Are you sure those aren't old photos of old stock? As far as I'm aware they only have cerise, coquelicot, and black cities with gold mini hardware right now.
I have a coquelicot gold hw city coming this week
It's been about a year since I've bought from the boys. I have an authentic black rh work that is fantastic but I do love a bright orangey-red with gold hardware so I couldn't pass it up!
my black GGH city just arrived today and I luuuurve it. Already have an auth black RH (the only auth I have!! T&D bags are too fun), but wanted to try black + brighter hardware w/o murdering the wallet. I didn't even know they had cerise bags???! are a bearer of bad and news . Also I was wondering about that too! The original run in 2012 was black, khaki, navy, red and purple only; IIRC the only pics released were the store/professional shots of their suede works, although you could request additional silhouettes based off the colour sample. I'm 90% (if anyone has their 0.02 cents to add that'd be helpful) these bags are new production since they have stock photos of all the new colours, with the exception of navy, in city silhouettes/with g12 hardware. This time they are repeating black with GGH, and navy. The new additions are militaire (true olive green), donkey grey (I'm not sure what colour this is, I thought it may be a repeat of their 2012 khaki, but it looks less grey/green toned, and more true to the light tan auth suede) and grey (could be gris fonce suede, I'm not sure).
Another TFP/RepCh user posted pics of their 2012 khaki suede back when the batch arrived; imo it looks too light to be militaire, is not green enough, and is a greyer/tanner version of the current F/W militaire suede I saw in the boutique. Kind of like bal's militaire, grey and tan suede had a baby. If anyone has model pics of their 2012 suede bags I'd love to see em for comparison! Will attach pics in the next post.