Imitation of Christ Haute Couture FW2005 ?

The models don't seem to feel too happy in """Haute Couture""" garments either :mellow:
i think its the assistants responsability not to give away his inner visions, but become more of an extension to the designers creative brain. I heard this problem often, and i think its as hard of a job to be a good assistant, than to be a designer. Im exagerating a little, but i feel this belongs to the non-artistic part of fashion.
The collection doesnt move me a quarter of an inch. I still thinks Tara looks cute.^_^
It's sad because you do sometimes see her inner talent and eye for fashion, but she clouds it and makes us hate her by relying on stupid gimmicks.
I never really cared for IOC and now I definitely despise it. I never knew that the designer was a b*tch, but this is too flowey and stuff to be fall/winter. I mean, would you wear that in cold weather? I just think it looks very tacky.
well, desite all this it's at least refreshing to see an art school drop out (attendee) have a real shot in the fashion design world, as there are so many people who would LOVE to have the chance to stage a 'sh*tty' fashion show. you can disagree w/ her success, but she seems to have the willpower and that is INSPIRING.

When Tara Subkoff brought her Imitation of Christ "couture" to Paris for the second time, she showed it in the open air, on a boules pitch in the Marais. Apart from the fact that it was beginning to rain (some models and part of the audience resorted to umbrellas), the event had a certain naïve charm. The girls flitted by wearing an array of sweetly floaty pastel chiffon dresses, each painted with flowers and leaves by a group of Subkoff's artist friends. So far so cute—but just to throw the proceedings off kilter a bit, each girl was tracked by Michel Gondry's (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) film crew. Was it performance art or fashion? As always with IOC, you never quite know.

the thing that bugs me more than anything about her is how the media (ie, vogue etc.) have been conned into thinking this is original...

i mean this collar is totally reminiscient of f/w balenciaga:

faust said:
nice as in i-got-it-in-a-thrift-store, maybe. but not nice as in haute-couture.


nice if i got it in a thrift store :woot: :woot: btw. you can find a lot of great stuff thrifting...a sea of possibilties :innocent:
Scott said:
To be honest,these are things we've seen over and over again already. What makes it so different and why does she feel she has to put her two cents in-per se-when it's really nothing new or exciting? The woman can't even design beautiful clothes from scratch let alone trying HC. I think Tara should have stuck to re-working because that's where her talent really was at. Or was it Matt's? I dunno. It just seems strange and quite arrogant that she would try her hand at this.
Just saw this whole thread and I will say that I know both of them- Tara and Matt. Matt was the one with the talent and vision. He came up with their manifesto and their whole theory of being and creating. He was the reason people sat up and took notice. Tara did not give him proper credit and was very hard to deal with so he left.
She for years has been taking dresses straight off the rack here in Los Angeles at resale shops- vintage- and snipping the tags out and then pronouncing them "IOC". Ask anyone who works at Wasteland, Squaresville, Decades, The Way We Wore...she is known for doing this. Not a secret.
When "she" has actually 'made something" :rolleyes: , it is at the cost of these poor over-worked/under-paid girls who are quite talented and are told they will get something down the road from the association of having worked for her.
She is a user, a climber, a fake, a copy-cat and not a nice person to boot.
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ooops, i need to take your word for this orchide, thanks for sharing
Lena said:
ooops, i need to take your word for this orchide, thanks for sharing

but we knew that, didn't we? it's a clear example of clothes speaking for themselves. ^_^
you knew that, i didnt know the whole story faust :p
Lena said:
you knew that, i didnt know the whole story faust :p

oh, i didn't know the whole story either, lena. i was just pointing out that we could've guessed orchide's post, judging by the inane display of IOC clothes.
I know its been mentioned before, but this is so inappropriate for fw. Did she just do that to give something for people to talk about, make them take notice ?

I remember she made this comment once, "I'm making dresses that have never been made before." ... uhhh, shift dresses ?
i believe orchide, it seems highly plausible. i always had such a feeling about her, she never really appeared to talented anyways.....
i think a lot of those pieces are pretty in and of themselves. if they're couture because she had her artist friends paint the fleur on them, then ok. but it really doesn't strike me as anything special couture-wise...but yeah, some of them are really pretty. i like the umbrellas.
Scott said:
You've got to be joking?! :lol: God,she is utterly the most pretentious twit on the planet.

totally agree....look what she said about being haute couture!

'[font=&quot]All my friends have painted them, they are all one of a kind and there is no way to re-create them - so I guess that really is couture.'

How ridiculous!!
Where indeed is the couture? Looks like mail order catalogue to me...well the girl definitely has the balls when showing that stuff in Paris and competing with all the houses known for CRAFTMANSHIP and TRADITION of couture like Chanel etc. All those dusty collections like Scherrer look awful too, but at least they're WELL MADE.

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