Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant...For Real!*Update* It's a Girl

Straying from the conversation a little, I think there's a difference between 'celebrity' and 'actor'.

Ppl like LiLo, Paris, Britney, etc. are celebrity.

Cate Blanchett and the likes are actors. I don't think necessarily actors ask for all the paparazzi attention.
it's kind of sad that she got pregnant at 16 =.=
and doesn't she have all those tween fans :S
Just reading around the internet/media about this story for a few minutes makes me sick. It's all along the lines of:

"She deserves this baby for aborting the first one!"
"I hope that baby rips her a new ******* when it comes out"
"I hope she loses her job, that wh*re"
"People who get pregnant are sluts"

^ I know. She was in a relationship with the father of her baby for two and a half years! He was her first serious boyfriend and they made a mistake. I wish them the best and hope that it is a girl!
I hope she works things out and is given the privacy she deserves. This is one of those situations wherein everyone and their mother is going to be judging her and I can't imagine what that must be like in the public eye. Already they're asking other celebrities what they think of it on every single celeb news program. It makes me angry :angry: as if the girl didn't have it hard enough as is without the whole world chiming in. I just imagine how I'd feel if there was a census of my peers every time I made a massive error but I guess thats just how Hollywood goes. Its also kind of aggravating that she's being judged due to some of her sisters actions - they're two different people.

I just hope she has supportive people around her who will help with the raising of this child. I wish her the best.

I hate when other celebs are asked their opinions,ET likes to catch people on the red carpet with "Have you heard about this or that"
This whole thing is just really sad, but she didn't have to go and announce it at this point w/O.K. magazine.

What did she expect?

Yes, being 16 and pregnant happens, but it still isn't normal, everyday stuff.

The Paris comment: haha, now the attention is off of her antics of the last year. Jamie Lynn is even almost making Britney look a little better-almost

I guess she didn't want the press hounding her with 1,000 questions, because already rumors were starting,now that she confirmed, it she doesn't have to do anymore interviews. I think unless Jamie shows her crotch in public, Britney is still lower then her.:ninja:
I'm glad she did the interview otherwise it would have been more scandelous if she tried to hide it. But she sounded so young answering the questions.
are you KIDDING? She PUBLICIZED it on Ok! Magazine.

Privacy? What privacy?! There ain't gonna be no privacy when you go announcing your pregnancy on a tabloid voluntarily.

Exactly. On some level there is a need for attention. Honestly, if she would have just gone about her business and left LA, she would have much less publicity. I honestly did not even know she was on a show, let alone this much of a "celebrity." She could have retreated into the "privacy" she wants, and emerged later, making this whole thing much less of the big news it is now.

I'm sorry, but this is just begging to have papparazzi hounding her 24/7...watching her every move...following her, just like Britney...
why does she have to keep it? why can't she give it up for adoption to a family who can't have childern?
That whole family is a walking advertisement for greedy parents and overexposed young ladies with too much fame too soon. What a way to deal with a shocking teen pregnancy, sell your story to a tabloid trash. What would they do next, sell the fetas pictures to them and continue pimping this young girl horrendous mistake and lack of a parenting guidance for years?

^ I know. She was in a relationship with the father of her baby for two and a half years! He was her first serious boyfriend and they made a mistake. I wish them the best and hope that it is a girl!

so two years ago she was 14 years old dating 16 yrs old and we call that 'long term' relationship? She's an immature kid who had no good mother and father around, since she invited her 18 boyfriend at the age of 15 to live with her. Its just all wrong and tragic, almost like no one talked to them about safe sex and healthy relationship.
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Well, you can't assume they didn't practise safe sex. The only 100% safe form of sex is abstinence, so they could have just been unlucky.
so two years ago she was 14 years old dating 16 yrs old and we call that 'long term' relationship? She's an immature kid who had no good mother and father around, since she invited her 18 boyfriend at the age of 15 to live with her. Its just all wrong and tragic, almost like no one talked to them about safe sex and healthy relationship.

That was in reference to Jamie Lynn being called a sl*t.:(

I just hope the baby comes out healthy and is well taken care of.:blush:
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honestly, because she is that young i really think she will be a good mother. just because she is young! she is still a kid, she will play with the baby a lot. she will become mother-feelings. i guess the parents of the daddy will help her a lot, too (more than her own mom).
honestly I think she will be a great mom
and i wish her all the best
I hope that she will be a better mother than her sister. but I hope more that she will be a better mother than her mother
I think she'll be fine. I don't think she'll ever be like her sister, hopefully!
honestly, because she is that young i really think she will be a good mother. just because she is young! she is still a kid, she will play with the baby a lot. she will become mother-feelings. i guess the parents of the daddy will help her a lot, too (more than her own mom).
honestly I think she will be a great mom
and i wish her all the best

with all due respect- i disagree completely with that idea.

motherhood is about the ability to nurture and take responsibility for another human being.

Jamie Lnn is a child herself- a child under international law, not to mention being emotionally and educationally dependent on HER parents.

How then can it be justified that this pregnancy and the birth of a child into this kind of environment be considered a wise or ideal thing?

Mothers learn by experience; the have the resources of knowledge which enable wise decisionmaking- what is BEST for the Child. Its just scarey to me that a 16 year old thinks that she is well suited to it. It's a real human life she will have to be accountable for, someone that will require unending attention and care.

In australia there has been a documentary of a school called Plumpton High for teenage mums. What is shows is desperate young mothers who find themselves very limited in live and who's children look to continue the cycle of risky behaviour due to being born in that type of environment. Its very sad.

I too wish Jamie Lynn all the best, i hope that all the spears children- grandchildren? will grow up with the best of care and upbringing. I really do. :cry::flower:
I hope that she will be a better mother than her sister. but I hope more that she will be a better mother than her mother
My thoughts exactly. :wink:

Luxxx, I just got done watching that video a few minutes ago. You're right...it is so wrong but so funny at the same time! I loved when "Jamie-Lynn" threw the garbage out the car window. :lol:
honestly, because she is that young i really think she will be a good mother. just because she is young! she is still a kid, she will play with the baby a lot. she will become mother-feelings. i guess the parents of the daddy will help her a lot, too (more than her own mom).
honestly I think she will be a great mom
and i wish her all the best

Please tell me you are 14. Or that you're not.....:huh:

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