
thebeautybrains said:
Feng Shui is just made-up mysticism. If you took 10 Feng Shui "experts" you would get 10 different answers on how you should arrange your furniture. It's no more credible than astrology. You can create a peaceful, balanced atmosphere without Feng Shui, astrology or any other pseudo science gobbely ****. ^_^
Some of Feung Shui stuff does actually work fyi. Back on topic - Sienna did you just go cold turkey into it or was it more gradual? I really want to try this!!
SiennaInLondon said:
Ok well all I know is that sugar can get into a really nasty cycle which you convince yourself you cant get out of. Whether or not it in itself has a signigicant effect on heart disease or whether it is a question of how much sugar people have, is beside the point. Sugar is a slippery slope. Although if you don't recognise the benefits of something natural instead of something refined, I worry for your diet!

I'm just not certain that natural things are just naturally better. Certainly I eat things that are natural and I might feel they are better, but I just have no proof that they are. In fact, things like AIDS, bacteria, viruses are all natural. If you don't clean your food you will naturally get sick. Just washing fruit is refining it. Things like life-saving drugs are not natural and they seem good. ;)
SiennaInLondon said:
You can argue this to infinitum but science itself is pseudo science. I hope you know it isn't infallible and knowledge from various schools of mysticism and religion has been verified centuries later and to much taxpayer expense by science.

There is no argument. People can believe whatever they want. Science is not infallible but it is self-correcting. It constantly questions whether the things believed are true or not. So, when we find something that is not true, we change what science has to say about it. Mysticism & religion are unchanging so you never know what is really true or what is an erroneous belief.

It's like eating honey. Maybe it's much better for you than refined sugar. No one knows at the moment. It's only through experimentation that you find out whether it's true or not. There is no experimentation in mysticism and thus most of the information is probably wrong.

Happy Honey Holidays!
thebeautybrains said:
I'm just not certain that natural things are just naturally better. Certainly I eat things that are natural and I might feel they are better, but I just have no proof that they are. In fact, things like AIDS, bacteria, viruses are all natural. If you don't clean your food you will naturally get sick. Just washing fruit is refining it. Things like life-saving drugs are not natural and they seem good. ;)

Wow, the scientifically aware poster manages to miss all the science and ends up being entirely illogical. Typical. Do you not take the studies where they prove that a comparitively additive free and natural diet in places like Japan lead to better ageing than in the pre-packaged west in to consideration? What about the benefits of ingesting vitamins naturally in food, rather than taking supplements? You should see a friend of mine who refuses to eat fruit and vegetables and only ingests a big grey bolus every once in a while. His gums are receding and his skin is bad. He is quite repulsive to behold actually.

And I am sure you are being pedantic but what most people mean by refining food is NOT just washing it or fermenting it or whatever but doing something to it that a) has not been done for centuries and b) is not always necessary in terms of eating but necessary in terms of mass production. Perhaps it is because you choose to stick to a healthy diet yourself (whilst preaching falsehoods to others) that you haven't seen the effects on your energy and skin and general healthy eating solely ready-made meals will have?

And life-saving drugs? Some are purely chemical (well lab produced if you want continue in the pedantic vein) and some are derived from the natural world, from rainforest plants the indigenous people have been doing using for centuries. Some life saving drugs have worse effects that others. However for an illness where both a natural and a lab-produced drug exists, the side-effects with the former are probably easier to deal with (and this is not taking into account variance in terms of strength etc).

I find this kind of thinking not only false but arrogant as well. And hubris... well don't get me started on the kind of problems that causes. This kind of thinking amongst people I know does not come from a need to get as close to the objective truth as is possible but from a need to appear (pseudo) intellectual, to appear able to think outside of the box. Well what is inside the box is as crucial as what is outside of it! ;)
thebeautybrains said:
There is no argument. People can believe whatever they want. Science is not infallible but it is self-correcting. It constantly questions whether the things believed are true or not. So, when we find something that is not true, we change what science has to say about it. Mysticism & religion are unchanging so you never know what is really true or what is an erroneous belief.

It's like eating honey. Maybe it's much better for you than refined sugar. No one knows at the moment. It's only through experimentation that you find out whether it's true or not. There is no experimentation in mysticism and thus most of the information is probably wrong.

Happy Honey Holidays!

Who is to say that religion is not an evolving thing? Most of them wouldn't have survived if they had no changed in the face of modernity. Furthermore, you are entirely missing the point about the benefits of belief for the masses, be it a fairytale or historical happening, but that is another discussion.

And if you only consider a lab conducted experiment a valid reason to adjust your way of life, than again I worry for your way of life? Many people are astute enough to learn from observation and participation what works in life and what doesn't. It is the way we grow and mature otherwise we would all still be babbling infants. If you NEED a scientist to tell you that eating fruit is better than eating vitamin pills, then maybe you just aren't very bright?
chanelnumber5 said:
Some of Feung Shui stuff does actually work fyi. Back on topic - Sienna did you just go cold turkey into it or was it more gradual? I really want to try this!!

Well it was cold turkey in terms of one day I went, no, I am not doing this anymore even though I had not considered giving up sugar... but in actual fact I have been pretty rigorous ever since I left Cambridge. I have been losing weight and so have been very strict with my diet. I still have been going on a sugar binge every so often (ie when I go out or when my friends are over for movie night or whatever) and have chocolate almost every day but it is nowhere comparable to what I was like at school or university. So a bit of gradual, and a bit of cold turkey if you know what I mean :p
SiennaInLondon said:
Wow, the scientifically aware poster manages to miss all the science and ends up being entirely illogical. Typical. Do you not take the studies where they prove that a comparitively additive free and natural diet in places like Japan lead to better ageing than in the pre-packaged west in to consideration? What about the benefits of ingesting vitamins naturally in food, rather than taking supplements? You should see a friend of mine who refuses to eat fruit and vegetables and only ingests a big grey bolus every once in a while. His gums are receding and his skin is bad. He is quite repulsive to behold actually.

I'd love to see some sort of reference for the science I am missing. Since you are clearly more enlightened than the rest of us, could you please provide some proof to what you say? I love to learn from people who know more than me. I just need more authority than someone on a forum. :flower:

So sorry about your friend. He should eat fruits and vegetables.
SiennaInLondon said:
If you NEED a scientist to tell you that eating fruit is better than eating vitamin pills, then maybe you just aren't very bright?

Thank you for the classic example of attacking someone because you have no support for your own point of view beyond your own opinion. I'm open minded but I'm pursueded by proof. And if you can't prove what you are saying, you shouldn't be insulting people for questioning you. Or do the questions make you uncomfortable because you can't support your own opinion? :huh: Or maybe you're just so much smarter than everyone else we should just believe everything you say without question.
SiennaInLondon said:
Furthermore, you are entirely missing the point about the benefits of belief for the masses, be it a fairytale or historical happening, but that is another discussion.

Sorry to be a bit off topic but I feel very strongly about this. Belief in fairytales is the kind of thing that leads to people hijacking planes, flying them into buildings and killing thousands of people. It's never a good thing.

When looking for the truth, whether it's about god, the position of your furniture or whether you should eat processed foods or not should always require more proof than someone's opinion.
thebeautybrains said:
Thank you for the classic example of attacking someone because you have no support for your own point of view beyond your own opinion. I'm open minded but I'm pursueded by proof. And if you can't prove what you are saying, you shouldn't be insulting people for questioning you. Or do the questions make you uncomfortable because you can't support your own opinion? :huh: Or maybe you're just so much smarter than everyone else we should just believe everything you say without question.

I'll respond to your first post in due course (i.e. when it is not 4am) but before I go to bed, your response interests be greatly. Firstly, I didn't insult you, I posed a hypothetical cause (i.e. the sophistication of your mental processes) for a shortcoming in your arguments. Secondly, this is an argument you have failed to counter. You have chosen to completely ignore my comments about what can best be described as 'everyday science' -i.e. a studied asessment of the world around us to glean the best tips on how to live a healthy life. Studies are great and good, but require a great deal of taxpayers money to carry out. I hate to break it to you, but a science experiement on the relative merits of refined sugar and honey may not be high on the priorities of most laboratories. If, however, you cannot extrapolate the information of other studies that DO exist as well as real world observation, then I stick by my hypothesis that you aren't very bright.

I am not telling you to believe everything I say, by any means. But learning the rules of contact of the art of debating would be a good start. It is all very well being on this forum to advertise your website, but this is a community of interaction as well.
thebeautybrains said:
Sorry to be a bit off topic but I feel very strongly about this. Belief in fairytales is the kind of thing that leads to people hijacking planes, flying them into buildings and killing thousands of people. It's never a good thing.

When looking for the truth, whether it's about god, the position of your furniture or whether you should eat processed foods or not should always require more proof than someone's opinion.

Politics aren't allowed on this forum, but since you have brought it up and since it is something I feel strongly about, I will answer your first point but the mods are free to delete this line of argument from the thread... The reason men fly planes into buildings is because certain superpowers :innocent: impose despotic governments on them, support middle eastern tyrants, invade countries for oil and strategic control and stir up all sorts of trouble... that and the misplaced young male desire to prove oneself and a need to avenge the death of a loved one and a million other reasons as well. But then you are making the classic layman (not scientist... I wouldn't award you that distinction) mistake of confusing religion with politics. Human nature is not caused by religion, it is reigned in my religion. It reigns in human appetities and as a character in Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby says, 'Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you’ve conquered human nature'. (well to an extent) And you forget the good that religion does, which is what I was talking about (I talk here as someone with decidedly atheistic tendencies by the way). How is the outside of that box seeming like now? Like half the picture? Because that is what it is.

Everything should require more proof that someone's position. That is the only phrases I will agree with you. But if that proof does not come in the form of a highly funded experiment, then so be it.
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thebeautybrains said:
I'd love to see some sort of reference for the science I am missing. Since you are clearly more enlightened than the rest of us, could you please provide some proof to what you say? I love to learn from people who know more than me. I just need more authority than someone on a forum. :flower:

So sorry about your friend. He should eat fruits and vegetables.

I will see what I can unearth for you regarding diet, but really I feel like I am spoonfeeding one of those very rich kids who went to school with me and who only passed their exams because the teachers made endless photocopies of everything in bite size form. The answers are all out there for you. Oh and yes, yes he should.

This is a start for you. I am not sure if you only want an article from a scientific journal or if an article such as this will be of use to you. I am not sure if you consider the ecologist a dangerous e-journal because I know there is a poster somewhere who thinks that people thinking dairy is not ideal for them is because of a 'global conspiracy by PETA' (the quotes are my own but you get my drift)
SiennaInLondon said:
Firstly, I didn't insult you, I posed a hypothetical cause (i.e. the sophistication of your mental processes) for a shortcoming in your arguments. Secondly, this is an argument you have failed to counter. You have chosen to completely ignore my comments about what can best be described as 'everyday science' -i.e. a studied asessment of the world around us to glean the best tips on how to live a healthy life. Studies are great and good, but require a great deal of taxpayers money to carry out. I hate to break it to you, but a science experiement on the relative merits of refined sugar and honey may not be high on the priorities of most laboratories. If, however, you cannot extrapolate the information of other studies that DO exist as well as real world observation, then I stick by my hypothesis that you aren't very bright.

So sorry to mistakenly think that someone questioning my intelligence was an insult. It must be our cultural differences that caused the confusion.

You're everyday science isn't science at all. Anecdotal stories about a person switching their diet and then seeing a difference in their skin and energy doesn't mean anything. That person could be a genetic anamoly who's experience doesn't translate to the rest of humanity.

Incidentally, there are studies being done comparing refined sugar and honey. A simple search of the medical literature over at Pubmed.com (the index of nearly all health-related scientific journals) confirms this. Here was an interesting story that I found.

Detection of Clostridium Botulinum in natural sweetening.

According to this study, honey is naturally contaminated with C. botulinum spores (the micro organism that causes botulism). Refined sugar does not suffer from such contamination. That makes it sound like the healthier choice to me.

SiennaInLondon said:
But learning the rules of contact of the art of debating would be a good start. It is all very well being on this forum to advertise your website, but this is a community of interaction as well.

Please show me these rules. Particularly the one where it says you should question the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with your point of view.

Incidentally, I didn't join the forum to advertise my website (which you seem to do yourself in your signature). I joined so I could learn what other people had to say about different topics. I find it helpful to learn what people believe so I can do some research to figure out whether I should believe it or not. I'm always open to the possibility that I'm wrong. I just need proof before believing something new. :flower:
SiennaInLondon said:

This is a start for you. I am not sure if you only want an article from a scientific journal or if an article such as this will be of use to you. I am not sure if you consider the ecologist a dangerous e-journal because I know there is a poster somewhere who thinks that people thinking dairy is not ideal for them is because of a 'global conspiracy by PETA' (the quotes are my own but you get my drift)

I don't consider it a dangerous e-journal nor do I believe in any 'global conspiracies'. However, the article is full of information about digestion that is different than the things taught in university level Biochemistry courses (I studied biochemistry). For example, I've never heard of the notion that Calcium is involved in the digestion of sugar. Unfortunately, no references to any scientific studies are cited.

The article also makes no distinction between table sugar (sucrose) and corn syrup (50:50 blend of fructose & glucose). Corn syrup is the primary sugar used in Coke. It's curious because Honey is composed of mostly fructose & glucose just like corn syrup. Why would there be a difference?

Here is an interesting article about two recent scientific investigations into nutrition and obesity. Their conclusion (based on population studies of over 16,000 children) was that they could not establish a connection between overweight children and consumption of junk food.

And here's an interesting report siting a study from the National Academy of Scientists that suggests eating comfort foods like chocolate cake and ice cream can actually reduce chronic stress. That sounds like a great idea to me. ^_^
thebeautybrains said:
You're everyday science isn't science at all. Anecdotal stories about a person switching their diet and then seeing a difference in their skin and energy doesn't mean anything. That person could be a genetic anamoly who's experience doesn't translate to the rest of humanity.

But you say later on that you are on this site to guage opinion and even your site has a lot of unscientific surveys. What is the point of that then if people aren't meant to come to their own conclusion? The first casualty of this kind of mentality is common sense. Anyway, I'd like to meet the person who changes their entire lifestyle because of the verification of one person. And if it a question of say, trying a new cream, seeing the effects of cutting out sugar or drinking aloe vera juice for a month... what more harm can be done than by believing someone who practises a flawed (even if it is 'self-correcting'... [if the self correction happens after my lifetime but I could have found the answer within my lifetime in say the Torah, what use is that?]) scientific doctrine?

thebeautybrains said:
Incidentally, there are studies being done comparing refined sugar and honey. A simple search of the medical literature over at Pubmed.com (the index of nearly all health-related scientific journals) confirms this. Here was an interesting story that I found.

Detection of Clostridium Botulinum in natural sweetening.

According to this study, honey is naturally contaminated with C. botulinum spores (the micro organism that causes botulism). Refined sugar does not suffer from such contamination. That makes it sound like the healthier choice to me.

Actually, according to the study, moderate contamination (heavy contamination that sometimes occurs probably has a number of additional causes that have not yet be found) may be caused by the synthetic protein used as bee-feed. If that is not messing with nature and compromising health, I don't know what is. In any case, the levels of C. botulinum present in some honey samples only affect babies and babies are an entirely different kettle of fish. Did you know that most of the outbreaks that are reported in the United States are associated with processed, home-canned foods? Seems like the natural-is-better brigade win out again. Lastly, as a scientist, how can you not respect the careful

thebeautybrains said:
Please show me these rules. Particularly the one where it says you should question the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with your point of view.

Incidentally, I didn't join the forum to advertise my website (which you seem to do yourself in your signature). I joined so I could learn what other people had to say about different topics. I find it helpful to learn what people believe so I can do some research to figure out whether I should believe it or not. I'm always open to the possibility that I'm wrong. I just need proof before believing something new. :flower:

Well then I am sorry if I am wrong. You have certainly been giving me good chat but when I first noticed you as a poster, all your posts went, 'We at the beauty brains have been talking about a, b, c... follow this link to find out more'. Which is fine if you contribute to the forum also. The rule that contributing to this forum is preferable to lurking or advertising or only talking about nicole richie whilst completely ignoring the design aspects, are implicit if you are around a while. I was just pointing it out. As for questioning your intelligence, it is not a random insult (despite your seeming persecution complex regarding it) -it is based on proof you have given me (by what I believe are shortcomings in your argument) that you are somewhat blinkered in your views. I don't think science or mysticism or religion or culture or whatever are at all mutually exclusive but you seem to. And to be narrow-minded in my book, is to be intellectually simple. I think eclecticism is the way to go.

You are welcome to ignore common sense and go down protracted research routes for every little belief in your life (I wonder what happens to the beliefs that are beyond your research capabilities?) Anyway I somehow doubt anyone has the time to do this (though perhaps that is why the natural scientists at my college look and dress they way they do ;) !) but if you think your (blinkered) methods of arriving at the ultimate truth suit you, then so be it. My sources are a little wider than yours so my 'everday science' is as much a science as science is because anomalous results are seen as anomalous results.
thebeautybrains said:
I don't consider it a dangerous e-journal nor do I believe in any 'global conspiracies'. However, the article is full of information about digestion that is different than the things taught in university level Biochemistry courses (I studied biochemistry). For example, I've never heard of the notion that Calcium is involved in the digestion of sugar. Unfortunately, no references to any scientific studies are cited.

Sugar does not 'use' calcium but it certainly upsets calcium metabolism. Even I know that much. Perhaps that knowledge wasn't necessary for your syllabus? Anyway if the science is 'self-correcting' how do you know what you have been taught has been corrected to a sufficient degree. What is my point? Well, that nothing, nothing is objective and nothing will ever be. If you lose sight of that even to the smallest degree, you are on dangerous turf.

thebeautybrains said:
The article also makes no distinction between table sugar (sucrose) and corn syrup (50:50 blend of fructose & glucose). Corn syrup is the primary sugar used in Coke. It's curious because Honey is composed of mostly fructose & glucose just like corn syrup. Why would there be a difference?

Here is an interesting article about two recent scientific investigations into nutrition and obesity. Their conclusion (based on population studies of over 16,000 children) was that they could not establish a connection between overweight children and consumption of junk food.

And here's an interesting report siting a study from the National Academy of Scientists that suggests eating comfort foods like chocolate cake and ice cream can actually reduce chronic stress. That sounds like a great idea to me. ^_^

First of all, I am amazed you consider Wikipedia a remotely respectable source considering it is just a set of beliefs typed in by the believers.

Secondly, you miss the science again! How can you compare honey and corn syprup by using the sole similarity that 'mostly fructose & glucose just like corn syrup'. Where is the science in that wishy washy phrase? Has your scientific analysis of the natural world not yielded the fact that the very very precise ratios that exist make a crucial difference, even the difference between life and death in ecosystems? I hate to use the oft used phrase 'the banana is 25% (or whatever) the same genetic makeup as a human' but it really is apt at this point.

The first tcs link is very interesting indeed. Particularly for the following spoof which the author uses to condemn putting too much faith in correlation.

You are about to learn of a beverage so dangerous, that we must ban or restrict its sales, or at least enact tax penalties on it to deter consumption. Here's what the research shows:
• Every American who drinks it dies.
• It's been linked to obesity: in fact, bigger people drink the most of it.
• It's associated with type 2 diabetes and all diabetics drink it in especially large amounts.
• All heart attack victims drink it and it's a known factor in heart failure.
There are been hundreds of studies finding these correlations -- correlations so strong they make the evidence irrefutable. This is bad stuff.

Everything you've just read is true. What is it?


Of course you and I can both use this spoof in our argument. My argument is, as the author goes on to say, 'we hear assertions made every day by mainstream scientists and medical professionals, reputable healthcare organizations, public policy makers'. It is common sense not laboratory science that would mean that assumptions like this aren't made. How many old wives tales turn out to be factually true? And if a generation chose not to cross paths with a black cat, so be it. And a study isn't hard science. These mainstream scientists are your collegues. The author says, "To protect yourself from making unsound health choices for you or your children, or putting your support behind costly public health solutions, learn to identify "data dredge" studies -- where correlations frequently come from -- and to differentiate them from evidence you can trust to mean something." But my question is, at what point do you differentiate within the science establishment, especially if you cannot differentiate between washing a fruit and chemically altering it?

Anyway to the (pseudo) studies: "These two studies from GUTS significant is that the researchers couldn't even find a connection between soda or snack (ice cream, candy, chips, sweet baked goods, etc.) consumption and weight among these kids after 3 years. In other words, fat children weren't eating more sweets than thin children."

Yes but were they eating MORE than thin children, were they eating stodgy food (refined wheats, pastas, breads etc), were they eating lower quality and more refined produce that other the thin children. An easy way to find out the latter was to ascertain what sort of financial background the children came from. If they were poor, they are unlikely to be shopping at the Westbourne Grove Branch of Fresh N Wild. Which is sad but a reason for their obesity. Their parents are probably not organic shoppers either. Refined foods aren't limited to sugar you know. What a load of bunkum.

"What the GUTS research, led by Allison Field, did find, however, was that regardless of their overweight status, children who dieted gained significantly more weight compared to children who never dieted. This confirms another study these same researchers released last October which found the BMIs of girls who were frequent dieters versus those who never or rarely dieted were nearly 4 entire BMI points higher. "

WHAT a waste of money and time. I could have told Ms Field that girls who dieted (I take diet here to mean go on a specific weight loss plan) were going to be of higher BMI. First of all, Sherlock Field, fatter girls, feel worse and so diet more. Secondly, if you are heavy set, you cant change your body type and if you try to, there are going to be a world of problems. Thirdly, if you feel worse and you don't understand the complexities of nutrition, then you tend to binge. Why is there any research being done on this? I hope that this is not coming out of the tax my parents pay.

And REALLY? Bingeing on crap lowers stress? Wow why didn't I try that. Oh wait I did. Of course the scientists weren't around to see the stress the next day when I got on the scales and I was heading away from instead of towards my 106lb target. Nor were they around to see the stress that stemmed from a spotty face right before the party. Of the general sluggish feeling. But hey, let them go for it if that is what they believe in. I'd sooner them than me.

Of course the start of agriculture 10,000 years BC (I am a former anthropologist and a bit of a Jared Diamond girl I'll have to admit... determinism aside) can be considered a refinement of the natural world. But if you don't realise there is a line between what is acceptable and what is not (in terms of our health and survival) and you think that washing a vegatable is comparable to eating pure sucrose, then... wow I sound like a broken record... but your poor digestive system! The reason people don't make a fuss about sugar is because it has all been a very gradual process. People have been evaporating water from sugar cane since before Christ (I'm sorry... since before that guy posed as the son of God and people went insane... does that help? :p) and it all grew from there. But I think capitalism has led to food production becoming completely and utterly out of control. You can say that people get more cancer because we are living longer but a) why are some cancers, such as gut cancers, increasing exponentially (not exponentially -I exaggerate but you know what I mean) whereas others are more stable? and b) how does getting more Cancer because we are living longer mean that, suddenly, the causes and what we are exposed to, no longer matter?
SiennaInLondon said:
Actually, according to the study, moderate contamination (heavy contamination that sometimes occurs probably has a number of additional causes that have not yet be found) may be caused by the synthetic protein used as bee-feed. If that is not messing with nature and compromising health, I don't know what is. In any case, the levels of C. botulinum present in some honey samples only affect babies and babies are an entirely different kettle of fish. Did you know that most of the outbreaks that are reported in the United States are associated with processed, home-canned foods? Seems like the natural-is-better brigade win out again.

From the article "Type A spores were detected in some samples of raw sugar and molasses and also in two of 41 samples of brown sugar lump, but not in refined sugar". So refined sugar was not contaminated but raw sugar and molasses was. You've completely made up the bit about synthetic protein in bee-feed.

And I'd love to see some reference to "most of the outbreaks that are reported in the United States are associated with processed, home-canned foods?" Is that true just because you say it or do you have some other proof?

But you've put up such a great argument that I'm going to conceed. You win. Feel free to eat your bacterially contaminated natural products and avoid all refined sugar. Science can't possibly compete with your logic.
SiennaInLondon said:
Sugar does not 'use' calcium but it certainly upsets calcium metabolism. Even I know that much.

Please enlighten the rest of us how that happens.

SiennaInLondon said:
Anyway to the (pseudo) studies: "These two studies from GUTS significant is that the researchers couldn't even find a connection between soda or snack (ice cream, candy, chips, sweet baked goods, etc.) consumption and weight among these kids after 3 years. In other words, fat children weren't eating more sweets than thin children."

What a load of bunkum.

Of course, anything that disagrees with what you think is a "pseudo" study and a "load of bunkum".

SiennaInLondon said:
Why is there any research being done on this? I hope that this is not coming out of the tax my parents pay.

It is. You don't pay taxes yourself?

SiennaInLondon said:
a) why are some cancers, such as gut cancers, increasing exponentially (not exponentially -I exaggerate but you know what I mean) whereas others are more stable?


SiennaInLondon said:
and b) how does getting more Cancer because we are living longer mean that, suddenly, the causes and what we are exposed to, no longer matter?

It doesn't.

We'll just have to agree to disagree. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go put some honey in my tea.
SiennaInLondon said:
Dont think of it that way! Because the minute you break the no sugar/honey diet, then you will think you have failed and will go back to sugar.

I know, you're right :flower: . Positive thinking is key. Since we had a lot of cake around the house still I waited until it was gone before I started. It's been 3 days and so far so good, I think. I drink a lot of tea but I haven't sweetened it for ages and I haven't had anything like cookies. I haven't actually had to use honey yet even. But I was wondering, what foods do you consider it necessary to cut out that are made with sugar? I suppose there are for example, yogurts sweetened with honey that would be a good alternative, because I dislike aspartame and what not. Or is eating regular yogurt alright? Apologies for the specificity of the question, but its just an example. Wondering what cutting out sugar and replacing honey refers to for you? Cereals, not like fruit loops, but say shredded wheat&bran, is that alright? I want to do this as best as I can, if only at first, because I want to cleanse my body from this addiction.
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