Specific rules for this thread:
1. Do not post links to seller websites or type them (shoemaker dot com). Also do not hotlink images from supplier websites. Members (and nonmembers) can find out their websites easily by viewing the page source.
2.Do not ask for seller information in the thread. If you need info on a supplier, please pm another member, or search to see what person received the info last and pm them. Note that it is up to the discretion of each member to respond to PM's of such nature.
3. Please do a search first if you want info on the quality of a specific seller. You can also check out pictures in the Ioffer Pictures thread.
4. ALL images must have an image credit, even if they are your images. You can add "photo(s) by me." Also, do not posts links to images...use a photo hosting site such as tinypic, photobucket, or supload.
5. No selling or spamming will be allowed. Therefore, do not post requests to purchase, as this will be considered soliciting a sale. This extends to wishlists that are posted in signatures.
6. The lists for T&D can be posted for one week maximum before they should be sent. This is something that clogs the thread and makes it hard to find important information.
8. Please contact a moderator for comments, queries, etc. or use the report this post function.