I Love Blind Items ! #4

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Yeah,i'd go with them as a guess if the woman isn't referred to as a sweetheart. Kristen's image in public is diametrically opposite of that.
^yeah, that´s why I thought of E&A... though is Andrew perceived as really hot?
^i personally find him revolting, but i can imagine that some find him ugly-hot (if that makes sense:lol:)
but i don't really believe Emma is gay and i think it's too easy to make Andrew look gay since his bromance with Jesse, there are many fangirls who want them to be gay:rolleyes: that's actually why i think he's straight as well, i guess he's just one of those guys who's really comfortable with his sexuality, if he went so far to hide that he's gay to get a beard i doubt he'd act that way around Jesse.

another guess i read on ontd was Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev btw
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^yeah, that´s why I thought of E&A... though is Andrew perceived as really hot?

Not really, but that will change with Spiderman's release. I really dont think they're the pair in BI. Both are far too comfortable with themselves ( as Alvie pointed out in Andrew's case) in public and both seem pretty much against this kind of hiding as that is another HW's 'classic' move, if that makes sense.

About Dobrev/Ian, he is percived hot, but i remember many sightings of the PDAing big time.
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The Hangover 2?

Right, hmmm, I don't... I don't think anyone considers it to be "one of the best movies of the past year" (it was slaughtered by critics and the word of mouth from the audience wasn't good either), tbh, not even the people who actually liked it. Even if someone wanted to make an argument like that, I think it's fair to say that Zach was one of the people who most profited from the first movie's exposure, even if he went overboard and didn't make the best decisions for his career, so I don't think the "but did not get recognized enough for it" line works for him either.
B- list erection guy is A.Garfield i think - he wasn't nominated for TSN and has a funny name. :D
This is a probably a long shot, but perhaps #1 could be Jake Gyllennhal and Rashida Jones? I don't know too much about her, but I saw some pictures today of them hanging out and eating together etc.
I thought that too, but she's apparrently a man eater or has a reputation of being one.
These two celebrity brothers who have also been known to act on television share more than just a last name. They also share a girlfriend. Well, one of them only shares her part-time because he already has a steady celebrity girlfriend. Both brothers know they are sharing, but the celebrity girlfriend does not.

EWW who are the brothers.
The first celebrity brothers who came to mind were Jared and Shannon Leto. It's a wild guess, but think about it - they're both occasional actors ("who have also been known to act on television") and Jared has been dating a model and actress Katharina Damm. It may not be a 'steady' relationship as they've been going out since the beginning of summer (at least what we know form the paps pictures in July) and she's not a 'big celebrity', but they were my first guess.
Everyone thinks that one blind is Sandra and Ryan--and I actually think that's who it is supposed to be about, but I don't buy it AT ALL.
Everyone thinks that one blind is Sandra and Ryan--and I actually think that's who it is supposed to be about, but I don't buy it AT ALL.

I think that one's from blindgossip.com and aren't they known for not having reliable blinds?
^Well I personally find him revolting and completely annoying :p
Isn't he the one cheating actually? Celebrity girlfriend doesn't know anything.
About Sandra and Ryan, if it were them and Sandra Bullock were really gay, I'm sure Jesse James and his big mouth would have blabbed it all over the internet by now.
About Sandra and Ryan, if it were them and Sandra Bullock were really gay, I'm sure Jesse James and his big mouth would have blabbed it all over the internet by now.

My first thought upon seeing them as a guess! :D
Not all celebrities burst out of the closet. Some just peek out to see if it’s OK to tell the truth. Such is the case of this gay news personality. Even though he’s not an atheist, he has reported from plenty of foxholes. On his new show, he will actually mention his partner’s name on air for the first time. This will happen during one of his first few shows. If that action gets a good reception, he’ll start doing it more. Baby steps, people.

This A list actor is allegedly very controlling of his famous wife. He orders for her at restaurants, controls her finances and even picks out the clothing she wears. She tells friends she is happy to submit to him because it makes their marriage stronger.

C List musician who likes to show up at Red Carpet events. Had a recent breakup. Had a recent secret meltdown. Allegedly went to his ex-girlfriend’s house while she wasn’t home and broke in. He took waste from his dogs and spread it all over her walls. Yeah…. that’s one way to get revenge. She suspected it was him but didn’t press charges and ignored it. The fact that she didn’t report it and hasn’t said a word to him about it, is driving him even more crazy.

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