In Search of Magazine Covers & Editorials

^I have a feeling the image @aracic has posted is the one @mikel is referring to. I could be wrong though. Because I've never known that the 'outtake' with Eugenia which was supposed to be the cover is existing somewhere.
This one is well known and I believe it was used in Vogue US, but I don't know it's the same Mikel referred to. I think Vogue Spain used an "outtake" that would be the cover and it was canceled for some reason, in this photo Eugenia was not excluded, so my curiosity to see it!

Eugenia was cropped out of the printed version in the September issue, which is what Mikel was referring to. The full photograph then appeared in the Spanish edition later on.

Here's a page from Anna's Editor's letter from September 2004 issue where they initially published the photo, you can see that the left corner with Eugenia is cropped out:

Vogue Archive
Yes I was talking about that shot that got reprinted in Vogue Espana with Eugenia in it.

I believe that shot was also used as the opening spread of the editorial in Vogue US?

I have wondered if there is a version of the US Vogue September 2004 cover shot with Eugenia in it. But the way all the girls are grouped by three and spread evenly over the three pages of the cover I doubt there’s a version of that particular cover shot with ten girls instead of nine.

And I don’t think that the published group shot was intended as a cover. At the time it just wouldn’t have made sense to have Isabelli on the main cover and Natalia on the fold out. Or have a September cover exclusively with Helmut Lang (and Rochas on the fold out) on it.
Hi, everyone!

Does anyone have this issue? I was just wondering what are the editorials this issue has. And if it's worth buying. Because I've been drawn to this cover since I was like a teenager in the early aughts. I've tried searching if there's an existing thread for this here on tFS but there's none.

Vogue Paris September 2002: Karolina Kurkova by Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin; magazinecult
Hi, everyone!

Does anyone have this issue? I was just wondering what are the editorials this issue has. And if it's worth buying. Because I've been drawn to this cover since I was like a teenager in the early aughts. I've tried searching if there's an existing thread for this here on tFS but there's none.

Vogue Paris September 2002: Karolina Kurkova by Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin; magazinecult
View attachment 1177784
It’s a very lacklustre issue if you ask me. The cover editorial is very dark and moody with if I remember correctly dark clothes. I stumbled upon this issue a couple of years ago, but I didn’t end up buying it. Also because the issue had quite some water damage.
Hi, everyone!

Does anyone have this issue? I was just wondering what are the editorials this issue has. And if it's worth buying. Because I've been drawn to this cover since I was like a teenager in the early aughts. I've tried searching if there's an existing thread for this here on tFS but there's none.

I definitely agree with @mikel it's quite a lacklustre issue. It looks like the running theme of the fashion eds is fur, which definitely wouldn't fly in 2021, but this is the "innocent" early 00's so it's all cool. There's Emmanuelle Seigner by Mario Testino, a jewellery ed by Thomas Lagrange starring the most photogenic models in the issue :heart:, Karolina's cover editorial (with questionable crimped hair) by Inez & Vinoodh in some sort of Mad Max setting, a Jane Birkin lookalike by Terry Richardson (remember, it's the innocent year 2002, sexual abusers like Testino and Terry are A-ok with the Vogue crowd :ninja:) and finally the only editorial in this issue worth a second look imo, Eva Herzigova in the season's haute couture by Dennis Hopper. 352 pages in total.

I wouldn't buy this now @cottonmouth13 if it wasn't a really great bargain or part of a bulk purchase. I hope the review helps a bit in making a decision. ^_^

Excuse my badly lit snaps:

Thank you to the both of you, @mikel and @Melancholybaby, for your responses! Especially to you @Melancholybaby for the effort in taking some screenshots and providing the review. :flower::flower::flower:

Now I'm convinced. I won't buy this issue for now. Sucks that those are editorials for this issue cause the cover looks so good to me. I've always had this thought that this issue is packed with amazing content.
This is a long-shot...but going to post a description of a photo that I've been looking for from September 2018 to February 2020 and have now been re-thinking everything over the past month or so (if interested, you can see all of my posts about the history of my search in one of the Vintage Magazine threads).

Originally the search encompassed 1988-2001 but in early 2020 a near-miss on finding the photo triggered a memory that makes me almost certain it was in 1999 (probably Jan-July but going to re-examine magazines for the entire year to make sure I don't miss it).

My best guess on the model was Claudia Schiffer but when I asked about any Claudia look-alikes three models were mentioned and my best guess is now Valeria Mazza and this Glamour cover below most closely captures the look of the model (whether Valeria or someone else) in the photo. I did look at Valeria's thread both here and in Bellazon but did not find the photo I'm looking for though.


Any other models from the late '90s that look like Valeria that anyone can think of?

This is the description/instructions I gave to librarians in Los Angeles, the British Library, and the national libraries of Wales and Scotland but they were not able to turn up the photo - this is after I mostly exhausted magazines in the U.S.

The model has roughly shoulder-length dirty to light blond hair. I believe she was sitting on a beach or sand dune, with her feet a little lower than the rest of her body and her arms maybe resting in her lap, on her knees or between her legs. She was wearing I guess what would be called a white peasant blouse/dress (I think it laced-up in the upper part). Bare shoulders - I think. With either sandals or bare feet.

But, the most distinctive part - she is wearing maybe 15 or 20 white and silver bangles on each arm. The easiest way to find the photo is to look for a lot of bracelets or bangles (that will eliminate almost all photos from consideration immediately and you will come across only a few that will have any chance of being the photo I'm looking for). She is by herself in the photo and I believe is facing at least slightly to the reader's right as you look at the photo.
I think the photo is the first page of a fashion editorial but that's over a 22 year old memory so I hesitate to mention that.

I think there was some kind of vacation or bohemian theme in this editorial.
Please take your time as you look through the pages listed above so the search will be declarative one way or the other. That way, if you don't find it, I'll know for sure it wasn't in any of these issues, which is still a big help to me.


I'd be amazed if anyone will instantly recognize or remember this photo. What I'm really hoping is that some of you will have some magazines from 1999 and maybe check them for me.

I've narrowed down the possibilities to the following - those in bold are the most likely.

U.S.: Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Marie Claire, Mirabella, Mademoiselle, Glamour
U.K.: Vogue, Harper's & Queen, Elle, Marie Claire
Australia: Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire
Elle (India, Singapore or South Africa)

Marie Claire was done solely by what I call the "Table of Contents" method, where I got scans of them (FIT was a primary source for these) and then requested further scans if I thought a particular editorial might contain my photo. I don't think the photo is here but this method leaves open the possibility it was missed.

I looked at some issues of Glamour in Phoenix (I live in Tucson) but others were done by the ToC method.

Those in blue I have just added to my list and have just reached out to the national libraries in Australia and Singapore and waiting to hear back from them. Also to the British Library but am thinking my message did not get through...

The list above pretty much covers all English-language magazines derived from the seven U.S. ones and I'm pretty sure it was an English-language magazine because I remember some kind of narrative about some kind of boho look during the day and then going into the city at night.

A few weeks ago I considered maybe I was wrong and a librarian in Florence looked at a few issues of Marie Claire Italy and Elle Italia but I limited it to only a few issues where I liked the cover (why else would I pick up a foreign magazine?). Elle France could be a possibility but I'm having a hard time convincing myself it could be there...if I go down that road I'm going to have to try to get a scan of the covers and see if anything jumps out at me and since that is a weekly there are that many more issues in the mix...

Well, that's all for now, if anyone got all the way to the end...
Wow, i really hope you find it You sure are thorough. I wish you all the luck, I'll let you know if i come across a pic that is a possibility.
Wow, i really hope you find it You sure are thorough. I wish you all the luck, I'll let you know if i come across a pic that is a possibility.

Thanks. My contact the British Library looked through Harper's & Queen for all of 1999 and of course it wasn't there.

Below was the May 1999 issue of Elle UK - when this came up when we were looking at Elle UK a year-and-a-half ago the cover looked familiar to me (as in, this could have been the magazine my photo was in) but my photo was not there (plus, I personally looked at the Table of Contents and that confirmed this wasn't the issue - there are lots of Tables of Contents that can be found on E-Bay and I've gotten many others scanned via Interlibrary Loans).


But, I've been reviewing an international covers archive and spotted this exact cover in two other issues from other countries and am crossing my fingers that my photo is in one of those two magazines. This was a few days ago but I've been busy the past few days doing other things and haven't followed up yet. Either way, it's made me think that it isn't in the US or UK after all and I have to presume it wasn't missed in what has already been done. That's why it's been so hard to find as it's in a one-off magazine in that it is something that I normally didn't look at.

If it is not in an issue with the above cover, I still think it is most likely to be in Elle, with the only other realistic possibilities being Marie Claire, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. Hopefully, it's just a matter of going through countries one-by-one until I or someone else finds it. I'm having an internal debate as to whether I can limit the search from Jan-July or whether Aug-Dec has to be considered at all. My best guess is it's in the Mar-May period.
An update on the above...the same cover was used by Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan (Jul) and Japan (Aug) but these are mostly non-English language publications, so these are still a bit iffy.

That brings me to this morning...I've already considered Elle Singapore as a possibility and am waiting for the librarian at the National Library of Singapore to return on July 26 to review the 1999 issues for me. The covers archive is incomplete and does not show the Singapore covers for April-July 1999. I feel it is very likely that Singapore also used this cover (probably in July like most of the others, which is a slight surprise as while I felt it had to be from Jan-Jul I really felt it was a couple of months earlier).

I'll bet this was the one and only time in my life I ever picked up a magazine from Singapore but looking at the boilerplate of the magazine makes me think this is where my photo is.

If not, this will be a devastating blow.
I'm rooting for you.

I'm getting killed here - Singapore didn't use that cover. Hong Kong and Taiwan are possibilities but these dual-language countries really seem to be about 90% Chinese/10% English so not sure if my photo could really be there (because I remember being able to read what the editorial was about).

Meanwhile I saw this cover from South Korea (same as US) that I really envisioned possibly being the cover my photo was in and confirmed that Elizabeth Hurley was on Australia's April 1999 cover - went to bed 90% sure I found it. But then I see the actual cover today and it's a different photo entirely and means that's probably almost certainly a No.


That's the South Korea cover which I could totally see being the right one, but the National Library of Korea actually has the Table of Contents online (no photos, just text) and I converted in from Korean to English and none of the editorials are right.

Harper's Bazaar was my very first guess back in 2018 of where I thought it was and it looked as though everything was coming back full-circle (but not US, Australia)...and my best guess is the cover had a white background too.

I wrote to the National Library of Australia about three weeks ago but never got a confirmed receipt and wrote to them again today (got the receipt this time). Hopefully they will look from Jan-Jul 1999 for me - Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire. Australia is my best chance of what's left.

I sometimes wonder if this search got put out world-wide if the photo still wouldn't be found...I estimate about 1700 issues have been looked at so far and I really don't think it was missed or in a totally one-off publication. But, the possibilities left are dwindling.
^ It's Korean yes

Yeah, I saw that cover from South Korea and was projecting that Australia may also have used it in April 1999 - and thought I had done so when I came across this on Friday night...

List of Harper's Bazaar Australia cover models - Wikipedia

But, then I found Australia's cover on Saturday morning, which I am almost positive I never owned:


Australia's December cover actually is the one I'm looking for but it doesn't look quite right plus I'm pretty sure I would remember if the photo came from Dec 1999 and I don't.

Anyway, I see your reference to "Cool Korea" you have any feel for the dual-language mix in Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Elle and Marie Claire (all Korea) seems to be mostly Korean with some question is that when the fashion editorials tell some kind of short narrative along with the that ever in English or would that part always be in Korean? And I'm talking about how it would have been in 1999...because I know I was able to read the editorial back then...

The National Library of Korea is sort-of like a black box in that there appears to be no way to contact them via e-mail (at least nothing on the web site) or the Ask A Librarian feature that pretty much every other library has...
...on a side note, I totally don't get the point of this dual-language presentation, it makes little sense to me why some of these countries are doing this.
I finally joined-up with the Fashion Spot's arch-rival last month and posted this over there today...

The hardest search (maybe Valeria Mazza again - 1999?) in the history of the world...

I think I can give myself until the end of this year to find it - if not by then I will have to move forward with my online presentation/contest of 24 to 27 photos without it, which I hate doing because this is one of my favorites (in the top one-third for sure).
I finally joined-up with the Fashion Spot's arch-rival last month and posted this over there today...

The hardest search (maybe Valeria Mazza again - 1999?) in the history of the world...

I think I can give myself until the end of this year to find it - if not by then I will have to move forward with my online presentation/contest of 24 to 27 photos without it, which I hate doing because this is one of my favorites (in the top one-third for sure).
I really hope you find it!

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