Jessica Alba (Please put all Jessica Alba news here)

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Why is everyone saying that Jessica was a good two shoes? Didn't she have an interview to where she basically admitted to sleeping with everyone under the sun? Am I the only one who remembers this?

I think he's half black and half white.

Also I think he's so hot. She is too, but that goes without saying. He I think is quite underrated in the looks department.

Jessica's ex-boyfriend,Michael Weatherly, is hotter and better looking than Cash IMO
Oh yeah! he's ultra hot and he's so so nice. he was in Australia a few months ago and he was on the radio a lot, and he was a total crack up, very funny down to earth guy. God knows why they split up, although good on him, he can do better than Jessica, she's a bit of a nutjob.
I remember...GQ right? :rofl: :rofl: She seems so full of herself...maybe a baby will change her for the better. :)
yeah..i think it's very weird, and this is probably why she got back with Cash.. what i think is hilarious is that her whole life she's been trying to avoid being associated with the whole 'hispanic' image, even if she is half mexican, and considering Cash's background and hers, i would imagine the baby will be very hispanic looking, but i bet once again she will ask people not to refer to her as Latino.
I would like her a lot more if she wasn't like this. I also hear she's a total psycho to work with and flies off the handle, which makes me wonder how she'll cope as a mother with a tiny baby, i can't see a maternal gene in her.

My friend who is an actor got to work on a movie with her that was being filmed in St. Louis and he said all she did was smoke weed and flirt with the guys on set and was a complete b*tch to everybody. He also said she called her boyfriend every moment she could asking him "to tell her how much he loves her and if he misses her yet". :rolleyes:

but thats just what he said. considering he was a fan of hers before he worked with her it was a surprise to hear him bad-mouth about her. she just seems completely full of herself.

but umm, yah, congrats on that pregnancy, jess. can't imagine how much she hates it b/c of what it will do to her body. considering her body is the only reason she has a career :innocent:
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We actually know her family and I remember her dad telling us a few years ago that all Jessica talks about is getting married and having a family. She's been wanting a baby for at least 2-3 years now. I'm happy for her.
Originally Posted by maria220

but umm, yah, congrats on that pregnancy, jess. can't imagine how much she hates it b/c of what it will do to her body. considering her body is the only reason she has a career :innocent:

:rofl: :rofl: True.
I'm wondering if they got back together because she discovered she was pregnant or if the baby was a "thrilled to be back together and being lax with the birth control" baby. Given that the pregnancy announcement is so close to them being back together - I'm thinking it wasn't planned.
Wow. A lot of haters on this thread. I'm no fan but the negativity is crazy high...
^ I think you reap what you sow, Jess has a terrible reputation and she's extremely rude to crew, and other actors. I wish her all the best for the baby, but yeah they just got back together and she's announced it fairly early - so it's kinda suss.
for someone that tries to hide from the paps heaps, she could have waited longer like Christina did...i'm sure she's loving the attention.
omg EVERYBODY is pregnant these days??
Jessica, Lily Allen, Jamie-Lynn Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez!!!

She's so annoying tbh. She announces shes preggo basicly at the point of conception when there was NO speculation, and then walks around covering her face like she's Julia frickin Roberts.

/ rant
The most annoying Celeb of the year..who told this chick she was the SUN. I bet she got knocked to keep Cash around...
She's so annoying tbh. She announces shes preggo basicly at the point of conception when there was NO speculation, and then walks around covering her face like she's Julia frickin Roberts.

/ rant

amen! there was no speculation, that's why i think she's loving the attention and doing this for the attention too! since her movie bombed.
I read in some gossip rag that the pregnancy was planned and that they'll be marry before she gives birth
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