'i want to**** like Hedi Slimane' >the song

record availability


it's the weekend and still no records. We had a blast at the show and the duds are all now for sale. The actual records are somewhere in the manufacturing chain between plate and the arrival of a test pressing, in other words, they're coming soon:doh:. I know we'll be selling them at a couple of record stores in belfast, and will try to get them into at least Rough Trade in London. Your best bet is to check our website in a week or so. we'll be selling them through there.

Thanks for your interest, and we hope you dig the record when you get it.
PS, dior homme ties can't withstand a thorough dousing in beer and whiskey, so don't do it.
Best of luck in the near future, timore!

I always have a fantasy where I'm on stage performing the Stones' "Miss You" in a Dior Homme outfit, blazer and everything as I often see many current rock musicians do...but then I question how well a suit that tight will withstand the gyrating and mindless flailing of arms! :innocent:
thanx timore...will keep a look out.

nice quote......a fan of [font=&quot]Le Corbusier?[/font]

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LeCorb is the man

Our entire rock and roll operation is into LeCorb. On stage we tend to break into testification that's one part Rev. Gates one part LeCorb and one part Jane Jacobs. "Ain't no such thing as an evil street etc." What urban planning and fashion have to do with rock we can't guess, but they are essential ingredients in our mix.

Intersting fact! I think Jane Jacobs understand cities living more than anyone. She is a amazing writer. Like her [size=-1]"The Death and Life of Great American Cities".

I can only guess that how her writing help one to understand the youth on the street and this in turn helps on how your music can connect and relate to them. Luv the fusion of all this....more respect to u guys.

Oh snap

New MP3 available on the internet of fear.
Tuesday sept 8th blog.
And we're playing in NYC next week, so come out and buy some records and show your face.


We're playing next Sunday night at Tommy's Tavern in Greenpoint. We're also playing a basement show in new Brunswick New Jersey on the Friday, if you need something to do in New jersey.
:woot: Pasquale right on time, the wwd thingy is finally out, well said , well done, cheers ;)

here you go

B) Alternative Styling :p
By Michael Agosta with contributions by Marcy Medina

"Fashion as worn by rock musicians has slowed to a crawl," says David Wolfe, creative director at The Doneger Group, a firm specializing in fashion industry analysis. "I think it's no longer cutting-edge."

Today's up-and-coming rockers are inclined to agree. "Unfortunately, kind of a lot of what is indie rock is free of fashion," says Pasquale Timore, lead singer and guitarist for Boston-based band Keys to the Streets of Fear. "They just show up and get on stage in, like, a T-shirt and a pair of Levi's."

Keys to the Streets of Fear's Timore says it's definitely time for something new. His band refuses to go on stage without button-down shirts and ties, and each recently purchased a Dior tie to wear at a release party for their new single, "Hedi Slimane," an homage to the Dior Homme designer. If the duds get ruined, he says, so be it. "I'd rather destroy a really nice shirt on stage than save it and wear it to my sister's wedding."

But is it acceptable for a band to use a stylist in pursuit of celebrity? The idea makes many artists decidedly uncomfortable, and past history, they say, does not work in stylists' favor. Timore pointed out the example of The Killers, an indie band that has achieved renown in many circles, but whose stylized look doesn't seem quite right for them. "I like The Killers," he says, "but you can tell that someone was, like, ‘Let me dress you guys,' and they look kind of goofy in their outfits now
(and the article ends like this)
Timore thinks that most bands need to relax about such things and just enjoy the ride. If you like something and would wear it, he says, take it. Living a life of excess is, after all, what rock 'n' roll is supposed to be all about. "Everybody that's in a rock 'n' roll band wants to be sitting in a chateau in France with models and Gucci pants on. That's why we do it."

extracts from wwd of today
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thanks for posting.

that picture ain't us. here's the picture they were supposed to use:

ahh no...
they f*cked up the pic, let me check again...
actually i thought 'that' pic looked somehow not you :D

ETA: no pic to suit the band Pasquale ..
check your PMs please
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Thanks for the article, Lena. Timore I cannot agree more on the comment about destroying a nice shirt on stage than save it for a stuffy occasion, that's what rock is supposed to be about, doin your thing and not giving a damn! I think whitetrashanth put up some dirty Dior s/s 05 white jeans on ebay or something a few weeks ago, i remember him sayin that happened because of all the moving at a show, and I thought "man THAT's how Dior clothes should be treated, totally!". I don't find the overly obvious self consciousness with which a lot of Hong Kong kids treat and wear their designer duds stylish at all, looks too meticulous and calculated and not spontaneous enough.\

I also agree that the Killers look overly styled and unnatural in their clothes, the lead singer looks horrible in Dior.

Boys and girls of the fashion spot. You can take a few minutes to relax from insaneo fashion action and know that the Hedi Slimane 7" is now finally available for purchase. It should be in the record stores of Boston and NYC (Twisted Village, Other Music, Academy etc) on Tuesday. Or if you want to wait for some mail try our website. It helps us if you are in nYC or Boston if you buy it in a record store, we make less money but it helps for other obvious reasons to have hip super clad mother***kers asking around the best stores for our action.


NYC extravaganza this weekend
Secret show Friday night
Something perhaps secret, Saturday night
Tommy's Tavern Sunday night with Tunnel Of Love
and lots and lots of fixed gear high fashion filthy streets bicycle riding in between.
we shall truly be knights in our saddles.
timore said:
Boys and girls of the fashion spot. You can take a few minutes to relax from insaneo fashion action and know that the Hedi Slimane 7" is now finally available for purchase. It should be in the record stores of Boston and NYC (Twisted Village, Other Music, Academy etc) on Tuesday. Or if you want to wait for some mail try our website. It helps us if you are in nYC or Boston if you buy it in a record store, we make less money but it helps for other obvious reasons to have hip super clad mother***kers asking around the best stores for our action.


NYC extravaganza this weekend
Secret show Friday night
Something perhaps secret, Saturday night
Tommy's Tavern Sunday night with Tunnel Of Love
and lots and lots of fixed gear high fashion filthy streets bicycle riding in between.
we shall truly be knights in our saddles.

any chance getting it in UK besides mail?


Unless yer in Belfast it's up in the air. Probably at Rough Trade in a week or so. If because yer a genius you are in belfast then no problem. eventually all rock capitals will have it, but in the meantime rough trade is best for us, but the mail is best for you.

Thanks for the interest, and yeah, ask at rough trade, but if you can't wait, we;ll ship it direct.
hum .. the style of the band is fine ... and I've liked what I've seen some far -as well as my friends- which is kinda worrying (most of us are broke!).

Anyhow ... break a leg!
break a leg and while you are at it, smach a guitar or two

good luck with "hedi" and the gigs guys
wish i was in NYC this weekend
hmm..i thought you didn't feel right promoting your own stuff here timore...


btw..nice signature...
it's all there...
'for those with eyes to see...'...le corbusier...


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