Whew, it took about 2 days to catch up on this thread! I was over 100 pages behind and I finally caught up.
I'm usually very good about keeping up and check it daily from work, but since my trip to Malaysia and since getting laid off, I haven't been as diligent. It feels good to be up to speed now.
So while I was in Malaysia I went to China Town in Kuala Lumpur and came across a whole host of fake bags of varying quality being sold at all sorts of different prices. I kept asking the vendors for the best quality and only a few had AAA quality bags. Anyways, to make a long story short, I finally ended up with a bag that I absolutely love-- the monogram canvas Palermo PM. It is the best LV replica I have ever seen (and I've seen alot, I've been into replicas for over 10 years). I haggled with the seller and was able to snag it for $130, which I reasoned in my mind was a good price, especially because I wasn't paying shipping costs and risking customs. I've been comparing the bag I bought with other pics on the internet and it looks amazing. The stitching, alignment, vachetta, etc., are all on target. I wish I bought more bags while I was there but I was on a budget--- and I didn't even know I was going to get laid off when I got back from vacation, so thank God for that!
Anyways, I just ended up comparing my bag to the Palermo on Jacky's site and it looks very, very, very similar. The only difference I could spot, considering I can only see his version through the pics he provided on his site, is that the inside LV tag on mine is slightly bigger and more elongated (I counted the number of stitches on his picture and the stitches on my bag) and thus more authentic looking. That's it! Now, I don't know how the 2 bags would compare side by side, but I'm pretty impressed with Jacky's bags based on the pictures.
I can now rest assured that if I want another replica LV I don't have to travel to Malaysia to get it, hehe-- not that my trip there was just to get an LV
Also, I just got back from having coffee with a friend of mine who is into designer bags as well and I asked her what she thought of my replica LV, pointing at my Palermo. Her jaw dropped, she was like, "What? Are you serious? I just assumed it was real. I have alot of LV bags and would never have guessed that was a fake!"