Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
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한느가비가 스타일링한 룩 중,
올봄 가장 따라하고 싶은 스타일을 골라
해시태그와 함께 공유한 후,
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한느가비가 직접 선택한
아이템을 선물로 드립니다. smile emoticon
<응모 방법>
①다음의 해시태그와 함께 해당 콘텐츠 공유
#질바이질스튜어트 #JILLbyJILLSTUART #HanneGaby
②한느가비 화보 중, 가장 따라 하고 싶은 룩과 이유를 댓글로 남기기
*좋아요는 필수, 친구 소환은 센스!
3/9(월) - 3/15(일)
<당첨자 발표>
<당첨 인원 및 경품>
1명, 화보 속 질바이질스튜어트 아이템 1개
*경품은 매장에서 교환 환불되지 않으며, 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다
StyleMost models are charged with representing countless products over the course of their careers, but only a few find themselves taking on the role of designer. The latest models to take the creative reins are noted not only for their beauty but for their shrewd use of street style as a personal platform. Hanne Gaby Odiele has been photographed for years sporting eclectic outfits, taking artsy labels like Comme des Garçons to the streets of Paris and testing out the new Alexander Wang boots straight from the runway. Odiele has become known for her ability to showcase fashion’s kooky side, and her latest venture, a footwear capsule collection with Matt Bernson, will hopefully tap into that charm. It’s the first time Odiele has participated in a design collaboration, but with her skill for interpreting fashion trends, the jump from model to designer seems natural.