Hair Emergency - Color, Cut & Product Damages - HELP!

So...I thought I was doing great, I found a really reasonibly priced hair serum(think like frizz-ease)...for a couple days everything was great, my hair was gorgeous.

And now, towards the back of my head, there are a bunch(yeah, quite a few) of strands that are sticky and soaked with the product. Mutiple shampoos aren't getting it out. I'm completely freaked. And I don't have a normal hair stylist that I go to all the time, so I feel like a really big idiot to beg in a salon for help. :ninja:

Any suggestions on how to get this stuff out of my hair? or do I really need to go to a salon?!?
So have you tried clarifying shampoos? There are specific shampoos designed to get rid of build-up..those might help. And if you've already tried those, try mixing baking soda into one of your shampoos, massaging into the scalp, and leaving on for a bit. Then rinse and condition as usual. I'm not sure if this will work for you, but I know that it works on my hair!
Try using Neutrogena Shampoo Anti-Residue Formula. I had a similar problem that was due to twisting my hair up in a towel after a shower & ending up with a greasy/sticky back head. A second shower using my normal shampoo did not resolve the issue. This shampoo worked for me, it may help remove the gunk for you too.

Try pouring a couple ounces of regular strength mouthwash on your hair. The alcohol should help with build-up.
Removing hair dye

I've got naturally light red hair, but for about 6 months now I've been dying it with non permanent mousse dye.... just to make it a darker more vibrant shade of red.

The dye is supposed to wash out in around 10 washes, but it doesn't, its clung to the ends of my hair, and nothing but an inch or so of roots will go back to their normal colour.

What I'd like to do for summer is to go back to my lighter shade, but I can't get this damn dye out!
Does anyone have any suggestions, or would I be best going to my salon to get it done professionally?
In many stores where hair colours are sold, there will be packets of stuff that you can use to remove it.
lol hair diasters! the best thing for yours is definatly ask a hairdresser the'll know what to do. My hairs been like every colour recently i'm naturally ginger, and got bored so decided to dye it brown. It still had reddy tints so i dyed it again (NEVER get a friends mum to do it! even if she claims shes a hairdresser!) and my hair went black! and i'm quite pale i looked so gothic! so i got my hair prelightened to a bornwly blondy colour... then dyed to dark brown, then hihglights and my hair is liike lightening now to a light browny ginger. I have that reddish tint permantely cos of natural hair colour.
Anyway yes, unless you know what to do and have experience go to a hairdressers lol :)
the worst i have ever had was when i got foils in my hair and they were yellow :( hello its called a toner! and she did them so badly
haircut prb

ok. i want to get my haircut; right now its like a lil past my shoulders with some layers...and i really like rachel bilsons haircut or kate moss. i like it when the layers look like that cos i like my hair to look kinda messy and soft and sometimes i straighten but everytime i try to tell the stylist what i want they give me too many choppy layers!
how do you think i should expalin to the stylist?
thanks yall
i have naturally thin light brown hair which i dyed blonde about 2 years ago, and ever since i've been trying to dye it back to brown. but each time i try it fades back to blonde after one or two washes. could it be because i'm doing it myself? is there any way to fix it without having to go to a salon? help!
Shaving My Head Bald.

Hi there.
Last year I treated my hair chemically quite a bit (bleached twice, had pink hair) and so now it's kinda fried. I've taken good care of it and it can be silky on occasion, and, with the right products, but it's not enough. It's still obviously damaged. So I was contemplating shaving my head and letting it grow out. Does that really allow your hair to repair itself, etc, or is it a myth? I've also heard your hair grows out thicker. I have really really fine hair so that would be great. :flower:

Shaving can't alter your hair quality in any way whatsoever.
Your hair won't be thicker when it grows out. But sure, it wouldn't hurt to cut off the damaged hair.

My hair got very bleached from the sun when I was in France 2 years ago, and I've thought about cutting all of it off. I hate beeing blonde. I get roots, I hate roots. I'd look like an idiot with short hair, that kinda stops me from doing it :lol:
^I've had the same problem before too. Since your hair is thin, its probably very porous. You might not have to go to a salon to dye it, but I would suggest that you go to a salon and get a filler, which will shrink some of the large "pores" in your hair thats letting the color escape. Unless they sell fillers in drug stores, but im not too sure..
Wore my head shaved for years. It's very liberating and beautiful, I think. It will get rid of the damaged hair, of course. It won't change your hair texture, though, my same baby fine hair grew back in.
I've never colored my hair! Not even with temporary hair color or a hair spray! I think that's why my hair is so shiny and healthy looking! ( Or at least that's what other people tell me haha)

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