I never said she was unattractive and difficult to dress. Not in the least bit! I happen to adore the fashion sense of women like Queen Latifah. All I'm saying is that I see no hint of originality or substance in the way she's dressing. Not surprising since none of it are her work. I would rather someone make fashion mistakes if they are THEIRS and theirs alone. To me this is the off-screen fashion equivalence to Curtis controlling the character of Deena from the movie. And she's now eating cocktail shrimp salads as entrees? Wow someone please get her away from the single-minded world of fashion politics asap! I want to see this woman blossom INTO HER OWN and not be told what to wear, what to eat, and how to pose. Let's give credit where it's due and applaud the dresses, shoes and hairstyles that HE has picked out for Ms. Hudson.