I was responding to the ideas a poster put forth about Hedi's childhood trauma. There's something kind of ironic about how the fashion industry claims to celebrate creative vision but can't seem to just let Hedi be Hedi without turning it into a psychological case study...
I don't know if this is in reference to my contributions to that conversation, but either way:
I'm the only one who's called Hedi "emo" here in recent memory, and it's meant entirely in good humor/affectionately when I do. To my eye Hedi wears his heart on his sleeve artistically speaking, and that's a significant part of the appeal to me. Sometimes in a very blunt and uncensored way. That's a compliment. Art that makes you feel, empathize, relate, is effective art. To see something familiar in an artwork by someone who has lived a very different life is a sign of effective art. I also think Hedi is more self aware than he gets credit for, and he does this intentionally/knowingly.
That said, I don't necessarily think this forum (or any public place) is the place to speculate about Hedi's private life, nor do I think this is necessarily the place to speculate about why some observers see such heavy things in Hedi's work and others don't.
Even phrasing my thoughts in this post in what I hope is a respectful and appropriate way has taken more time and thought than I want to dedicate to a casual conversation about fashion most days. Sometimes it's easier to just acknowledge that aspect of his work (or that avenue of analysis, if you prefer) in passing with a dumb humourous phrase and then get down to more light-hearted conversation.
Hedi engaged with the emo subculture a fair bit so that term comes to mind readily.