especially in north Italy cities people have very good taste of fashion, young people wear jeans (Diesel, Roy Rogers, Levis, Dondup..) and cool sneakers! nike air max are the state symbol i guess! Women wear high flat boots (the ones to ride a horse
)and they wear white jeans in combination with natural brown color leather shoes, and in wealthier areas like Udine and other small cities with strong industry people wear original gucci, fendi, prada handbags, there it seems that everybody has them. But the big italian thing are definetly the fancy, expensive jackets! Belstaff, Moncler, Woolrich, Refrigiwear is a must! I read in this thread how some people dislike Italian style, saying that they wear fakes and cheap's not quite a truth, somewhere sure, but generally people are better dressed than in other countries, very natural colors, a lot of Ralph Lauren and Fred Perry-classical sweathers and shirts, and designer sunglasses..B).I've been to many places but Italy for me has that something, taste of style! Everybody should visit Italy once!

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