"I GOT IN!" ... Announce acceptance of your Fashion School Appications here.

yeah...some private schools can only afford to give practically nothing, but some have huge endowments and can afford to jump onto the "no loan" financial aid bandwagon.
khaotickharma, several pages back you expressed interest in liberal arts colleges (and the answer to your question was YES, a genuine love of learning totally DOES matter in your application to most liberal arts colleges. they eat that stuff up!). i transferred from a large public university to a highly selective liberal arts college and couldn't be more happy with my choice. when i applied for transfer, i ONLY applied to LACs. it's a totally different experience. you mentioned you're in virginia - have you looked at william & mary? what about barnard, if you want to be in NYC? i don't know what your grades and other records look like, but from reading your posts around tfs i had just assumed you were pretty intelligent.
...feel free to ask me any questions about LACs or their admissions processes, btw. though i was a transfer, i was pretty obsessive in learning about what they look for and what makes an applicant successful, etc.

and btw, congrats to all successful applicants! :)
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^ Thank you! :flower:

William and Mary is very selective; though I could have a chance GPA wise (a weighted 3.8), unless something drastic occurs in the next few months, my SAT scores in math will royally screw me. Hence my intrest in schools that are more writing-centric. If there is one thing I can do, it's write an essay! My only concern with private colleges is the financial aid, even though from what I understand, taking endowments and such in to consideration, indebtedness after a private college and a public one runs about the same.
khaotickharma, don't sell yourself short...
harvard/yale/princeton are like the only schools that will basically trash your application if you don't have near-perfect SATs (unless, of course, you have cured cancer or done something else truly phenomenal). William & Mary may be more forgiving than you think and schools value the SAT less and less each year. what really matters most is your gpa for your course load (and you said you've taken a lot of APs, right?), your extracurriculars, and your essays. essays are especially important at liberal arts colleges. they want to be sure you have the motivation and desire to jump into your studies and thrive at a school that wants you to be a fantastic critical thinker and learner, not just the next ceo with a top-school degree. in fact, i know more people than i can count that got into some of the best LAC's in the country not by a 2400 SAT or a 3.9 uw GPA but by explaining their ambitions extraordinarily well in their essays. essays are so important at those schools! they want as holistic a view of the potential student as possible and recognize that numbers are not everything. i think you should really look into them if your strength is in writing, as you say. a poor math score isn't necessarily going to screw you over. plus, if i remember correctly (and i may not be remembering correctly, but if i am, by no means take offense to this! i'm just stating a fact) you are black, which means you're an under-represented minority, giving you a certain edge in the college admissions process.
also, i haven't gotten my financial aid decision from my school yet this year:angry: but if i remember correctly from the info session i sat in on over a year ago, no one graduates with more than like, $6000 in debt. i think that's awesome! some schools really go the extra mile to ensure that students that BELONG at their school can actually afford to go there. it may be less daunting than you think...
what exactly do you want to major in/do with your career? if you don't exactly know, what sort of disciplines do you tend towards?
^ Haha, yes, I am African American, which is gonna be a huge help. My AP course load, combined with essays, should really make things okay, I think. :)

I'm not certain about what I want to do, but I wanna double major and minor in three out of these five disciplines: Theater Arts, Film Studies, English, Philosophy, or Women's Studies.
I have two years to get myself UPenn ready. :ninja: And I'll probably end up going someplace totally different. :lol:
Congrats on Corcoran! It's in a really nice part in D.C, and very close to Georgetown which is D.C shopping central.

thank you! :blush: & ^i know, i'm seriously freaking out over here! :buzz: i love it there. Downtown DC is the BEST! it's so busy and right near the monument and other great schools in DC like GWU. :blush: i can't wait to start! :buzz:
^ Haha, yes, I am African American, which is gonna be a huge help. My AP course load, combined with essays, should really make things okay, I think. :)

I'm not certain about what I want to do, but I wanna double major and minor in three out of these five disciplines: Theater Arts, Film Studies, English, Philosophy, or Women's Studies.

okay, you TOTALLY need to consider liberal arts colleges with those discipline interests. doitdoitdoit. (this comes from art history/philosophy double major who wanted to minor in women's studies but couldn't because her school does not allow you to have two majors AND a minor...but despite that, has found that gender and sexuality studies crept into the curriculum in practically all her classes and is missing nothing by not minoring in women's studies. seriously, liberal arts colleges are awesome.)
I found out about a month ago that I got into SCAD! But alas, I am going to Lipscomb instead; I got a much better scholarship deal and I think that SCAD will end up being more of a grad school option for me.
i got into MA womenswear in london CSM


WOW well done!
I got into the BA
Ide love to know what the interview process was like
My tutor at college did the MA course in 2003, definately sounds like an experience!
tdadda89 ... I've moved your post to the thread about Arts and Design Schools where they dissuss information about these types of schools ... this thread is just about announcements of acceptance and congratulations.
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I got into grad school!!!! i'll be getting my phd. i'm so happy, but this means i'll be a poor student again shopping at target and old navy. goodbye net a porter, and browns

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