Isn't this site TOO american?

What-ho old girl! Myself, based in sunny Blighty, find this site a refreshing change from a lot of Yank sites that spend all their time talking about that blighter Ralph Lauren. Now that does embody the "American Dream" image. Gosh darn it, you can even get RL paint and wallpaper - live the dream!!
Tally ho!
softgrey said:
that actually sound very british to me... ^_^ :innocent:
or canadian... :woot:
americans have never been known for their politeness... :lol:

Well Softie..:p you live in New York the stronghold for american rudeness..and I think in many cases the exception..not that I mind at all..but generally ( and this is a stereotype I knooo) the sentiment and behavior of people from the midwest and the southern parts of the US is overtly polite..and very feely-feely..(I've lived in Georgia for a year and THAT was quit a cultur shock for me).

That said I don't think the site is too american..%-wise americans DO make up a rather large % of the regular members, and a good bit of the purchasing power..but I don't find that the threads therefore lack "international" appeal..most brands mentioned you can get in New York, LA, AND London, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo etc..
urd said:
it can be red between the lines. you are so super polite, and apologize to every rude thing you say

Urd, I've been on other sites..more predominately american ones..where rudeness was flourishing..I think TFS has made it a point to not let rudeness dominate..but trying to stay open and positive about the things others post..I enjoy this..and the lack of drama it entails.:flower:
iLoveCouture said:
I love this site...I found it by accident. I love how I can come to a place where people actually understand what fashion is and have a passion for it as well. I find everyone here to be very inspiring - and they always know where to find the things I cant find! I dont think that the site is "too american" since most of the ppl who post here arent even from the US.

me too! :heart:
star said:
And me!
I'm from Spain, and I don't think that this place is too american or label-victim, here there are people who loves fashion but most of them don't follow the trends that everybody follow, I think we try to be more creative at tfs.
Well, I live in Latin America and I love this site. Fashion is universal and most of the times we (tfs users) don't even care about were we come from. Here in TFS you can share your ideas, your fashion knowledge or just any idea you have in your mind. ENJOY THE SITE :flower:
Out of the top ten posters two of them are US residents. Seeing as the European fashion industry relies on America to survive it's not exactly over-representation.
What-ho old girl! Myself, based in sunny Blighty, find this site a refreshing change from a lot of Yank sites that spend all their time talking about that blighter Ralph Lauren. Now that does embody the "American Dream" image. Gosh darn it, you can even get RL paint and wallpaper - live the dream!!
Tally ho!
Mmmm, that made me feel right at home. I think The Fashion Spot will continue to develop, hopefully we'll have members representing even more diverse places. But I do think, especially on this section of the site its interesting to discuss in detail the trends in any country. I love getting a real insight into trends in a certain area are, as it can be so different from what I see. Cheerio.
Personally, I have found this site immensly refreshing and diverse. There are a lot of people from many countries, all of which have a contribution towards intelligent dicscussion.
People have contributed all sorts of things - opinions, pictures, sightings etc. A wealth of information at your fingertips can never be a bad thing.
I have not in any way found this site too American. :flower:
Fashion Puss said:
What-ho old girl! Myself, based in sunny Blighty, find this site a refreshing change from a lot of Yank sites that spend all their time talking about that blighter Ralph Lauren. Now that does embody the "American Dream" image. Gosh darn it, you can even get RL paint and wallpaper - live the dream!!
Tally ho!
:lol: I love it...
I'm not complaining about the lack of rudeness, we can consentrate on fashion and other important things (oh god, I can't spel at all)
Hmm, I never thought this site was too American.

I think there is a great broadness over all the countries in the fashion area.

Ah, well, enjoy the site!
PrinceOfCats said:
Out of the top ten posters two of them are US residents. Seeing as the European fashion industry relies on America to survive it's not exactly over-representation.

who's the other one?... :unsure:
i would never say this site is overly american its more multi-national

the only american bit i can think of is the .com part!
cowboyboots said:
i would never say this site is overly american its more multi-national

the only american bit i can think of is the .com part!

Yeah, I think the same.

There are people from all over the world here, so its gonna be pretty cultural ^_^

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