That "Guy" tugging at Jessica Simpson is Roberto Cavalli. I dont think she looks horrendously bad, thats just her perception of glamour: bossoms in full view; a bevy of sequins or chiffon and tremendous influx of unncessarily long hair extensions no doubt styled by her famed companion Ken Paves. As for the collctive effort between Andre Leon Talley and Jennifer Hudson, somewhat of a bland and predictable choice as Talley has been a long time supporter of Kors, who I find it trival as to why he was in attendance with Eva Mendes. Best dressed: Kate Moss in her Topshop design, innovative and undoubtley ironic when you consider the magnitude of Poiret and the elegance and regal aspect to his designs within the early 19th century. Humurous it is that contemporary commercialisim such as a design for Topshop should be married with a gala honouring Paul Poiret.