once, until I got home) that if somebody has been coming to you for 6 years, leaves happy each time, you probably shouldn't try something new, she keeps saying, "I wish I could rewind time, I have no idea what I was thinking, just picked out a color from the color book." Bottom line, my hair is destroyed and can't be fixed, at least not by her.

In the mean time, I want to go home, this is my cherished day off work and I'm tired out, she won't give up and I can't go around with my hair like this anyways, it's two distinctly different colors at this point, bright neon orange where my roots were and ash blonde from all the toners on the bottom, so I pick out a picture of Angelina Joli and say, "OK this is what I want you to do, I think it will work, I've been thinking of going dark for a while anyways, can you make me dark brown like her, I think dark brown will cover the orange and I love that color hair" NOW she decides to use the cap, makes no sense since the bright orange is painted to the roots so what I ended up with is a really bad immitation of Lindsay Lohan's, not near as pretty but that's the best way I can describe it, it really looks like a very bad do it yourself dye job with neon orange roots. It didn't come out anything like Joli's, it came out like, I don't even know if there is a name for this color. It's sort of a muddy pinkish orange mouse shade with neon orange at the roots. There's nothing nice or blonde or brown even about it. She just wouldnt' listen, even after all that, she said about Anglina's picture, "no that color is too dark for you, you won't be happy with your hair that dark, lets just go a shade lighter." I'm thinking, I said I wanted it, why can't you listen! I'm not a hair dresser but I think I know more about hair than her, I know she should have just taken the dark color I asked for slapped it on minus the cap and it would have looked nice, but no she had to go a shade lighter and use the cap now. When that rinsed off and was dried, I grabbed my coat, she says "don't you want it curled" I said no and ran. She also kept talking about how she'd never do that again, etc. next time she'll do it the old way, as if there was going to be a next time.

I want my blonde hair back, I never knew how much I liked it until now. I don't know what to do, do I have to wait for this to grow, get it all cut off, or is there a quick fix? What it seems is that whatever that color she put on it just won't fade off, can't be covered, won't rinse off. Mom said it might wash out eventually.

I have to go to work and people are going to laugh at me. I have my reply ready, "yeh OK, I screwed up my hair, please don't stare."

I was thinking OK it could have been worse, it could be my health, maybe this is punishment from karma or God for being too vain, I don't know, it's just hair but I'm really having a nervous breakdown.

I was thinking maybe I should go to the drug store and get a bottle of brown rinse and put it on. Is there anything to cancel out a bright orange color? Can blonde be brought back after dark toners? Actresses change their color all the time, there must be a way, but this girl sure didn't know.

I'm not going back to her again, because I've lost all faith, trust and respect for her as a hairdresser but I'm not even mad at her, because I know she didn't mean it, she tried so hard to fix it, seemed as upset as me but I have no idea why she decided to try something new.

Lesson learned: I was way too passive and trusting with her.

I even asked her if there was anyone she knew to call that might have an idea of how to fix it, "she'd mentioned recent classes in color, maybe that's where this all came from."

I didn't pay her, I usually give her a good tip but this time she said "there's no way you're paying me" I said are you sure? OK then and left.

I've already thought about hats but I work inside and I don't think I can wear a hat all of the time there, I'll see but I will wear one outside, it's cold here, I usually do anyway. Updo's do look much better, I've been practising already today and have been looking around the house for clips and stuff.

She does feel bad. She just got too comfortable with me because I've been a client for so long but I'm sure she learned her lesson, too bad it had to be on my head.

I just don't think it can be fixed. I'm told there are some very good stylists where I live, I'll try to get some opinions but right now I've afraid to let anyone touch it.

On the bright side (well good side ) if there is one, I still have hair and it seems to be healthy, I don't think she used a lot of harsh chemicals, she used some for sure and none of my hair has broken off yet. *fingers crossed*
Well, I'm a newcomer to this site and no hairdresser, but after reading your questions and being an avid home-hair-dye user, I'll try to offer you some advice...

First thing: do you want to go back to blonde or are you happy with a darker colour (since if you put any darker brown on, in order to go blonde you will have to have the colour removed, quite hard process on hair...). If you want to go darker (brownish colour) that can be done by first applying red haircolour (in blonde hair you don't have much red tones and by adding brown colour straight on, it tends to turn greenish..not what you're after Im sure). This you can do with just non-permanent haircolour that won't damage your hair. Then add the brown (needs not be very dark, since you're pretty light underneath with the red it will turn out to be quite dark anyway). When I went from blonde to brown I did this and ended up with a nice mahogany colour. It fades pretty fast from the blonde roots, but upkeep at least is cheap and not damaging (I don't use permanent colour since blonde hair underneath is pourous enough to absorb just regular wash off dye).

However, if you want to go back to blonde, you need to get to a hairdresser (and not add any colour on your hair now, as it will only need to be stripped off). A good hairdresser can apply a color-removing cream (it's quite harsh but if the hairdresser knows what she/he is doing, with good conditioners etc, it will not damage your hair too much). You'll need to go quite light orangey-blonde before they can add a toner colour (to hide/counteract the orange) on top, otherwise it'll go too dark. To keep the orange/yellow colour away, you can then use a toning shampoo, something with silver etc to balance the colours. A good hairdresser will be able to help you with this.

So, there are the choices that I can see, going blonde will require good tender care after all the treatments, but if that is ultimately what you want, you might want to do that. And make sure your ex-hairdresser compensates you for the price you'll pay for the new colour.
Well, maybe it is a form of punishment for wanting hair like Paris Hilton or Heather Locklear! :p
Sorry, I didn't want to be rude, it's just that I had to say it. :blush: I know how you feel, my hair being destroyed by a perm my hairdresser advised me to do. The last I went there and explained that I don't have actual curls but just awful messy hair, that I miss my perfect straight hair and more important, that my hair is ruined she just said "aw, If I knew, I wouldn't have done it":doh:
Now that I waited 2 years to have my hair long, I just have to cut it :cry:
We're both victims of incompetent hairdressers..:(

So my advise to you would be that after all those chemical stuffs they put on you hair, you should leave it, not try to bleach it for a moment. Maybe try some "natural" dye for you hair, I know it exists and it's not supposed to damage your hair. And also try some nice shade of brown, something warm and shiny.
You should try to see this as an occasion to do something new with you hair, to be a brunette, you might like that change for some time. I have persuaded myself that having to cut my hair is the right occasion to have a more funny, stylish haircut.
What I mean is be positive. I'm sure you still can do something really beautiful with hair, it might just be different from the usual. Some changes might be great in the end, no? It's not a catastrophe :flower:
I'm sorry to hear what happened to your advice is to get yourself to a very reputable salon on a quiet day/time or phone in advance and book some time with them just for a consultation with the colourist, talk through your options and see what they can do for you, get back to us on how it turns of luck :heart:
im reaaaally sorry this has to happen to u.i have been a victim of dumb hairdressers!i once had a haircut that didnt suit my curly hair at all!
what i learnt is to always have pictures if what u exactly have in mind..and never ever color or highlight ur hair unless its on the hands of an expert.

my advice to u is,try to find a kind of natural color to dye your hair(henna is good)n be a burnette for now

Oh dear, I'm sorry about what happened to your hair.

Can't give you much advice here as I am no hairdresser, but I hope that your next move will help resolve all your hair problems :flower:
as here are so many expercts with excellent tips i hope you can help me too.....
i've dyed my hair dark for quite long and i was fed up by that. on friday i bought "magma" by wella only thing that lightens up dark hair. so i did highlights with that and my hair got really lighter! i wanted dark blonde/honey blonde highlights but as for my hair was black there is some cupreous undertone in it now which i want to get rid of. so i thought of buying a semi permanent hair dye in a dark blonde tomorrow and apply it to my hair to get rid of that slight orange gleam.
just i am afraid, that the blonde would turn out too ligth because that is the last thing i want :blink: i just want a nice dark blonde. so any tips what color i could use or for what i should look out and can do?

Aurel said:
Well, maybe it is a form of punishment for wanting hair like Paris Hilton or Heather Locklear! :p
Sorry, I didn't want to be rude, it's just that I had to say it. :blush: I know how you feel, my hair being destroyed by a perm my hairdresser advised me to do. The last I went there and explained that I don't have actual curls but just awful messy hair, that I miss my perfect straight hair and more important, that my hair is ruined she just said "aw, If I knew, I wouldn't have done it":doh:
Now that I waited 2 years to have my hair long, I just have to cut it :cry:
We're both victims of incompetent hairdressers..:(

So my advise to you would be that after all those chemical stuffs they put on you hair, you should leave it, not try to bleach it for a moment. Maybe try some "natural" dye for you hair, I know it exists and it's not supposed to damage your hair. And also try some nice shade of brown, something warm and shiny.
You should try to see this as an occasion to do something new with you hair, to be a brunette, you might like that change for some time. I have persuaded myself that having to cut my hair is the right occasion to have a more funny, stylish haircut.
What I mean is be positive. I'm sure you still can do something really beautiful with hair, it might just be different from the usual. Some changes might be great in the end, no? It's not a catastrophe :flower:
I didn't attempt to have hair like Paris or Heather, I just did, long before I'd even heard of Paris and I'm not a huge Locklear fan, I was just trying to explain what it looked like. It's a lot better today, not near as ugly as I thought and the color will fade off quick I'm told. I found some helpful advice. I'm not going to strip it and I don't want it too dark.
Spring Fever, my sympathies! What a nightmare!

Regarding your original stylist: it's a bad sign when they use the cap to do highlights. More talented stylists use foils, which allow for more creativity and control of color.

For now, I'd say wear your hair in a bun, and deep condition it. If anybody at work makes fun, give them a stricken look and wobble your lower lip. They'll shut up in a hurry. If they don't, tell them the whole story, and don't leave out a single detail.

Then find a reputable salon that specializes in "color correction." Be prepared to pay through the nose. If there is a luxury hotel in your city, you might try asking the concierge if they recommend a particular hair salon.

Good luck! Just grows back! :flower:

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