I Love Blind Items ! #5 *Absolutely no drug or weight blind items and talk allowed*

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^ Good point, what about Andrew Garfield who has Spiderman coming out? Not really A list, but well respected from The Social Network and Never Let Me Go.

Also, Gosling doesn't have any franchises. Cooper could fit, but I don't consider him A list at all.
Did Bradley date any actress before or after Renee Z., (Can't spell her name sorry) except Zoe Saldana ?? I mean do'nt remember him having a series of gorgeous girlfriends. Back to back to back and furthermore B+ or A listers.

Therefore because of the great past year comment I'm guessing Ryan Gosling, but I thought it was only hapenning in my dreams. Seriously that would be too good to be true especially if the young actor is Andrew Garfield :lol: :lol:

You know what f**k it... please let it be true :rofl: :rofl:
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I guess we could just do some reverse engineering and see who Blake Lively has been seen with.... :rofl:
^LOL you´re right! I guess Ryan Reynolds also fits the blind, he dated Alanis, Scarlett and Blake and he´s gonna do Deadpool which I guess it can be considered a franchise...
It's only the guy that's being persued by the A+ list actor that's in a franchise, right? The A+ actor with all the girlfriends doesn't have to be in a franchise. That's why Gosling fits because this year he was in big movies (Drive, Ides of March, etc...) and has dated Rachel McAdams, Sandra Bullock, Olivia Wilde, Blake Lively, and Eva Mendes. So the fantasy can come true Wolkfolk :p

Or am I just reading the thing wrong, regarding the franchises? :blink:
^the blind says the young actor "is getting started with his own franchise". To me that sounds like the older actor has also been/is involved in one.
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Several guesses:

Solid A Lister = Bradley Cooper (dated Jennifer Lopez, Renee Zellweger, Zoe Salanda and was married to Jennifer Esposito. Few years ago, he wasn’t really anybody, now he’s A++ and in demand everywhere)

New A Lister = Andrew Garfield (was in the Social Network and is in the upcoming reboot of Spiderman. I assume it’ll end up being a franchise)

Also, both have had gay rumors about them and both have been popular guesses for various gay blinds.

Rocketed A actor – Ryan Gosling has had a myriad of B+ – A list gal pals.

Youngin’ A actor – J Hutch

Youngins Franchise – Hunger Games

Bradley Cooper & Liam Hemsworth

One of the things that makes me wonder about so many of these blind items in general (especially the ones on the old A List) is the never ending 'closeted gay' mentions- it leads you to wonder why in this day and age it would be the big thing in show business that they make it out to be! I always understood the 'Velvet Mafia' pretty much called the shots in Hollywood for many years now- why is this such an never-ending big deal!? :huh:
nah, cooper is rumored to be with that young girl he's been seen since last summer with saldana only being the cover-up due to young age of the girl. then again, he is rumored to be BI, but he's not gay IMO.
yeah, i wanna know too:ninja:
Hollywood gets creepier and creepier:shock:

in another Hayden P. post on ontd i read that they also found something about Rachel Bilson (in that post that's locked to some of us)...can some of you who read that thread remember what it was and maybe post it here if possible? or was she just in that Romm 23 book?
well, i remember that last summer it was said the girl was around 17-18 when the pics of her visiting him on set appeared - i think it was actually said in the article how young she was. but hey, it's just a rumor....
In a case where one half of a couple makes substantially more than the other, who pays for the ring? Well, in the case of these three engaged couples where the woman has the bigger paycheck, it certainly wasn’t the future groom.

The first couple went directly to the jeweler and cut a deal for a very impressive diamond sparkler. They worked out an arrangement where the couple agreed to make x number of mentions of the jeweler in the press for a 50% discount. Then the female half of the couple paid the balance in cash.

The second couple tried harder than anyone to try to talk multiple jewelers into a free ring. When no one would agree to the freebie, she simply turned to her future fiance and said, “Here’s the money. You know what I like. Now, go get me the biggest f*cking diamond you can.”

The third couple knew ahead of time that they were getting engaged, and she knew exactly what she wanted. Because she likes to control everything, she picked out the ring in a secret private buying session with the jeweler, where they settled on a price. Then she later gave the money to the boyfriend, who went to the store to pay for the ring. Of course she pretended that she had no idea that there was a ring coming, that she was thrilled with her fiance’s taste, and that she was so impressed that he paid for the ring himself.

So, when you see those shining baubles on the ring fingers of these lucky stars, you now know that in all three cases, the future groom didn’t have to lay out his own cash… but that he still gets to look like he’s a generous man with good taste.

This newest celebrity who is only famous for being famous, (and really only became so because of the internet) is constantly hatching plans to stay in the limelight. Don’t worry fans, she’s got a sex tape all cooked up and coming your way!
- that teen bride of that actor from The Green Mile

Guesses for the first one:

First Couple:Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman (almost every article I read mentions that it is a Kwiat ring http://stylenews.peoplestylewatch.com/2011/12/14/anne-hathaway-engagement-ring-photo/)

Second Couple:Nicole Polizzi aka Snookie and Jionni (Nicole demanded a big ring according this article http://www.celebitchy.com/213145/sn...ngagement_ring_is_it_real_or_fake_as_her_tan/
Also, the second ring in the picture is the same cut of the ring she is wearing in the article I’ve linked)

Third Couple: Britney Spears and Jason Trawick
Britney tweeted how she was surprised with “the one give I’ve been waiting for” http://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/...rprise-gift-following-rumours-of-engagement-/
And man articles mentioned how great it was that Britney finally had I guy pay for a ring for her after Kevin. This engagement wasn’t really a surprise for any of us, including Britney I suspect. They were reportedly talking marriage for a long time before the proposal http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2...-buys-engagement-ring-will-propose-to-britne/

Still, Jlo is missing, there were some pics of her and her bf going to the jewelery.

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I Was going to guess Natalie Portman and her fiancé for the third couple.
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If I was Anne I would be embarrassed to ask for 50% off :innocent:. But then again they're used to all the freebies they constantly get :rolleyes:
I Was going to guess Natalie Portman and her fiancé for the third couple.
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yeah, but it says "your lucky stars". i wouldn't bet that benjamin is considered as a star in a celeb way, no?

btw, LOVE your avi. AF!:heart:
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