pic & interview from MarilynAgencyNY's facebook
Marilyn Agency | How has it felt to have come so far in your career?
Irina | i feel very fortunate and very blessed, i’m up to 10 seasons now.
M | Tell me about the feelings you’re having being here about to walk for “Fashion for Relief Haiti”
I | This is such a great cause and im so happy that this is happening and people in fashion are mobilizing themselves to do something, because this is such a charity, we don’t have the right to turn our backs and not do anything. It’s actually the only show I’m walking this season.
M | Why is it the only show you’re walking?
I | I want to take some time for myself and work on my other projects, finally finish my album, it’s been 2 years in the making since we released “strange Places,” also i feel like I’ve done my do’s and my fair share of shows, but I’m still going to show my support for the designers. But this Haiti show is so amazing i love Naomi, she’s such a beautiful soul and inspiration. I’m honoured to be here.
M | So what’s on your playlist right now?
I | A lot of old music CCR, Led Zeppelin, Billy Haliday. Bits and pieces, little bit a this, little bit a that.
M |What’s your favourite dish that your mother or father makes?
I | Well I’m a meat and potatoes girl, so i love everything my mommy makes, everything she makes is amazing. She makes a mean steak, and i love her soups, lots of hearty stuff.