Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery

I'm pretty sure she has some kind of a mental illness. A person that does that to themselves and think it's for the better / normal have to have something wrong in the brain. It's kind of sad :(
^ she has clear signs of body dysmorphia disorder. -_-
"Well, my main message is that beauty's really within"
Could she get anymore ridiculous. :blink:Her actions and words really contradict each other. That's definitely not the message she is trying to send to young girls. :rolleyes:
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^ I don't think she cares about young girls. I mean she is married to the worlds biggest sleaze :doh: and calls rolling around on the beach half naked and pretending to sing at a camera a "music career". :lol: real great massage

I think her and Spencer are just self absorbed attention seekers. And this plastic surgery thing is just taking it to the next level. I'm not sure weather to feel sorry for her or laugh at how pathetic this is.
The first post-surgery pictures of Heidi Montag at her secret Los Angeles hideaway. Heidi, 23, underwent ten plastic surgery procedures in one day late last year and this is the first time she has been pictured outside since.

Another before & after shot:
Please do not quote images

And I know we're not allowed to post links so if you want to watch her segment on GMA, just go to ABC's website!

I think she looks beautiful, and she doesn't look any different than your avarage playmate model, so it's not like she looks like michael jackson.
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^ Even playmate models look less plastic then her. Her face is all botoxed up!
Imo you cant call some one that plastic beautiful because it's all fake. Beauty is what you are born with. She looks nothing like the real her. Ok if she stoped at the nose job, but everything else just completely altered her. In my eyes its disturbing and not attractive at all
^ It's true, she was a very pretty woman before now she is just :shock: I would love to know how she will look after the swelling stars dissapearing. I just remember that after you have all those stuff going on in your body, swelling is all over you and since she did a huge amount of surgeries, her swealling must be big. I hope she looks better after her swelling dissapears .-_-
OMG..look at what her fans are saying on her facebook profile.


This one in specific literally made me LOL:

"Your new look is super gorgeous!

Don't worry about the haters, they just mad cause they can't get to where you are in life.

Your album is my ****ing world, love u=]"
The guy beneath this girl called Heidi a "natural beauty".
It's crazy how no matter what you do in life, if you are in the public eye, there will always be detractors and supporters.
What amazes me most is that there are other people who can look at her and really see beauty; it's just mind blowing to me that this is actually anyone's standard of beauty.

I guess on a more positive note, this really goes to show that we will all be beautiful in someone's eyes, no matter how we look on the outside.

But just looking at the interview it's just creepy. She's not totally void of emotion in her eyes, but it's like there's a spirit missing; like she's void of a soul. They say the eyes are a gateway to someone's soul.
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Wow her surgery is BAD! I thought maybe People Magazine played around with her face in photoshop but now :shock:...apparantly Spencer thought she was "crazy" for doing the surgery and wanted her to see a therapist according to Perez...
Wow her surgery is BAD! I thought maybe People Magazine played around with her face in photoshop but now :shock:...apparantly Spencer thought she was "crazy" for doing the surgery and wanted her to see a therapist according to Perez...
If thats true, That the only clever thing that Spencer has ever thought :innocent:
Oh my the facebook page is filled with positive comments. Is the whole world going nuts? :doh:
^ Even playmate models look less plastic then her. Her face is all botoxed up!
Imo you cant call some one that plastic beautiful because it's all fake. Beauty is what you are born with. She looks nothing like the real her. Ok if she stoped at the nose job, but everything else just completely altered her. In my eyes its disturbing and not attractive at all

and who says that beauty is natural? All beautiful art masterpieces are man created, they didn't not spontaneously came into being.

Also, every single one of us spends hours a day and thousands of dollars buying cosmetics, cutting hair, waxing, trimming, excercising, even men, wearing makeup etc, all to beat our bodies into submission to fit a certain stereotype of what is attractive and what is not.

Most people's natural bone coloring is yellow, and so are there teeth, but GOD FORBID that you go out in public with yellow teeth, even if your dentaly hygiene is impecable.

All of a sudden it's disgusting to have body hair, specially in your privates, GOD FORBID you go to bed with someone and you haven't waxed, you'll be a horror story for your date's friends.

The point is, that unless you are Elizabeth Taylor or Angelina Jolie, there is no such thing as 100% natural beauty, and specially not in Hollywood.
^you have a few points, but they all rest upon man enhancing man's vision of beauty. Man cannot create beauty.
^ you can say that. But an art masterpiece has to be created to exist. People already exist so they need not be altered by men.
And sure we wax, sure we exercise sure we put on makeup. Excersise is a natural manipulation of your body and is also healthy. How can you compare waxing hair to putting two balloons in your chest? How can you compare bleaching teeth to brushing them (its simple hygiene)? We wear make up sure, but we dont all go and get our noses done and and chins shaved off!

There is a big fat line that divides "beautiful and well looked after" and " some one plastic and fake, that looks nothing like themselves"
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^ you can say that. But an art masterpiece has to be created to exist. People already exist so they need not be altered by men.
And sure we wax, sure we exercise sure we put on makeup. Excersise is a natural manipulation of your body and is also healthy. How can you compare waxing hair to putting two balloons in your chest? How can you compare bleaching teeth to brushing them (its simple hygiene)? We wear make up sure, but we dont all go and get our noses done and and chins shaved off!

There is a big fat line that divides "beautiful and well looked after" and " some one plastic and fake, that looks nothing like themselves"

well what about white teeth?? yellow teeth will give the impression of bad hygiene even if the person has perfect hygiene and it's their natural enamel color or whatever. We have made natural teeth unnatural.

And we will sooon make natural breasts unnatural. Everyday more and more people are caving in to plastic surgery. You really can't go au naturel anymore, or we won't be able to in the future without being frown upon or without it being a denominator of class, just like being fat was a sign of being rich in the renaissance.

What exactly is your point?? things that where accepted 30 years ago, like body hair are disgusting now. It's sad and pathetic.
My point is that plastic surgery is not beautiful. Thats what my point is! Espetially the amount that she has had.

And I know women that are very beautiful but do not have perfectly white teeth. they dont go bleaching them and they are still beautiful

I don't see how you can make me out to be a hypocrite just because I wear makeup and shave my legs? How can you compare what Heidi has done to an average beautiful woman that has not gone under the knife?
she tells extra tv that she wants H sized breasts. did anyone watch this?

Heidi Montag Wants Size 'H' Breasts

Montag, 23, underwent multiple cosmetic enhancements -- including her second breast augmentation -- but still wants more. Heidi admits her chest is now a "triple D, F. I like the F. I actually want H for Heidi."
The "Hills" star says of her [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]nip/tuck
[/COLOR], "I had a little bit of botox, an eyebrow lift, my ears tucked, I had my nose re-aligned, fat injections put into my cheeks, my lips done and I had my chin shaved down."
Montag thinks her new look is an "upgrade."
What do you think of Heidi's new look? Vote now!
Three months after undergoing the procedures, Heidi tells "Extra's" Terri Seymour that she went under the knife because of underlying insecurities about her looks.
Heidi claims to have been teased as a kid in school, saying. "It always kinda held me back from a certain inner light and an inner happiness."
"Hills" co-star Lo Bosworth has blasted Heidi for the message she's sending to young women, but Montag dismisses that, saying her cosmetic surgery will not decide whether young women follow in her surgical footsteps.
"Young girls who want to get it would get it regardless," Heidi explains. "They need to know how severe it is and how serious and real it is. And that's why I wanted to share my story with it. It's not that you just go in and come out and it's great a week later."
Montag says her husband Spencer Pratt was initially dead-set against the surgeries. "Spencer was like, 'You are crazy. You've officially lost it. I think you should see a therapist before you go.'"

I think she looks beautiful, and she doesn't look any different than your avarage playmate model, so it's not like she looks like michael jackson.
Give it a few more years. She's well on her way.

Also, every single one of us spends hours a day and thousands of dollars buying cosmetics, cutting hair, waxing, trimming, excercising, even men, wearing makeup etc, all to beat our bodies into submission to fit a certain stereotype of what is attractive and what is not.

Most people's natural bone coloring is yellow, and so are there teeth, but GOD FORBID that you go out in public with yellow teeth, even if your dentaly hygiene is impecable.

All of a sudden it's disgusting to have body hair, specially in your privates, GOD FORBID you go to bed with someone and you haven't waxed, you'll be a horror story for your date's friends.

The point is, that unless you are Elizabeth Taylor or Angelina Jolie, there is no such thing as 100% natural beauty, and specially not in Hollywood.
There is a difference between enhancing and altering. Makeup is supposed to bring out and highlight certain features. Exercise tones your body. All of the above procedures you've listed edits upon something that is already there. Not one of them CHANGES your body and face like plastic surgery does. Exercise doesn't transform a naturally voluptuous woman into a stick-thin figure (ex: Beyonce). Cosmetics makes certain features appear different, it doesn't physically alter the features. Your bone structure, your skeleton, your frame, remains the same.

Plastic surgery, esp. in the disturbing amounts that Ms. Montag has gone through, changes opposed to enhances.
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My point is that plastic surgery is not beautiful. Thats what my point is! Espetially the amount that she has had.

And I know women that are very beautiful but do not have perfectly white teeth. they dont go bleaching them and they are still beautiful

I don't see how you can make me out to be a hypocrite just because I wear makeup and shave my legs? How can you compare what Heidi has done to an average beautiful woman that has not gone under the knife?

because people don't think like that. Look at all the fuss over Mo'nique not shaving her legs.

And small breasted women suffer a lot of pressure and basically everyone who is ugly or doesn't fit the norm,

The point is that as a society, we do not embrace individuality or being natural.

And everyone is shocked about the fact that she had the 10 procedures in one single day, but we wouldn't be shocked if she had gone through the same transformation in let's say two years.

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