Hair Emergency - Color, Cut & Product Damages - HELP!

haha. oh my GOSH! i feel so sorry for you. I can so relate to this panic feeling at the hairdresser. I am ALWAYS so scared when I look i the mirror for the first time because I love my hair, and I highlight it and I'm always scared something went wrong.
But just fallow the advices the others gave you. Youll get used to it, take time..itll grow out.. and in spring you'll get blonde highlights and slowly get lighter again.
Hello SpringFever, I feel so sorry for you because I really know what you feel; I've had two times serious problems with hairstylist. The first time I was in London, I had really beautiful hair, my color (ash blonde) with few highlights not really long (meg ryan cut) but thick and shiny. I went to this saloon and the hairdresser stars to talk about extensions, I didn't want to put them on but he said that the extensions wouldn't damage my hair...I decided to try them , well after 3 weeks my hair was so damaged that I had to put extensions to cover that s#@t....after 5 years my hair are still damaged but now they're starting to grow a little bit faster and healthy. last october I went to my salon to cover the highlights that I had last year and I wanted to go back to my natural color, it ended that I had relly dark brown hair with red I've found a great hairstylist that understands what I want and doesen't try "something new" if I don't ask for!! My hair now are blonde again maybe too much but it's better than that disgusting brown-red. I think that you need to find a new hairstylist that needs to be really good with colors, maybe you can check in fashion or beauty magazine or ask in beauty saloon (my manicure girl adviced me about this amazing saloon!). I'm really sure that you'll find a great hairstylist that will take care of our hair. take care!:flower:
hey dont worry about it your hair will be fine eventually but violet tones cancel out yellow so u could go to a salon and get a brown with violet in it. I got foils once that were too yellow and orange for my liking and got my best friend to put a brown with purple and it looked amazing.

my best friends a hair dresser so if you'd like to talk to her pm me and i'll give u her email address so u can talk to her- her salon is a colour salon so they specialize in colour and her boss was awarded top colourist in australia
Hi SpringFever - I am so sorry to hear what happened to your hair. It's really terrible. I just wanted to let you know that John Frieda salons specialise in destroying hair that's been wrecked by other's bad handiwork. I know you are in Canada but if there is any chance you can get to a John Frieda salon in the States or in London before your wedding date, they would be able to rectify the damage to your hair colour. On reflection maybe your stylist should pay for the work and travel expenses - a lawyer might say you have a legal case here. If you can't travel, you could always call John Frieda - in London Susan Baldwin is highly recomended - and ask them if they could recommend any hairdressers more local to you. I hope you can work it out and I strongly advise you not to dabble with home kits in the meantime! Best of luck!
:shock: Crazy hairdresser..... Hope you find a solution soon.... I am sure there's a way to fix it, all you need is good hairdresser..... :flower:
I would definitely NOT try and fix this at home. Please only go to a salon w/ an amazing colorist who can correct the color.
Stripping hair dye out of hair..

Ok, so i've been dying my hair black for about 4 years now and i'm really bored of it. I'm thinking about having the colour stripped out and having it dyed/bleached blonde, but i'm pretty worried about how it will turn out, or what it will do to my hair. I'd grow it out but my roots would look really bad as my natural hair colour is light brown, plus i'm impatient. lol
I'd really appreciate any advice, hints, tips, facts from anyone who has had their hair stripped or knows anyone who has had it done. Is it a long process? Will it really damage my hair?...etc..
Any advice is welcome before I go ahead and make an appointment with my hairdresser...If I make an appointment that

Thanks! ;)
There is a similar thread further down...called blonde to brown to blonde again or something! I replied in that and this is what I put... I will try and find some pics of my hair colours and the colour Im going to go back to!!! I am a bit obsessed with this subject at the moment :lol: as I am doing it myself so I love these threads!!!!! :)

I am in the process of going back to blonde after having been blonde, then brown!!I was like a light ash blonde since i was about 15,then about 3 years ago, I went really dark chocolate brown... I thought i couldnt go back to blonde as i had been having my hair dyed brown for 3 years and had such a colour build up on my hair...

But then, the other day i asked about it and my hairdresser said it was fine! I had highlights put into my hair, and it is now light time i am going back to blonde! I had bleach put through my hair for the highlights and then a toner colour put on top. its come out really well, and i cant wait to go back to blonde!!!
Ok i desperately need someones help! The water at my college has started to turn my light blonde hair green, I am starting to get streaks of green throughout my hair. I think there are too many minerals or chlorine in the water. I have already tried baking powder and ketchup which I heard could help, and I use John Frieda blonde shampoo and conditioner. Any product suggestions or home remedies? I am desperate for help, I sooo do not want to dye my hair dark again!!
a) going to a hair salon

b) dying your hair at least 3 shades darker to cover up the green
Or you could invest in a shower filter.

I can never understand why people go on "detox" diets and buy expensive hair products and face cream and then not worry about the water that they are cleaning themselves with. You absorb more water through your skin than you do drinking it. A filter is a very smart investment.
thanks that is an idea, does anyone know of any hair products? Has anyone else had this problem?
Lush makes a shampoo called Daddyo that supposedly helps with this problem.

Lush said:
Daddyo is a beautiful purple shampoo which Mark created for himself but is prepared to share with everyone else. Mark has a lovely head of grey hair but in some places grey hair starts to look yellow and it's usually the local water which is doing it. Blonde hair can take on a greenish tinge for the same reason. Daddyo's fresh lemons restore your colour and give your hair the shine it should have, organic coconut oil gives it strength and seaweed's minerals condition it. It smells of violets (Mark's favourite and coincidentally, Napoleon's favourite too)...

disclaimer: I don't have this issue and haven't used this shampoo, and I am not affiliated with Lush, but I do love those of their products that I have used. Might be worth a try.

You could also try lemon juice, since that apparently is what restores your color, but I am not sure how you should apply it...
My advice is to dissolve some aspirin in a glass of water and rinse your hair with it. That should neutralize the green if it's due to chlorine in the water... :flower:
yeh its pretty scary! its pathetic tho, its only the water in PA that makes my hair green, everyone else in the world doesnt bother my hair!!
O used to be on the swim team and used a really good shampoo that was especially to get the chlorine out of your hair. I just dont remember what it's called... :ninja:

It was a white bottle with black kind of blocky writting. The name of the shampoo was written side ways on the left side of the shapoo, it was the #3 formula I believe.
hmm let me know if u remember, im gonna try the lush purple shampoo and see if it helps, but totally up for any ideas!

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