ipod vs the competition..

Maybe a bit offtopic, but please, please help me. I have an iriver U10 and I don't know how to make the songs shuffle. I don't know where in the menu is the "shuffle" feature. It's been making me crazy for a week. :(
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During playback, click and hold the right button.
A menu should show up and scroll down to 'playmode'.
From there, select 'shuffle'.
^ i was wondering the same
it looks great, and one the best features is that you can send songs to another Zune via bluetooth
I have five iPods (I'm a little bit of a music/computer geek, can you tell?), and I've never had problems with any of them. I stick a case on them as soon as I get them and I take care of them like I would any other electronic device. I think if someone is having problems with all their computers, music players, etc. maybe they are just being too rough on them.

I have a 3G 40 gig iPod, a 1G 1 gig shuffle, a 2G 6 gig silver mini, a 1G 2 gig white nano and a 2G 8 gig red nano. I think the nanos are the best mix of function and portability, I can even stick them in a tiny little purse pocket and it's like they aren't even there. I love my red nano so much because it's my favourite colour and the design is just so simple and perfect.
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fashiongrrrl since you obviously have ipod experience. I just got my first one over christmas. What would you recommend as the best protector out there since there seem to be a trillion? At the moment I'm not using anything (othe than the little slipcover that comes with it) which worries me since i'm notoriously hard on the things I own...:unsure:
Which model did you get? For the nanos I really like the Agent 18 clear plastic "NanoShield" cases...I haven't bought a case for a bigger iPod in quite a while but they seem to make one for the video iPod too and I also think iSkin cases are quite good, the silicone would definitely offer the most protection if the iPod were accidentally dropped. But really, I think most of the cases out there are pretty good, one thing to think about is whether you want to dock the iPod, since a lot of the cases will make it thicker on the bottom and undockable (though a universal dock may solve that problem, I'm not sure since I haven't tried one yet). Hope this helps. :)
I have the 5g 30gb ipod so it has video and stuff. I'm not really worried about docking capabilities. I just want to be able to buy something online. I don't want to go to a store and look for hours at different cases....
Makes sense, though you could spend hours online too, lol. There seem to be 81 cases in the U.K. Apple Store that would fit your iPod. ;)


The Countour Design iSee, Speck See Thru, Agent 18 VideoShield, Contour Showcase, and Power Support Crystal Jacket all look pretty good without completely hiding the iPod. Personally I'd go with the Contour Design iSee or Speck See Thru...people seem to complain about the Agent 18 case and the others don't look as pretty or look complicated.
thanks fashiongrrrl for all your help! :flower:
Meg said:
I have the 5g 30gb ipod so it has video and stuff. I'm not really worried about docking capabilities. I just want to be able to buy something online. I don't want to go to a store and look for hours at different cases....
I have the same ipod and I use a "Trendy Geek" "Trendy Shield" can't even tell it has anything on it. :shock: You can order them here: http://www.trendygeek.com if you are worried about smashing it into stuff these won't protect you, but they keep away scratches, ipods scratch really easy so I think they are useful. :flower:
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i bought 2 ipods and have gone through 6 of them. i bought a 20gb 2nd generation, a true workhorse that finally crapped out a few months ago (went through 4 of these on the former 1 year warranty) and went through 2 of the photo 60gb ipod. I was a former computer tech for much of my undergrad and after too. i own $6000 of apple stock. I will never buy an apple product and cannot wait to sell the stock, there are other alternatives to ipods, but if you just want the brand name....errr...I'm through with them
I love my ipod but I had to get it fixed and it took 6 weeks to do so. Oh well, at least it's back home with me now
Luna said:
It's funny... as i'm writing this, there is an ipod commercial on tv...

I was just looking at the creative lab mp3 players... the only thing that i like that i wish the ipod had was the built in radio feature... that's actually a pretty good idea..

But the battery life is 6 hours less than the ipod... but the battery is removable and probably more easy to replace!


I'm torn now.

Well, if iPod's battery dies, and you send it back for a new battery they actually give you a complete brand new iPod.
Unfortunately they only send you the same generation that you had. I had the very first iPod ever made, and when it broke a year ago they sent back another 1st gen. It cost $50-100.
you can send away for a 24hour battery somewhere else, installation is 1-2-3 easy. costs $40
NOT TO BE OFF TOPIC! But, anyone have any ideas on how to remove scratches on an iPOD? My new iPOD got scratched and I've only had it less than a month....:neutral: Any help would be appreciated! :flower: Thanks!
Hmm...not that I know of.

I have a Creative Zen from a few years ago-I've had it for over 2 years now, a 30GB-and for the price then ($200) it's the best bang for your buck. I've never liked Apple, my mom never has, and she should know-she does payroll.

The only problem with the Zen is that yes, it's ugly. Yes, the covers come loose. Yes, it freezes from time to time. But it's functional and not too big. I can still stick it in a small purse.

And because I'm gonna be in the market for a new one relatively soon, I'm sticking to Creative.
my 30GB photo just broke for the 3rd time. needless to say, i'm a bit miffed.

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