Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery

because people don't think like that. Look at all the fuss over Mo'nique not shaving her legs.

And small breasted women suffer a lot of pressure and basically everyone who is ugly or doesn't fit the norm,

The point is that as a society, we do not embrace individuality or being natural.

And everyone is shocked about the fact that she had the 10 procedures in one single day, but we wouldn't be shocked if she had gone through the same transformation in let's say two years.

I don't think we are fussing over how many procedures she has had. We are fussing over that she looks horrible:yuk: If she had done 10 procedures and it looked natural and pretty I wouldn't be in this thread right now saying how freaking plastic she looks

:lol: but lets just agree to disagree. we obviously have different opinions about this
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Omg. She looked sooooo much cuter before she stuffed herself with plastic. I can't believe how different she looks, and how old too!!!
EWW. she looks so awful. Why botox??? She's under 30's and her face didnt have wrinkles, thats mental.

I'm not sure if I'm right about this, but I think young girls get botox to prevent wrinkles... ie. if you can't move they won't develop in the first place.
^ Yes you are right. But I don't know why she doesnt just wait till she gets them... I mean At least she can move her face until then
wow, these new pictures really show how 'worked on' she looks. She looks Terrible.
Homegirl's gonna end up bein sorry just like the p*rn star on e! dr beverly hills
Honestly plastic surgery is incredibly overrated. I mean heaps of models have had nose jobs.. pretty subtle and other subtle jobs.. the difference with Heidi is its definitely not subtle o_0;
^^ I actually think for someone to transform their face into something entirely unrecognisable, something more is going on than just attention-seeking.
^I do believe its a result of very low self esteem coupled by other things that may have traumatized her in the past.. its beyond the attention seeking factor , its definitely goes deeper..
So sad. She looked like the super cute girl next door before and now she looks like she aged by 10 years. :cry: Spencer should have made her go to the therapist!!
To be completely honest if I saw her walking down the street I would think she's pretty.

However, that being said, it's a very... android-like type of beauty. Very wax figureish and only good from certain angles. (When I saw her in motion on the interview, she does look... very worked on.) I thought her first rhinoplasty + boob job was perfect, and she looked very pretty while still maintaining her own individual look. Her boobs are way too big now, they were fine after her first BA.

I never thought I'd say this, but Spencer looks so sad in the photo from the magazine, and I sort of feel for him. :blink:
but her plastic surgeon is quite a good surgeon after all.. she looks very fake and plastic, yet everything is in its right place. her face looks like a face, not a punching bag.

i still believe he should have said NO to her requests...
She reminds me of a blonde version of Brody's gf Jayde Nicole at the moment.

I'm so appalled at this! I can't believe what she has done to herself.
I couldn't stop thinking about her last night....the EXTRA interview was SO SAD!
For her sake Im hoping she will look better in time because this can lead to serious depression, for real.
To be completely honest if I saw her walking down the street I would think she's pretty.

I would be freaked out and immediately know that's not a natural person walking towards me.
This is insane, how can you say that she looks good! She's a plastic doll, awful awful awful, and at only 23, it makes me want to cry, really, poor girl...:(

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